September 2021
Bridges Start to Take Shape with Ongoing Construction of Base Supports
After clearing the path for the Skiffes Creek Connector, VDOT's contractor crews have been busy this summer working on the ground support structures that form the foundations for the two bridge crossings that are part of the new Connector roadway, between Route 60 (Pocahontas Trail) and Route 143 (Merrimac Trail) in James City County.
Once complete, the Connector will include a 2-lane bridge over Skiffes Creek and a second crossing spanning Route 143 and its adjacent CSX railroad tracks. 
At each bridge site, work continues to place below-grade support piles as part of the reinforced concrete pier and abutment footings of the bridges. Motorists traveling along Route 143 may catch a view of the large red crane (pictured top right) used to help place steel support piles for the bridge pier.

Additionally, construction of the retaining walls has begun at each bridge. At the Skiffes Creek bridge, tiered concrete footers for cast-in-place concrete retaining walls have been poured trailing behind each of the bridge’s abutment footing. Along Route 143 and the CSX railroad tracks, the erection of precast concrete panels that make up the mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) retaining wall can be seen. These walls are supported with the placement of large stone beds, reinforced steel anchors and concrete panels. Work this fall will continue the construction of each bridge's columns, pier caps, and abutment caps to prepare for bridge girder and deck placement in late 2021 and early 2022. 
Roadway activities continue throughout other areas of the project, including relocating power and telecommunication utilities along the Connector path, maintaining temporary stormwater basins and critical environmental facilities, and geotechnical exploring for signal foundations at Route 60 and Route 143 intersections. Grading and earthwork activities will continue through the fall to prepare for construction of the roadway surface. Concurrently, storm sewer pipe installation for the permanent drainage system will be installed along the Connector path.
Photo: Crews place sensor equipment to collect data during the pile driving operations.
Photo: H-beam support piles are driven over 70 feet underground as part of the structural support for the bridges.
Photo: Crews individually place reinforced concrete panels to create the retaining wall structure for the bridge crossing over Route 143 and CSX rail line.
Photo: Precast concrete panels align to create the side retaining wall for the bridge over Route 143 and CSX rail line.
Photo: The bridge abutment and slope protection for the bridge over Skiffes Creek becomes visible.
Photo: Reinforced concrete shapes the abutment and pier bases for the bridge spanning Skiffes Creek.
The Skiffes Creek Connector project includes the construction of the following:
  • New roadway connection between Route 143 and Route 60
  • Intersection improvements at Route 60
  • Bridge over Skiffes Creek
  • Bridge over Route 143 and CSX rail
  • Intersection improvements at Route 143
  • Stormwater management facility (temporary)
  • Multi-use path along Route 60

Additional details on the project can be found at VDOT's project website located at
Travel Impacts
Lane Shifts Remain on Route 143 

Motorists traveling along Route 143 will continue to encounter a shift of all travel lanes in both directions. This shift was put in place this past spring to allow crews and equipment to safely access the roadway shoulder and construction site entrance. All lanes remain open in both directions. 

Motorists should stay alert, reduce speed and pay attention when traveling through the construction area.  
Upcoming Construction Activities
The following items are expected within the project limits this fall:

  • Continued work on substructure elements for bridges over Skiffes Creek and Route 143 / CSX rail line
  • Utility relocations at Route 60 and Route 143 connector points
  • Beginning of intersection improvements including signalized intersection at Route 60
  • Storm drainage installation
  • Earth moving activities for roadway construction
  • Excavation for permanent stormwater facilities

All work is weather- and schedule-dependent and subject to change.
Work Zone Safety is Important to All

Please be mindful of crews working alongside the road as large work vehicles may be turning into and out of construction entrances.
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