June 19 - 25 2020 / Sivan 27 - Tammuz 3 5780  
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Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue
Rabbi Silverman's Message

Our Torah portion this week, Sh'lach L'cha , challenges us to question what we choose to see. Moses, residing with the Israelites in the wilderness, sends twelve scouts into the Promised Land. When they return with their report, ten of them warn that trying to settle there would be impossible, while two of them, Joshua and Caleb, are confident that the Israelites will succeed. 

After the scouts report, the Israelites despair and want to turn back to Egypt.  Furious at their lack of faith, God punishes the people by forcing them to wander in the desert until that generation has died. It is only Joshua and Caleb, the tribe of Levi, and the children who were born in the wilderness, that are allowed to enter the Promised Land.

We are living in a time when what we choose to see can change the future of our country. What do we see in the news coverage of a protest or when we march in a protest ourselves? What do we see when we watch a video of a man being murdered? What do we see when today's date, June 19, Juneteenth, appears on our calendars? These have all happened before--do we see them differently this time?

And what do we envision for the future? 

The scouts traversed the same land but saw different things and envisioned different futures. What do we choose to see? Whose reports do we choose to believe? And which of us will be able to enter a different future?

This week I encourage us to be very aware of what we are choosing to see and envision. In a world with so much brokenness, there are many things we cannot control or change. We can control what we choose to see. And sometimes, that can change everything.
Update on Downtown Synagogue Zoom usage for services/programs:

For increased security, we will no longer be sharing Zoom links for services and programs in our newsletter. We will be using a different Zoom link each week, and that link will be used for all services/events happening that weekend (Friday night Shabbat, Saturday morning Shabbat, Tot Shabbat, Havdallah, etc.). The new Zoom link will be posted weekly on our website at 4:30 p.m. on Friday afternoons.

Additionally, if you are joining from a cell phone, please update your name so that we know to let you in.

Thank you for your flexibility and understanding. We look forward to maintaining our community connection in these challenging times.


Virtual Shabbat Services - *Updated Schedules* 
Friday nights
On Friday nights, we will begin at 5:30 p.m. with some check-in time, and then around 6:00 p.m., we will begin Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv. 
On the first Friday night of each month, we will hold a Tot Shabbat service led by Rabbi Silverman and Gavri Yares from 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. We invite you and your young children to join us in song!  
Saturday mornings
On all  first and second Saturday mornings of the month, we will have Torah Study at 9:00 a.m., followed by a worship service at 10:00 a.m.

Tomorrow, and on all third and fourth Saturday mornings of the month, we will have our Sleep-In Shabbats starting at 10:30 a.m. with Schmooze time, 11:00 a.m. Torah Study, and 12:00 p.m. Mincha service.

Tomorrow, and on the third Saturday morning of the month, we will hold a Tot Shabbat service  led by Rabbi Silverman and Gavri Yares from 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. We invite you and your young children to join us in song!

Please find the link to this weekend's Shabbat services on our website.

Torah Portion for June 19th - 20th: Sh'lach L'cha, Numbers  13:1-15:41
**Summer 2020 Shabbat Schedule Coming Soon...** 
Tot Shabbat - Morning Service 
Saturday, June 20th, 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. 
Zoom (see below for details)
Join us for our monthly Saturday morning Tot Shabbat service! Tot Shabbats will be held on the third Saturday mornings of each month. Families and children are welcome to join in for community, prayer, and song led by Gavri Yares.
Please find the link to this weekend's Tot Shabbat service on our website. 
Community Coffee & Check-in with Rabbi Silverman
Tuesdays, 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 
Zoom (see below for details)
Rabbi Silverman will be holding open hours to connect, catch-up, and drink some  homemade coffee on  Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m-11:30 a.m.

Link for all Coffee & Chat hours:
Or call 646.876.9923, Meeting ID 594 469 508
If you need help setting up Zoom technology, please email us and we will walk you through it. 
Downtown Synagogue Siddurim 
Have you been participating in services? Are you ready to have your very own copy of the Downtown Synagogue prayer book? Our prayer book is unique as every Hebrew word is both transliterated and translated, and was prepared by our member Joe Lewis.  
We are happy to provide contact-less delivery directly to you, so that you can continue to worship with us from the comfort of your home.
If you are interested in purchasing a prayer book for a suggested donation of $36, please reach out to Liz
In honor of Judith Herman's 90 th Birthday by Rebecca Herman
In honor of Gil Schwartz's 35 th Birthday and nearly 18 years of friendship by Vadim Avshalumov
Mazel Tov to Chava Knox on having her essay "The Silent Victims; How Children Are Effected By Incarcerated Parents" featured in the book Critical Story Telling In 2020: Issues, Elections, and Beyond
Community Resources for COVID-19  
The staff and board of the Downtown Synagogue is thinking of ways to support our community's needs right now. If you or a loved one needs help, please let us know- we will endeavor to connect you to services or help you directly. Please reach out to Rabbi Silverman with resource inquiries.

In addition, we are aware of the following community resources:
Unemployment Insurance Agency: Please visit the UIA website to learn about how to file for unemployment.   
Jewish Federation: Please visit the Jewish Federation Coronavirus community resource page which includes support for meal delivery, emergency loans for small businesses, and mental health support. 
Jewish Family Service: Please view this PDF to learn about all local resources, compiled by JFS. Resources include financial assistance, employment services, housing, food assistance, transportation, and much more.  
Yad Ezra: Please visit Yad Ezra's website to learn more about their current food distribution services.  
Pantry Net: Please visit Pantry Net's website to view a local listing of pantries throughout Michigan.   
JHelp: Please visit JHelp's website 
to view resources that may support the local Jewish community.
JHelp Food Delivery Program: JHELP/Kosher Meals on Wheels program is for people over 60 years of age and those with disabilities in the tri-county area who need Kosher food and do not have other options for receiving support with their food needs. The food delivery service is free.

For those who do not qualify for government funding and may be unable to pay the full cost of the meal, costs will be subsidized by the Jewish Federation and our generous donors. Please call 1-833-445-4357 to register for this program. 
City of Detroit: Please visit the City of Detroit's website to learn more about the free meal program/food resources, unemployment benefits, water restart plan, and what actions and precautions are currently being taken to slow the spread of COVID-19. 
CDC: Please visit the Center for Disease Control & Prevention's website to stay up to date on the COVID-19 pandemic.  
2-1-1 United Way: Please visit United Way's website to learn about local support resources being provided to community members.   

Umbrella: Umbrella is coordinating free grocery delivery and medication pick up for Detroit seniors. People 60 and over can either fill out the form here or call them at 844-402-2480 (M-F 9am-6pm) to place an order.

As demand for deliveries increases, they are also seeking volunteers to do the shopping. Volunteers can sign up here. There is no minimum commitment to volunteer - even doing one grocery shop makes a big difference. All deliveries are contactless and hyperlocal.
Call for Mi Shebeirach
During our Shabbat morning worship, we read the names of people in our community who are in need of healing. As we invoke God's blessing, we also become more aware of the people who could use a little extra care. Please let us know if you would like us to read the name of a loved one.



Stay Connected
The Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue
1457 Griswold - Detroit, MI - 48226 - (313) 962-4047