One Mom's Words: What My Son Has Taught Me - Florance Bass - Florance Bass
Florance Bass completed our Leadership Training in May, and, after hearing some of her comments, we asked her to share her thoughts with us and with you.

Celebrating the Legacy of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Olmstead Decision
Sunday, July 26, was the 30 year anniversary of President George H.W. Bush signing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into law.

Mississippi Pediatricians and Physicians Make Join Statement on School Reopening

On July 24, the Mississippi Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Mississippi State Medical Association released their joint statement on school reopening. We encourage you to read the statement carefully and note what it recommends.

NAMI Mississippi: 2020 Minority Mental Health Conference - July 28 and 29

NAMI Mississippi's first-ever annual conference recognizes Minority Mental Health Awareness Month in July 2020.

Register here >>

Facebook Live Discussion - Families as Allies - July 29

Facebook Live update. Please join us and share your thoughts on how we can all work together to make things better for our children.

Visit us on Facebook >>

Virtual Family Support Meeting - July 30

This virtual family support meeting is open to families who would like to share their thoughts and ideas with each other.

Register here >>

School Re-opening and COVID - Webinar - July 31

Families as Allies webinar on school re-opening, COVID-19 and your rights as family members of school-aged children in Mississippi.

Register here >>

Family Caregiver Mental Health and COVID-19
Your Mental Health Matters Stressed. Isolated. Worried. As we all navigate a world dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, these feelings may have become familiar to all of us. For family caregivers of a loved one with a chronic condition, these feelings may feel much more familiar and routine. Being a family caregiver is difficult in the best of circumstances.

MSDH Guildelines for K-12 Reopening of Schools

Byers, Paul

In the midst of unprecedented times, everyone will agree that continuing the education of our children is imperative. Educators are striving to determine the safest ways to provide educational experience, from classroom time to extracurricular activities. School systems and districts should expect cases among students, faculty and staff. For educational activities to start back and continue, the spread of coronavirus within the school community must be minimized. 

Mental Health and Coping during the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Find resources and advice to help support your mental and behavioral health during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.