April 29th, 2020
Dear CASC'ers,
The headshot of Shih-Ya Chang
Congratulations on finishing up the semester!!

My name is Shih-Ya Chang 張思亞 (she/her). I graduated from the MSW program a year ago and currently work at CASC as a part-time staff. It has been a privilege to be a part of the CASC family, and I’ve been greatly encouraged by your resilience and activism as CASC’ers.

Life is unpredictable. Half a year ago, I was in the process of applying to a business visa (I’m from Taiwan) to stay at my current job. The process did not work out due to various criteria and visa regulations. Three months ago, I was going to present at an international social work conference in Italy taking place in July. Due to covid-19, the conference was postponed thus my trip was canceled. A month ago, I decided to leave the U.S.A. in mid-May and do remote work until the end of June when my visa ends. However, just a week ago, flights to Taiwan were canceled, and I ended up packing (getting rid of) everything in a weekend, hopped on the only available plane, and here I am, back home in Taiwan - on Quarantine Day 6.

What happened to me is not a single narrative. The whole world is facing the impact of covid-19. I am sure you can relate to me on how fast the situation escalated, altered our plans, and disrupted our routines in the last weeks. We are dealing with a global pandemic, trying our best to cope with what’s happening around us. At times, when I check on the news and how social issues, inequity, and injustice have surged to the surface causing hatred and divisions, I felt overwhelmed, helpless, and very sad.

However, today as I am quarantined in this apartment by myself, reflecting and writing to you, I am reminded to look beyond the current situation. I am grateful for the practice of critical reflexive thinking, which pushes me to switch my perspective from self-centered to other- and global-centered. I wonder, as change agents, what can we do?

During the past seven years in the U.S.A., I’ve grown. My worldview was stretched not only because of the exposure to English and multicultural diversity. It was expanded also because I have learned to recognize the complexity of communities and the intersectionality of my own positionalities in local and global contexts. The process of growth is not easy, and it is never easy to navigate systems filled with human flaws. Yet often I am surprised by how adaptable I can be (we all can be) when accepting the challenge and stepping out of comfort zones.

I don’t have a set answer for you regarding what to do. Future can be scary, especially when there is so much uncertainty. However, I challenge you, CASC’ers, to join me in counting the accomplishments in the past and looking beyond hardships. I challenge us to find flexibility and adaptability. And I challenge us to keep asking: what made me who I am today? what can I contribute? and what can I do to change the status quo, to make our world a better place?

We are in this together,
COVID-19 Resources
For general updates and announcements on COVID-19 related information from the School of Social Work, please click on this link to access the SSW COVID-19 Website .
Emergency Funding Resources
The flyer for the CASC Emergency Aid
In light of COVID-19, many students are seeking opportunities to identify emergency aid to support living expenses, moving and travel costs, and more. Recognizing that many of you are seeking support, we have created a donor based emergency fund to help offset costs. This funding offers financial supports to costs such as moving, food, and housing.
In addition, we have received confirmation that emergency funding can be requested from your respective school/ or college. We also strongly encourage you to identify emergency funding from your major degree school/college in addition to the Dean of Students Emergency Aid webpage.
Resources, Mutual Aid, and Volunteer Links
The School of Social Work Office of Student Services (OSS) and Community Action and Social Change Undergraduate Minor (CASC) office have identified resources to share during the COVID-19 pandemic and compiled them in this document. This is not an SSW official document as SSW does not consistently check and verify all resources.

If you would like to add a resource on this list, please share the resources here . Our offices will work on updating the list in a timely manner, and we recommend that you contact the individual resource origin to find more information.
Academic Advising and Course Enrollment
Grading Policy
At this time, all undergraduate courses will transition to an alternative grading policy in which faculty enter traditional letter grades, but students receive either "Pass," or "No Record Covid" on their permanent transcripts. Students who receive a "Pass," or "P," will receive the full course credit. The grade cut-off for a "P" will be the same as the traditional grade minimum for students to receive course credit, which is a C-. This new policy also applies to undergraduates enrolled in graduate courses, but would not apply to classes graded before March 10. Refer to the Office of the Registrar COVID 19 FAQ , and email your instructor for more details. 

  • SW 401For graduating seniors enrolled in SW 401 with concerns about their final grade, please contact your course instructor for more details and additional information will be provided soon. 
Withdrawal from Courses
Students are permitted to withdraw from enrolled courses at the latest, April 21st. 
If you plan to disenroll from a course that counts toward the minor and have concerns about fulfilling degree requirements, please contact , or sign up for an academic advising appointment (virtually or by phone)
Course Guide
The Spring/Summer 20 and Fall 20 course guide is now live on the CASC website. Please note that per university standard, all Spring and Summer classes will be remote. In light of this recent news, spring/summer course offerings may change in the coming weeks. We at CASC will provide up to date information as we are notified. 

  • SW 305 Spring Half Term If you would like to enroll in the SW 305 course in the Spring Half term, it will be available for open enrollment and offered as an online course, in accordance with university policy. 
A flyer of Spring/Fall CASC Courses
Advising and Office Hours
The School of Social Work is officially closed to the public. Given the circumstances, we will remain available by email, phone, or virtually. In order to schedule an advising appointment, go to the LSA advisor portal to set up a phone or virtual meeting, and we will contact you during your appointment time. Additionally, in-person drop-in hours, Wednesdays 1-4, are canceled for the remainder of the term. We will continue to monitor the email account to address advising questions, or other concerns. 
Program Updates
COVID-19: Stigma, Physical Distancing, and Solidarity
April 30, 2020
3 - 4 PM EDT

This week we will focus on the history of pandemics in the United States, specifically in New Orleans, and their impact while they are raging and beyond. We will also focus on the impact of COVID-19 on LGBTQ+ individuals and communities. 

PodCASC is continuing! Check out our website to see the newest episodes.

Also, stay in tune, our next episode is an interview with alumna Emily Hill, MSW, who is currently working on research project about medication adherence related to HIV, public health awareness of HIV and U=U, mental health therapy. She is also a part of Amplify Colectivo , which is currently offering two support groups beginning at the end of April. These groups will be meeting weekly through a virtual format, and they are each uniquely designed to offer support for specific folks during this uncertain and difficult time of COVID-19.
Stay Connected
Community Action and Social Change Undergraduate Minor  | (734) 763-5733 |