2 July 2020

Le Journal

from the head of school

School Updates
Dear AL Community,

As the summer progresses and we are gearing up for another school year, I would like to announce that M. Jean-Claude Diatta will be replacing Mme Houfaidi as Oak principal and Mme Werner will be stepping in as Vice-Principal. M. Diatta joined Académie Lafayette 20 years ago as an elementary school teacher. He has been Vice-Principal and Curriculum Director the last 5 years. He earned an Education Specialist degree in Urban Leadership from the University of Central Missouri. Dorothée Werner has been teaching at Académie Lafayette for 8 years. She has just completed a Master's Degree in School Leadership from Baker University. 

The school reopening task force is continuing its work: teachers were surveyed this week to gage how they feel and so the school can support them to be fully prepared for whatever model is adopted. Please mark your calendars for the parent town hall on Tuesday, July 14th, 6-7pm on our FB page ( ). You can submit your questions ahead of time here

Have a safe and fun 4th of July! 

Elimane Mbengue
Head of School

from the head of school

K-1 Parent Survey
Dear Parents, 

We hope that your children enjoyed session 1 of Summer School and are now resting to prepare for session 2. The person listed as Guardian 1 for all K-1 students has been emailed a feedback survey for session 1. The survey will close on Saturday, July 3rd at midnight. Our next Summer School session will start on Monday, July 6th. 

Have a safe 4th of July weekend.

Ousmane Baldé
Summer School Director


In This Edition:


Upcoming Events

June 29 - July 3rd
No Summer School online classes- 4th of July Holiday. 
July 6 - July 24
Summer School Second Session Online classes start

July 14
Re-opening Town Hall
6-7 pm, AL FB page

Access the 2020-21 school calendar by clicking here


Food Service Updatefood

There is no food service on Friday, July 3rd. 


Last Week to Order your yearbook! YB

Yearbook orders are now open until Sunday, July 5th. We do not know yet when we will receive them or distribute them as COVID19 has slowed everything down. We will keep you updated. Click  here to order and use yearbook code 5828320. 


Re-Enrollment Happening NowEnrollment

Re-enrollment STEP 2 has been sent to your emails. Please use the link provided in your email and check your spam folder.  All required forms, including 'Proof of Residency' must be uploaded with the re-enrollment form in order to submit. Re-enrollment deadline is July 17th. Contact Peggy Arians at if you have any questions. 


Social Work and Counseling CornerSocialCorner

Supporting Each Other:
The pandemic continues to have a devastating effect on the financial situations of many of our AL families.  The   GoFundMe set up by the PTO is still accepting donations to help them stay on their feet.  Thank you so much to those who have made donations already.  These funds have been used to provide assistance with utilities, rent, food, diapers and other basic necessities.   Our community's commitment to taking care of each other is awe inspiring.

Food Service:
Also, we are offering food deliveries between 11-1:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Please email your campus counselor or social worker to sign up for deliveries.  Deliveries currently include sack lunches, family dinners and groceries.
If you would like to pick up food, you may do so between 1-2:00 at Armour on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday.  You do not need to sign up in advance.  Just come to the east door on McGee Street. We can provide lunches to all children in your family under the age of 18 even if they do not attend AL.

There is no food service on Friday, July 3rd. 

Mental Health / Parenting Resources:


Diverse Charter Schools Coalition (DCSC): ResourcesDCSC


Fall School Supplies OrdersSupplies

school_supplies_tool.jpg Dear Parents,

Our school is participating in a school supplies program with this year. When you purchase your school supplies on, our school will receive 50% of the profits!

* One-click ordering makes back-to-school shopping simple!
* All lists are teacher approved
* Parents can customize orders (buy only what you need)
* Quality, name-brand products you trust
* Low prices and next-day shipping to your home
* The school gets half the profits!

Register for a coupon code here. Visit Yubbler to order today! 


Technology and EquipmentTech



  • To help answer your questions, we have created our Covid-19 webpage, which will be updated as we have more information to share.  If, at any time, you have a question, concern or information to share, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teachers, counselors, principals or Mr. Mbengue.
  • We will continue to communicate with families and students through emails, all-calls, website and social media updates. We are also exploring the possibility of text messages with families.

Oak Street Campus
6903 Oak Street
Kansas City, MO 64113

Cherry Street Campus
3421 Cherry Street
Kansas City, MO 64109