Saturday, June 20, 2020
2020 ACA Virtual Youth Cultural Summer Camp 

July 13-July 31

3 Weeks
Registration is Now Open!
The ACA's summer camp program has a 20-year history, popular among both Chinese and non-Chinese families. As part of its mission of cultural sharing, the camp has allowed countless students to explore and experience Chinese culture, as well as to develop a passion for their roots. 

Though we cannot be together in person this year, we would still like to maintain the essence of our camp. After careful deliberation, we have decided to move our summer camp online! Campers will be able to participate in a variety of classes and interact with teachers, counselors, and fellow campers.

As always, our purpose is to introduce, explore, and immerse our campers into Chinese Culture by engaging them in Chinese art, dance, martial arts, language, games, and music. In addition, we also hope to teach campers important life skills such as responsibility, communication, teamwork, leadership, and critical thinking.

美华文化夏令营举办至今已有二十年,一直以来广受华人和非华人家庭的欢迎和喜爱。秉承发扬传统文化,并与现代文化相结合的宗旨,每年藉由短短三周暑期时间达成文化薪传的使命, 让无数年轻学子有机会在文化活动中学习成长, 更加热爱和了解自己的文化根源。




Registration form and fees are due by Tuesday, June 30, at 3:00 PM.
What we are offering for this year’s summer camp!
ACA will no longer be able to provide on-site services , but our staff will be working remotely to continue providing assistance and our phone lines will still remain open Monday through Friday from 9 am - 4 pm, however, with limited resources we ask only those with urgent needs or Census-related questions to call in. 

For Census or Social work inquiries, please call 248-880-8878.

For other inquiries, please call 313-831-1790 or 248-585-9343.