Hennepin Happenings
News & Events @ Hennepin Avenue UMC
Friday, February 5, 2021
What do YOU think?
Congregational Survey: Worship and the Road to Reopening

All Hennepin members and constituents are invited to participate in a 10-15 minute survey about your experiences of worship since the pandemic began, and your thoughts about our return to in-person worship in the future.

The survey results are anonymous.
The survey will be open through the month of February.

Ready to get started? Find the survey here!

Thank you in advance for your participation and thoughtful feedback!
HAUMC Youth Instagram Takeover
During the Month of February

In celebration of February being Black History Month, HAUMC Youth are taking over Hennepin's social media.

Through a series of posts spread throughout the month, Hennepin Youth will be sharing stories about the contributions made by African Americans that most inspire them, with the goal of celebrating and raising awareness of the important contributions being made by African Americans in our community and country every day.

Keep your eyes on HAUMC's social media channels to learn and celebrate with HAUMC Youth.
Close Encounters:
Linked through Lent
Daily Virtual Small Groups
Starting Sunday, February 21

Every day during Lent, you are invited to participate in lay-led conversation and encounter to encourage, inspire, and connect us with each other and with God. Linked thru Lent groups meet for 45 minutes for connection, conversation, inspiration, encouragement (and maybe a good laugh).

No registration needed. Simply drop in for a close encounter of the Hennepin kind!

Group times are:
Monday, 6:30 - 7:15 PM
Tuesday, 7:00 - 7:45 PM
Wednesday, 11:00 - 11:45 AM
Thursday, 5:00 - 5:45 PM
Friday, 12:30pm - 1:15 PM
Saturday, 8:00 - 8:45 AM
Sunday, 9:00-9:45 AM

All groups can be accessed by video using this link. You can also join by phone by calling 929-205-6099.

Meeting ID: 892 1247 2212
Passcode: 252039
Hennepin's Phased Reopening Plans
We're moving back to the "Orange Phase"

As hospitalizations due to COVID and the number of new daily COVID cases in MN stays steady, we are reopening our church building for certain limited purposes.

Here is what to expect during the Orange Phase:
  • in-person on-site baptisms, weddings and funerals are permitted for groups of no more than 10 people;
  • worship services continue to be held online only;
  • most groups and committees continue to meet virtually;
  • a receptionist will be on site Monday through Friday, 8am to 4pm, and the building will be fully closed on weekends;
  • throughout the church building hand-sanitizing stations are in place; 
  • appropriate signage has been posted to indicate spaces within the building that remain closed;
  • most staff continue to work remotely;
  • staff in the office wear masks, measure their temperature before working in the office, and are directed to disinfect their personal workspace before leaving;
  • members, vendors and other guests adhere to the same requirements as staff.

Thank you for your prayers and patience as we navigate the best way in which to reopen safely. If you have any questions regarding HAUMC’s reopening plan, please contact Joe Polach, Director of Facilities, by phone at 612.435.1335 or by email at joep@haumc.org.
Free Take-Home COVID Tests
Monday, Wednesday or Friday 7:30a-2:30p
at the Dignity Center, 425 Groveland Ave. in Minneapolis

We are offering free saliva tests that you can take at home. You can pick up your test any Monday, Wednesday or Friday 7:30-2:30 at the Dignity Center, 425 Groveland Ave.

Please email TheDignityCenter@gmail.com or call 612-435-1315 to schedule a pick up.

A few notes about the test:

You should not eat, drink or use tobacco products for 30 minutes before taking the test.

You will need access to the internet (via phone or computer when using the test) for a zoom meeting with someone with Vault labs who will observe/walk you through the testing process.

You will also need to register with Vault Labs (online) to take the test. Each person taking the test will need to register AND provide a separate email for results notification.

You will receive their results via email within 48-72 hours after the test.

You will need to take the test (in the provided, pre-paid envelope) to a United Parcel Service (UPS) the same day you take the test. You cannot take the envelope to the post office (USPS) or FedEx.
COVID-19 Vaccination
Pilot Program

On January 18, the State of Minnesota launched a vaccination pilot program at nine sites across the state. As the federal government increases vaccine supply, a more extensive network of vaccination clinics will roll out in communities.

The January pilot program is open for:

*Minnesotans 65 and older (who can sign up online or over the phone)
*Pre-K-12 educators and staff (who will work directly with their program or school)
*Child care workers (who will be randomly selected and notified)

Pre-register online or by phone at 833-431-2053. Appointments are extremely limited, and no walk-ins will be accepted.

Because this is a limited pilot program, vaccine demand is greater than available supply, so please remain patient and continue to wear a mask, wash your hands regularly and stay six feet away from others who do not live in your household.

Here is a link to Frequently Asked Questions about the vaccine.
Passionate Worship
Worship This Week
Uncommon Love for the Common Good
With Wings Like Eagles

Sacred Journey at 8:30am
Scripture: Isaiah 40:29-31

Traditional Worship at 10am
Scripture: Isaiah 40:29-31

Interactive Ash Wednesday Worship
Wednesday, February 17 at 7pm on Zoom

Open the season of Lent--during which we explore what it means to have Close Encounter with God--with your Hennepin community. We will gather for a special interactive virtual worship service on Zoom.

We will celebrate Communion, and participate in the imposition of ashes in some creative ways! Bring your bread, juice and ash-substitute* to this intimate and unique worship service!

Zoom meeting info is coming soon.

*Ash substitutes can include soot from a candle or fireplace, flour, chalk, eyeshadow, potting soil, baby powder--anything with a powdery texture.
Risk-Taking Mission and Service
Protect Sacred Water: Nationwide Digital Rally to #StopLine3
Wednesday, February 10, 2:00-3:00pm

Join this digital rally organized by Interfaith Power & Light, GreenFaith, MNIPL, and others.

Learn from Indigenous leaders about the Line 3 resistance and their call on President Biden to stop it.

Line 3 construction is well underway and is beginning to run through precious wild ricing waters sacred to the Anishinaabe peoples, and through the Mississippi River headwaters to the shore of Lake Superior.

Find out all the ways you can be in solidarity with water protectors on the frontlines. Click here to register.
Meet Jennie, The Dignity Center's newest intern!

Jennie is a native Minnesotan and is currently a student at Luther Seminary in St. Paul. She is working towards a Master of Divinity degree with a focus on pastoral care, and hopes to become a rostered Word and Service minister in the Lutheran Church (ELCA).

She has been a physical therapist for around twenty years, and has been working full time while taking classes part time. Jennie is interning at The Dignity Center through the Social Justice Clinical Pastoral Education(CPE) Program. CPE is a chaplaincy internship which is part of the ministry education and training process for parish ministers, chaplains, lay ministers, teachers, and counselors. 

Thanks to the Social Justice CPE program, The Dignity Center has been a place for faith leaders to do an internship in spiritual care since early 2010. Working at The Dignity Center shapes the leaders' future in ministry through hands-on learning about housing insecurity and poverty in the Twin Cities. The Dignity Center is blessed with at least one CPE intern a year, funded by the Social Justice CPE program and the generous donations of The Dignity Center's supporters.

The Dignity Center is also proud to be forging a new partnership with City House to provide spiritual mentoring for Jennie and future CPE interns. Jennie says, "I am excited to be here at The Dignity Center for my CPE training with a focus on social justice. I am looking forward to this new learning experience." 

Welcome, Jennie! We are happy to have you with us.
Action Alert
Join Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light for its
100% Virtual Lobby Day
Thursday, February 11 starting at 9:00 am

The 2021 legislative session is underway, and climate and clean energy policy are on the agenda. We must let our legislators know that thousands of us want our state to commit to a pathway toward 100% clean, equitable energy.

Join MNIPL for the 100% Virtual Lobby Day to build public pressure. We start at 9:00 am with lobbying training followed by virtual meetings with your legislator later in the day. No prior lobbying experience is needed.

Click here to register and invite members of your community to join!
Common Hope:
Introducing Josué, our new sponsored student

Hennepin Ave United Methodist Church partners with Common Hope to help students and families in Guatemala break the cycle of poverty. As a church we sponsor two students in Guatemala.

Since celebrating the high school graduation of our student Bryan at the end of 2020, we are excited to introduce to you our new student Josué!

We also continue to sponsor Ana, our young student in San Rafael village. Our sponsorship is helping Ana and Josué gain an education while also supporting all the vital programming Common Hope provides to their families in the areas of education, healthcare, housing, and family development.

We are excited to celebrate with Common Hope in their 35th anniversary year! Stay tuned for ways to join in the celebration, like joining our Walk For Hope Team in June! www.commonhope.org
Intentional Faith Development
Youth Break
Weekly on Wednesdays in February at 3:30pm on Zoom

School weeks are hard for so many reasons, and it's hard to do life when you are separated from community.

Starting Wednesday February 3, Rick Belbutoski, Hennepin's Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries, is inviting youth to drop in for a zoom call from 3:30 - 4:30 pm on Wednesday to talk about...whatever you want.

Homework, relationships, parents--whatever a youth might need to talk about is why this call exists. This call will help carry youth through the week with a little extra encouragement and a chance to see their friends' faces.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Join the Zoom meeting by video here. The link is the same each week.
Being Anti-Racist: Read, Learn, Act, Impact:
A Reading & Discussion Group for Parents
Weekly on Sundays at 7:30pm on Zoom

Join a group of parents, grandparents, and other adults on Sunday evenings at 7:30 p.m. We discuss great books, learn through conversation, and support each other as we take action steps to be anti-racist within our daily lives. All while trying to have an impact on the kids we love.

February - My Grandmother's Hands, by Resmaa Menakem
March - A Good Time for Truth, edited by Sun Yung Shin

No need to RSVP or to attend each week. To receive the Zoom link and what reading we are on, please email realm@haumc.org to be added to the Realm group.
February's book
March's book
Annual Faith Leader Summit
February 9, 9a-12p via Zoom

Join other faith leaders from across the state at the second annual Faith Leaders Summit.

Hear from our policy experts and elected officials, discuss the issues facing our state with colleagues, and develop action steps for the 2021 legislative session.

Register here.

After you register you will receive a link for Zoom and updates before the February 9 Summit.

For questions or further information, contact Joan Miltenberger, JRLC Statewide Organizer at jmiltenberger@jrlc.org or 612-230-3232.
Hennepin Book Club
Thursday, Feb 18 at 7pm on Zoom

Do you love reading? Especially during this homebound time? Join your Hennepin Avenue UMC community for a virtual book club!
Join us for an hour-long book discussion by Zoom meeting on February 18, 2021 at 7pm.
This month’s book selection will be “Dear Edward” by Ann Napolitano. We will discuss this book at book club on February 18.

We will continue to discuss the future schedule and book selections at each meeting. We will try to select books available online through local libraries or inexpensive websites like thriftbooks.com.
Please email Jane Mylrea if you are interested: janecmylrea@yahoo.com
Healing Through Poetry
Thursday, February 25, 6–8p online

In this supportive poetry workshop, learn how poetry can be used as a tool for healing through its use of language, symbols, moments, and visions.

Poems by Native American writers and writers of color will be shared to examine our contemporary struggles, wounds and ways of connecting with the wholeness of our self and others.

Writing prompts will be offered as well as time for voluntary sharing of poems.

Led by Sun Yung Shin. Collaborator: More Than a Single Story.
Register online at hclib.org/events
Old School by Steeple People
1901 Nicollet Ave S, Minneapolis

Hello Hennepin Friends! Old School by Steeple People is so grateful to all of you for your support during these strange times.

As we settle in to the Minnesota February doldrums, maybe it's a good time to sort your stuff!

We are in particular need of hardgoods: home decor, kitchen utensils and pans, knick knacks. We also need donations of jewelry and men's clothing.

Our donation day is Wednesday from 12 to 4 pm. If that time doesn't work for you, simply call the store (612 871-8305) and set up a different time.

Thank you so much! We look forward to seeing you and your lovely mask!
Radical Hospitality
8:00 – 8:30am
Monday through Friday every week

Morning Coffee is a chance to check in, engage in a lively discussion about a short scripture passage or topic, and then pray our way into the day. The group is always open to anyone who wants to experience a loving community as you start your day.

Join by phone using the dial-in information below:
‪Dial: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 842 8341 6140
8:00 - 8:30pm
Monday through Friday every week

Are you looking for a warm way to end your day?

Why not drop in to Closings and share a conversation with friends?  Closings is an open, lay-led group for connection, conversation, and community.

Each weeknight from 8:00-8:30pm, we end the day with gratitude, grace (and a good joke or two!). We also pray for and with each other and for our world. Drop in for one evening or for all five. It will encourage and inspire you (and even make you laugh!)

No registration needed. 

Join Zoom Meeting by video here beginning at 7:45pm.
Meeting ID: 842 8341 6140
Passcode: 975868
Do you have news to share in Hennepin Happenings?
Please fill out an announcement form at www.haumc.org/events.
The deadline for announcements is 12 Noon on Monday for announcements to be included in the following Friday's newsletter. 
Submissions are subject to editing for space and content.
Thanks for sharing your news!
511 Groveland Avenue, Minneapolis MN, 55403 | 612-871-5303