Volume 9
September 2020
About OK People, Places, and Accomplishments
Oklahoma Wind – Bringing Advancements to Renewable Energy
As Oklahomans travel north and south along Interstate 35 and west along Interstate 40, one cannot miss seeing the majestic white windmill-like apparatuses, called wind turbines, clustered against the terrain and set deep into the sunset.  What an amazing sight as each one of these massive machines is working to generate clean, natural power for not only thousands of Oklahoma homes and businesses, but far beyond our borders to locations throughout the U.S. 

Amid COVID-19 Pandemic, Mayors Bynum and Holt Lead Their Cities
and State
As the COVID-19 pandemic began to spread across Oklahoma, hitting the state’s two largest metros especially hard, mayors in Oklahoma City and Tulsa not only had to juggle policy decisions but also had to navigate complicated political dynamics.

Fall – An Amazing Time to Travel
in Oklahoma
Fall is just around the corner and with that, cooler temperatures, along with amazing scenery and activities to enjoy throughout our state. From Woodward in the northwest, to the Kiamichi Trace in the southeast, to scenic State Highway 10, travelling from Miami to Tahlequah in the northeast, to the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge in the southwest, Oklahoma can boast of some of the most beautiful and scenic fall foliage routes in the U.S. In fact, there are 14 such routes you can enjoy whether during a day-trip or an extended trip this fall.

The OML Municipal Messenger is a monthly e-newsletter featuring Oklahoma communities, people, and accomplishments. We would love to hear story ideas about your communities. If you have a story idea, please contact Kay Hunt at
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Thank you to our Corporate Sponsors
for their continued support