May 7, 2020
Online Events Coming Up
RSVP for online links
Tuesday Talk - May 12
Columbia and the Development of Morningside Heights
Andrew Dolkart,
Prof of Historic Preservation, School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation

Prof Dolkart is a compelling speaker and an expert on the development of Morningside Heights. Join your EPIC colleagues online for an engaging session on the factors that influenced the growth of our neighborhood, which has even been dubbed "the Acropolis of the new world".

Tuesday, May 12, 2020
2:00 PM
Online Event
(Zoom details will be sent after registration)

Documentary Series - May 19
Oscar-nominated Documentary
Strong Island streaming followed by Q&A with Director & Producer Yance Ford

Strong Island chronicles the story of the Ford family: Barbara Dunmore, William Ford and their three children and how their lives were shaped by the enduring shadow of race in America. A deeply intimate and meditative film, Strong Island asks what one can do when the grief of loss is entwined with historical injustice, and how one grapples with the complicity of silence, which can bind a family in an imitation of life, and a nation with a false sense of justice.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020
3:00 PM
Online Event
(Zoom details will be sent after registration)

Grad Scholar Talk - May 26
Reclaiming Constitutional Tort Law
Noah Smith-Drelich
Academic Fellow, Columbia Law School

In this talk, Noah Smith-Drelich, lead counsel in the case  Thunderhawk v. County of Morton will use the Standing Rock litigation to illustrate a number of questions and challenges raised by constitutional litigation. What do we seek to accomplish by allowing private actors to sue the government for constitutional wrongdoing? In what ways do these suits succeed and in what ways do they fail when it comes to protecting speech, religious exercise, and other constitutional rights and liberties? 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020
2:00 PM
Online Event
(Zoom details will be sent after registration)
EPIC/SPS Talks - June 2
My Story: Paved with Good Intentions

... a conversation between Barry Rosen , held hostage in the US Embassy in Tehran for 444 days, and Jo Shepherd , Professor Emerita, Teachers College, Columbia University

EPIC/SPS Talks are a collaboration between three organizations: Emeritus Professors in Columbia (EPIC); Columbia University School of Professional Studies (SPS); and Morningside Retirement and Health Services (MRHS).

Pictured above: Iran crisis ex-hostages after release in 1981 (from bottom to top): Barry Rosen, John Limbert & Bert Moore. (credit: The LIFE Images Collection via G)

Wednesday, June 3, 2020
7:15 PM
Online Event
(Zoom details will be sent after registration)
ONLINE EPIC Yoga: Every Thursday
10 am - 11 am and 11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Professor Emerita Virginia Papaioannou , a registered teacher with the Yoga Alliance, leads EPIC Yoga.
No prior experience is required to join. Yoga can benefit people at all levels of physical training and health, but it is always wise to consult with a physician before undertaking any new exercise regime. Modifications will be offered to any participants with specific limitations arising from recovery from injury, arthritis, limited movement, or other causes.

Two one-hour classes are offered each week. The 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. class practices breathing techniques and moves through some basic yoga poses, concentrating on alignment, balance, and flexibility. Those with experience move more deeply into the poses. From 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. , we practice gentle/chair yoga, which is ideal for those of more limited mobility or flexibility. Classes include breathing, stretching, and yoga poses, done either seated in a chair or standing. No yoga mats are required for this class.
Need more info? email Lalla Grimes.
Do you have any questions about EPIC? Contact us .