American Minute with Bill Federer
William Penn to Ben Franklin: Religious Tolerance & Freedom of Conscience in Pennsylvania
became the 2nd State to join the Union, DECEMBER 12, 1787.
was where the
Continental Congress met,
where the
Declaration of Independence
was signed, and where the
Liberty Bell
was rung.
The Continental Army spent the freezing winter of 1777 at Valley Forge in
was where the
U.S. Constitution
was written in 1787.
United States Capitol
was located there from 1790 to 1800.
was originally given by King Charles II in 1682 to young
William Penn,
in appreciation for the tremendous contributions of his father, the
famous Naval Admiral Sir William Penn.
young William Penn
was given 45,000 square miles, making him
the largest non-royalty landowner in the world.
What did he do with his land?
William Penn
decided to attempt a
"Holy Experiment"
-- to see if Christians of different denominations could live together.
This was unique in the world.
The same time 200,000 Ottoman Turkish Muslims were laying siege to Vienna, Austria,
William Penn
was insisting on purchasing land from Indians at a fair price and treating them with respect.
wrote in his
Concessions to the Province of Pennsylvania,
July 11, 1681:
"Whatever is sold to the
in consideration of their furs, shall be sold in the market place, and there suffer the test, whether good or bad; if good, to pass; if not good, not to be sold for good,
that the natives may not be abused
no man shall ... affront, or wrong any Indian
... He shall incur the same penalty of the law, as if he had committed it against his fellow planter ...
If any
shall abuse ... any planter ... he shall not be his own judge upon the
... he shall make his complaint to the governor ... who shall ... take care with the king (chief) of the said
that all reasonable satisfaction be made to the said injured planter ...
... All differences, between the
and the
shall also be ended by
twelve men,
that is, by
six planters
six natives;
that so we may
live friendly together
shall have liberty to do all things relating to improvement of their ground, and providing sustenance for their families, that any of the planters shall enjoy."
On a visit back to England,
William Penn
met the young
Peter the Great of Russia,
who was touring Europe to study methods of ship building.
They conversed in German, a language known to both.
coincidentally stayed in London at the same house where
had stayed a few years earlier, 21 Norfolk Street.
On April 3, 1698,
attended a
Quaker "Friends" meeting
at 144 Deptford High Street in London, where currently stands a Salvation Army shop.
He also visited the Friends’ Meeting Houses on Gracechurch Street.
Muscovy Street
Czar Street
are named for
William Penn
wrote to
Peter the Great,
July 2, 1698:
"It was a profound respect, and not a vain curiosity,
Great Czar,
which brought me twice to wait upon thee.
My desire was, and is, that as
God Almighty
has distinguished thee above so many millions of thy fellow-creatures, so thou mayest distinguish thyself above them by an extraordinary
zeal for piety and charity which are the two legs the Christian Religion stands upon ...
If thou wouldst rule well, thou must rule for God; and to do that, thou must be ruled by Him ..."
great Czar,
and take it with thee as one part of the collection of knowledge thou art making in this unexampled travel that 'tis in this kingdom of England that
has visited and touched the hearts of a people, above forty years ago,
by the holy light and at grace of his Son and our Saviour Jesus Christ.
By which their minds have been turned from false worship and evil living to worship
who is a spirit, in and by his own spirit."
At this time in history,
most countries and colonies permitted only one religion or one Christian denomination.
was unique in that anyone who acknowledged the "one Almighty God" was free to "fully enjoy his or her
Christian Liberty."
This was stated in the colony's first legislative act,
The Great Law of Pennsylvania,
December 7, 1682:
"No person ... who shall confess and acknowledge one
Almighty God
to be the
Creator, Upholder and Ruler of the World
... shall in any case be molested or prejudiced for
his, or her Conscientious persuasion or practice
but shall
freely and fully enjoy his or her Christian Liberty
without any interruption."
Instead of the harsh corporal punishment he experienced while imprisoned in the
notorious Tower of London, Penn
promoted the idea of putting a criminal is a room with a Bible till he
Chuck Colson stated in 1981:
introduced the concept in Pennsylvania ...
first American prison
was established in Philadelphia when the
Walnut Street Jail
was converted into a series of solitary cells where offenders were kept in solitary confinement.
... The theory was that they would become
' confessing their crimes before
and thereby gaining a spiritual rehabilitation.
Hence, the name
-- as a place for
William Penn
wrote in
England's Present Interest Considered,
makes hypocrites, 'tis
only that makes converts."
oldest church
Old Swedes' Gloria Dei Church,
which was begun by
Lutheran missionary Johannes Campanius
in 1646 among Swedish and Finnish settlers.
received another wave of immigrants.
From 1700 to 1750, Britain's laws against dissenters drove some 200,000
Scots-Irish Presbyterians
from Scotland and Ireland to America.
Most settled in
Cumberland Valley and in the western counties of Lehigh, Bucks and Lancaster.
In 1706, the first meeting, or synod, of
Presbyterian leaders
in America took place in
led by Rev. Francis Makemie.
Beginning in 1720,
German and Swiss
settlers known as
New Baptists, or Dunkers,
began arriving in
together with
Anabaptists, Mennonites and Amish.
Then arrived
Protestant Schwenkfelders
Germany's Rhine Valley, Alsatia, Suabia, Saxony,
and the
Between 1730 and 1740, numerous
Lutheran, Reformed, Brethren, and German Baptists congregations
were formed in
sometimes sharing the same buildings, Sunday Schools and ministers.
After England's Reformation in 1534, there were
no "English-speaking" Catholic Churches
St. Joseph's
was founded in 1731 in
by 22 Irish and 15 Germans.
In 1739,
German Moravians,
Church of the Brethren,
led by
Count Ludwig von Zinzendorf,
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
sent missionaries around the world, including the Colony off Georgia, where they worked with Native American tribes, and influenced
Charles Wesley.
In 1740, several Jewish families organized
Pennsylvania's first congregation,
Mikveh Israel,
building their first
Sephardic synagogue
in 1782.
first Ashkenazic Synagogue
in America,
Rodeph Shalom,
was built in
in 1795.
In 1814, the
first Hebrew Bible
printed in America was published in
by Thomas Dobson, based on the Amsterdam edition, with text prepared by Jonathan (Jonas) Horwitz.
At the age of 29, young
Ben Franklin
attended the
First Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia.
He composed a series of pamphlets encouraging tolerance for the
new preacher from Scotland,
Samuel Hemphill,
as he mentioned in his
"About the Year 1734, there arrived among us from Ireland, a young
Presbyterian Preacher
Samuel Hemphill,
who delivered with a good Voice, and apparently extempore, most excellent Discourses, which drew together considerable Numbers of different Persuasions, who join'd in admiring them.
... Among the rest I became one of his constant Hearers,
his Sermons pleasing me,
as they had little of the dogmatical kind, but
inculcated strongly the practice of virtue,
or what in the religious style are called
good works
Those however, of our Congregation, who considered themselves as orthodox Presbyterians, disapprov'd his Doctrine, and were join'd by most of the old Clergy, who arraign'd him of Heterodoxy before the Synod, in order to have him silenc'd.
I became his zealous Partisan, and contributed all I could to
raise a Party in his Favour;
and we combated for him a while with some Hopes of Success.
... There was much Scribbling pro and con upon the Occasion; and finding that
tho' an elegant Preacher he was but a poor Writer, I lent him my Pen and wrote for him two or three Pamphlets,
and one Piece in the
Pennsylvania Gazette
of April 1735. "
Two of the pamphlets
wrote were
- A Defence Of the Rev. Mr. Hemphill's Observations: or, an Answer to the Vindication of the Reverend Commission (October 30, 1735); and
wrote in defense of
"Christianity ... is plainly nothing else, but a second Revelation of God’s Will founded upon the first Revelation, which God made to us by the Light of Nature."
Samuel Hemphill
was removed from preaching,
stopped attending the church, though he continued to support it financially.
Bill Fortenberry's books,
The Christian Pamphlets of Benjamin Franklin
(2014); and
Franklin on Faith: The Definitive Guide to the Religion of the First American
(2015),contain statements from Franklin's pamphlets, such as:
- "I would advise these Reverend Gentlemen impartially to read the Scriptures."
- "They should acknowledge Jesus Christ to be the Messiah promised by the Prophets, the Son of God."
- "Those Doctrines delivered by our Savior and the Apostles, which are absolutely necessary to be believed, are so very plain, that the meanest Capacities, may easily understand 'em."
Franklin's pamphlets
- "Christ by his Death and Sufferings has purchas'd for us those easy Terms and Conditions of our Acceptance with God, propos'd in the Gospel, to wit, Faith and Repentance."
- "Christ gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all Iniquity, and purify to himself a peculiar People zealous of Good-Works. And there is scarcely a Chapter in the whole Gospels or Epistles from which this Doctrine can't be prov'd."
- "I am conscious I believe in Christ, and exert my best Endeavours to understand his Will aright, and strictly to follow it."
- "It is the Duty of every christian Minister to explode such Errors, which have a natural Tendency to make Men act as if Christ came into the World to patronize Vice, and allow Men to live as they please."
John Adams
thought him
almost a Catholic.
Church of England
claimed him as one of them.
thought him
half a Presbyterian,
and the
believed him a wet
In 1747, in response to Spanish and French privateers raiding America's coast,
Ben Franklin
organized a volunteer militia.
He also composed a
Proclamation for a General Fast,
which was approved by Pennsylvania's Colonial Council and published in the
Pennsylvania Gazette,
December 12, 1747:
"As the calamities of a bloody war, in which our nation is now engaged, seem every year more nearly to approach us ... we have, therefore, thought fit ... to appoint ...
a Day of Fasting & Prayer
Almighty God
would mercifully interpose and still the rage of war among the nations &
put a stop to the effusion of Christian blood."
published works of prominent Presbyterian ministers:
- Ralph Erskine,
- Josiah Smith,
- Henry Scougal,
- Samuel Finley,
- Gilbert Tennent,
- Samuel Davies,
- Samuel Jacob Blair, and
- George Whitefield.
Franklin printed
Rev. Alexander Craighead's
- The 1743 Renewal of the Scottish National Covenant (1744); and
- Solemn League and Covenant (1748).
Rev. Craighead
had anonymously written the first treatise
denouncing the King of England
in 1743.
reportedly left Pennsylvania for North Carolina to be the Pastor of Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church in
Mecklenburg County,
where his teachings may have inspired the
1775 Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence,
a precursor to
Jefferson's 1776 Declaration of Independence.
served on the drafting committee for the
1776 Declaration of Independence,
along with
- Thomas Jefferson,
- John Adams,
- Roger Sherman, and
- Robert Livingston.
Just a few months after he signed the Declaration of Independence,
served as
President of Pennsylvania's State Constitutional Convention
he signed the State's first Constitution,
September 28, 1776.
It was considered "the
most radically democratic Frame of Government that the world had ever seen."
Pennsylvania's Constitution
stated in Chapter 2, Section 10:
"Each member of the legislature, before he takes his seat, shall make and subscribe the following declaration:
'I do believe in one
Creator and Governour of the Universe,
of the good and
of the wicked, and
I do acknowledge the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by Divine Inspiration.'"
In 1817,
Pennsylvania's Supreme Court
stated in the case of
Commonwealth v. Wolf:
"Laws cannot be administered in any civilized government unless the people are taught to revere
the sanctity of an oath,
look to a future state of rewards and punishments
for the deeds of this life.
It is of the utmost moment, therefore, that
they should be reminded of their religious duties
at stated periods."
In 1824,
Pennsylvania's Supreme Court,
Updegraph vs. Commonwealth,
acknowledged a 1700 law still in force which imposed a penalty upon any who
"... willfully, premeditatedly and despitefully blaspheme, or speak lightly or profanely of
Almighty God, Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit,
or the
Scriptures of Truth."
Pennsylvania's Supreme Court
continued its
Updegraph decision:
general Christianity, is, and always has been, a part of the common law of Pennsylvania;
without the spiritual artillery of European countries; for
this Christianity
was one of the considerations of the royal charter, and
the very basis
of its great founder,
William Penn;
not Christianity founded on any particular religious tenets; not Christianity with an established church, and tithes, and spiritual courts; but
Christianity with liberty of conscience to all men."
U.S. Supreme Court
referred to
Updegraph decision
in its 1844 case of
Vidal v. Girard's Executors:
"We are compelled to admit that although
Christianity be a part of the common law of the state,
yet it is so in this qualified sense, that its divine origin and truth are admitted, and therefore it is not to be maliciously and openly reviled and blasphemed against, to the annoyance of believers or the injury of the public.
Such was the doctrine of the
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Updegraff v. Commonwealth,
11 Serg. & R. 394."
U.S. Supreme Court
again referred to
in its 1892 case of
Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States:
"We find that in
Updegraph v. Commonwealth,
11 S. & R. 394, 400, it was decided that 'Christianity, general
Christianity, is, and always has been, a part of the common law of Pennsylvania;
... not Christianity with an established church and tithes and spiritual courts, but
Christianity with liberty of conscience to all men' ...
... And in the famous case of
Vidal v. Girard's Executors,
2 How. 127, 43 U. S. 198, this Court, while sustaining the will of Mr. Girard, with its provision for the creation of a college into which no minister should be permitted to enter, observed: 'It is also said, and truly, that
the Christian religion is a part of the common law of Pennsylvania.'"
Pennsylvania's Constitutions of 1790, 1838, 1874 and 1968
contain Article 9, Section 3:
"All men have a natural and indefeasible right to
worship Almighty God
according to the
dictates of their own consciences ...
o human authority can,
in any case whatever, control or
interfere with the rights of conscience."
Pennsylvania's Constitution
is incompatible with
"zero-tolerance" ordinances
as they
"interfere with the rights of conscience"
of those who hold politically-incorrect views.
Those promoting "anti-bullying" of individuals holding LGBTQ values are often guilty of bullying those holding traditional Bible-based values.
Pennsylvania's Constitution
is incompatible with
sharia Islam's
apostasy laws, which not only
deny freedom of conscience,
but impose the
death penalty for those leaving Islam.
In the name of "equity" for Islamic beliefs they deny equity to those holding Judeo-Christian beliefs.
Vice-President Mike Pence
stated in a Liberty University commencement address, May 11, 2019:
"Some of the loudest
voices for tolerance
have little tolerance
traditional Christian beliefs
You're going to be asked
not just to tolerate
things that violate your faith; you're going to be asked to
endorse them.
You're going to be asked to
bow down to the idols
of the popular culture ...
My word to all of you is decide here and now that
you're going to stand firm."
government officials are demanding individuals violate their consciences
, as seen in cases such as:
- cake bakers and photographers punished for not participating in gay weddings;
- the chaste Little Sisters of the Poor punished for not funding other people's contraceptives and abortions;
- teachers and doctors fired for not referring to students or patients by novel transgendered pronouns.
In light of recent developments, many are
rediscovering appreciation
for the
freedom of conscience which was pioneered by the Christian founders of Pennsylvania.
In the
Charter of Privileges Granted to the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania,
October 28, 1701,
William Penn
"No People can be truly happy,
though under the greatest Enjoyment of Civil Liberties,
if abridged of the Freedom of their Consciences,
as to their Religious Profession and Worship."
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