May 2020 Newsletter
PMIS:  A Concerning New Entity
Late last week, we received notice from the NYS Department of Health that 64 children had been reported to have developed Pediatric Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome (PMIS) following infection with COVID-19.  

The syndrome looks like a cross between Kawasaki's disease and Toxic Shock Syndrome and is characterized by prolonged fever, rash, abdominal pain, and myocarditis.  Nasal swabs for the presence of active coronavirus infection are typically negative, but blood-work shows elevated markers of inflammation and the presence of antibodies to COVID-19.

On Saturday, the governor reported that the number of children has risen to 73, and three deaths are now linked to this new condition.  Prior to this report, of the 27,000 COVID-related deaths here in NY, only four were in children under age 10.

What can parents do to reduce the risk of this syndrome?  
1. Give your child an age-appropriate dose of vitamin D3 daily.  The anti-inflammatory effects of vitamin D are well-established, and recent reports are confirming the clinical suspicion that vitamin D reduces the risk of COVID-19. 
2. Give your child an age-appropriate daily dose of marine oil such as cod liver oil.  Like vitamin D, the anti-inflammatory effects are well-established, and omega-3s have a mild blood-thinning effect that could come in handy.
3. For children with an auto-immune condition such as asthma, PANDAS, or Hashimoto's, it may be prudent to check blood levels of vitamin D, omega-3, and baseline CRP (marker of inflammation) if this has not been done recently.

There are a myriad of additional options for reducing inflammation risk.  Not all are appropriate for all children.  If you wish to discuss this matter in greater detail with one of our clinical staff, consider scheduling a telemedicine consult -- or an in-office visit as we have recently begun to reserve our main office exclusively for well-visits.  Children with fevers, coughs, etc. will be seen in suite 202, upstairs from our main office.
Can N95s Cause Headache?
Back in 2006, clinicians from Singapore published their discovery that prolonged use of N95 masks was associated with headaches.  In their survey of 212 healthcare workers, 37% reported headaches from the N95s.

A study published a few weeks ago, also from Singapore, confirmed these findings.  They found that of a group of 158 healthcare workers, 81% reported new onset PPE- related headaches.  

Others have reported dizziness /confusion and shortness-of-breath / nasal congestion while using N95 respirators.  It doesn't take more than a trip to the grocery store these days to see dozens of people wearing N95s.  One wonders how many of them are aware that their migraine may not be just from stress or their stuffy nose is not simply a pollen allergy? 
Weight Gain During the COVID Crisis?
Can you relate to this Four Stages of Quarantine meme?  Have you seen it happen to family or friends?

Children also can "self-medicate with food" in response to the anxiety and frustration brought on by the corona-crisis.

What can parents do to help?  Dr. Mukai Jaravaza, who is board-certified in obesity medicine, shares some of her tips with us in this interview:

We also have recent interviews with Lauren Van Buren PA-C and Sarah Sercombe DNP posted on our website here.  We'll post videos featuring Dawn Prati PNP and Jennifer Lown FNP at that same link next week.  
Banned on Amazon
Paul Thomas MD in an integrative pediatrician from Portland, Oregon.  He grew up in Zimbabwe, attended Dartmouth Medical School and completed his pediatric residency at University of California, San DIego.  

He is author of  THE VACCINE-FRIENDLY PLAN,  A Compassionate, Holistic Approach To Recovery.  Last month, he wrote a short eBook about coronavirus that included topics such as:
  • Avoiding Covid-19 & Boosting Your Immune System
  • How To Manage A Possible Covid-19 Infection
  • How To Know When It Is Time To Go To The Hospital
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