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CPI is stewarded by Pathways To Peace

Finding Hope, Seeking Justice, and Pausing for Peace 

Dear Peacebuilding Family,

This newsletter is dedicated to all of us, and to our quest to find hope, purpose, and opportunity amid the multiple intersections of crisis we are facing. We all react differently to crises - some of us are angry, some of us move into deeper reflection, some of us sink into powerlessness, some of us get immobilized, some of us take action, and others hold energy for change.

As Peacebuilders, we are compassionate people. To continue our work in our world, it is important to give ourselves permission to allow, accept, and express a whole range of feelings. This includes loving and strengthening ourselves into personal and collective growth and change, which are hallmarks of Peacebuilding. The brilliant poet and author, James Baldwin, wrote, "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced."

We are grateful for the Black Lives Matter Movement, and for those on the front lines of protest, calling for the world to face, acknowledge, and then change structural racism. We stand in solidarity with you, and we are you! For many of us, this is a defining moment, a historic moment, a moment that can bring Peace through Justice, a moment that can remove the barriers of separation and bring us more closely into unity.

Each in his or her own way will say "yes" to a call to action. Below you will find some opportunities for engagement, and there are many more, too numerous to list.  In these times, we hope you will find inspiration, re-commit to justice, and express and put into action your purpose and commitment to making a difference in our world. The time is now. Together, we can build a sustainable, just, diverse and inclusive Culture of Peace. We wish you Peace!

Tezikiah Gabriel
Executive Director
Pathways To Peace (PTP)

The International Day of Peace, 2020: Call to Action

We are now in our 100-day countdown to the International Day of Peace, celebrated around the world on September 21st. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of Peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire. This is a particularly meaningful time of year for Pathways To Peace, as our President, Avon Mattison, was there at the beginning and, along with other Peace leaders, assisted the UN in the inauguration of the International Day of Peace (Peace Day) - which launched a movement. Now decades later, there appears to be real momentum toward the Peace and unity that was envisioned, and it rises out of crisis. As stated on the UN's website, "This year, it has been clearer than ever that we are not each other's enemies. Rather, our common enemy is a tireless virus that threatens our health, security and very way of life. COVID-19 has thrown our world into turmoil and forcibly reminded us that what happens in one part of the planet can impact people everywhere."

In an unprecedented action, Secretary General Antonio Guterres called on all warring parties to lay down their weapons and focus on the battle against this global pandemic:
The UN is asking for your engagement and wanting to hear from you. They wish to "listen" to people from around the globe. You can have a voice:

Calls to end violence and oppression, to eliminate the barriers of separation and to begin the long path to unity, are everywhere - in our language, our collective consciousness, and in our actions. This year, c elebrate the International Day of Peace by spreading compassion, kindness, and hope in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Stand together with the UN against attempts to use the virus to promote discrimination or hatred. Join us so that we can shape Peace together!
#MyMaskisForYou: A Peacebuilding Action

We asked ourselves, how can we build Peace in the midst of a global pandemic?
Pathways To Peace (PTP) teamed up with our partner, Deborah Greene, known as "The Peace Traveler," to ignite a cultural shift that unifies us in purposeful work that builds unity and community - and is an expression of Peace.
#MyMaskisForYou is a global campaign that encourages people to wear masks as an action that demonstrates caring and compassion for ourselves and others, core tenants of Peacebuilding.
There are many ways to join the campaign, to upload your photo and meme, to share your story, or to learn how to build community around mask making. It's all here:
You can view videos of three compelling stories that support the importance of wearing a mask and encouraging others to do so as an act of compassion for others:

World UNITY Week is Almost Here - Get Engaged Now!

Over 200 Indigenous Elders, over 100 organizations, spiritual and religious leaders, and luminaries from various disciplines from around the world! This is perhaps the most significant convergence to date on an auspicious day, June 20th, with the Summer Solstice and a solar eclipse - at a time when humanity is crying out for unity! And, you won't want to miss the Opening Ceremony, broadcast LIVE at 12:00 noon EST, The ceremony will include 200 elders and medicine people from different regions around the world and will be led by Chief Phil Lane, Chief Arvol Looking Horse, and the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. The entire conference is virtual and accessible to all! Please register by clicking here .

Pathways To Peace is honored to be a part of World Unity Week. We will be hosting an interactive dialogue with our partner and friend, Rich Shealey, titled: "Ending Racism to Optimize Human Potential." Rich's lifelong work has never been more meaningful and compelling than it is today. Rich provides insight, wisdom, and context for humanity's struggle with racism, and leaves us with hope and a pathway to unity. Please join us for this enlightening, thought-provoking, and inspiring dialogue. You'll find us in the Peace and Justice Convergence Room:

Rich Shealey is a Light Warrior and founder and Chief Servant of The Optimal Human Global Community. The Optimal Human Global Community is a community of evolved and evolving humans of all ethnicities who are committed to doing their part to end racism as an integral part of the human experience. Also, Rich is the creator of Heart Transformed: Ending racism, a learning system that helps people end their journey with racism, awaken to the fullness of their humanity, and live consciously beyond the constraints of race, racism, and white supremacy.
Would you like to know more about Rich and his heartful approach to ending racism and creating a path to One Humanity? Check out this interview with Rich Shealey by Pathways To Peace Executive Director, Tezikiah Gabriel:

Rich Shealey, Light Warrior
The Movement for Black Lives: 350 Encourages 
Engagement in Juneteenth

As Peacebuilders, we are aware of the multi-layered connections between structural racism and the other systemic barriers to caring for each other and our planet. When Black Lives Matter, then all lives will matter. When all people are valued, we recognize the importance of caring for our earth and our oceans as essential to supporting and sustaining all life. When we care for all people, our oceans, and our waters, than we will see Peace.
Our friends at 350 (  https://350.orgrecognize the interconnections, "The work of dismantling white supremacy is critical to building a climate action that is rooted in justice." 350 is inviting you to join the Movement for Black Lives this weekend, in honor of Juneteenth, here is 350's Call to Action:

In addition, Rich Shealey, Light Warrior, has a heartful approach to ending racism and creating a path to One Humanity. Check out his interview with Pathways To Peace Executive Director, Tezikiah Gabriel:

Summer of Peace 

Pathways To Peace (PTP) is once again honored to support The Summer of Peace. The Summer of Peace was inaugurated many years ago by our partner, The Shift Network (, to bring people from around the world together because "the fate of humanity depends on a critical mass of people embracing hope and then taking practical action guided by deep inner wisdom to create a more sustainable and peaceful world, starting right at home in ourselves and with our families, friends, neighbors, schools, and communities." 

We hope you'll join this year's Facebook Live Series and experience a little more Peace this summer.
"Envisioning the World After the Great Pause": 
The Rotary Peace Fellowship Alumni Association Conference

The Rotary Peace Fellowship Alumni Association ( is inviting you and your organization to participate in the upcoming Global Cyber Peace Conference on 27 June: Envisioning the World After the Great Pause. This is a unique opportunity to engage with Peace Leaders from many countries as we collectively work to build Peace in our communities and in our world during this extraordinary time. Learn more and REGISTER HERE .

Humanity Rising: a Global Solutions Summit, powered by Ubiquity

Humanity Rising is a movement to create a better world through service 
( ). We hear a lot of good feedback about Humanity Rising's Global Solutions Summit. Check out the website to "join in the conversation to make a difference" and view the brief video on global solutions:

We Want to Hear From You!

What nurtures and sustains you through difficult times?

A common thread that binds us is that all of us, to a greater or lesser degree, are experiencing a disruption in our daily lives. Perhaps we're dealing with loss, fear, grief, and so many other emotions that are normal responses to our abnormal experience. We would love to hear from you about how you are coping and surviving in these times. And, we'll share your responses so that others might find Peace, comfort, and even joy as we navigate these uncharted waters. How do you live in Peace during this crisis? What are some practices that keep you centered, nurtured, and hopeful? What inspires you? What brings you comfort? We will share as many of your responses as possible through the next newsletter and our social media. 

Please email those responses to: 

Tezikiah Gabriel: [email protected]   

We look forward to hearing from you!

Your Donation is Greatly Appreciated!

Pathways To Peace has been building Peace for over forty years. Forty years of innovation, collaboration, and Movement Building. We depend on Peacebuilders like you to continue to do our local and global work. Please give, these are challenging times and we need your support. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

Peacebuilding Around Our World: Your Pathways To Peace!

Quote of the Day

"Each person must live their life as a model for others." -- Rosa Parks

About Pathways To Peace and the Culture of Peace Initiative
Incorporated in 1983, Pathways to Peace (PTP) is an international organization dedicated to making Peace a practical reality in our world today. PTP is an official Peace Messenger of the United Nations and has Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. PTP works locally and globally, inter-generationally and multi-culturally, to promote Peacebuilding, Peace education, and to collaborate with other organizations in initiatives that help further the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI). 

With participants from around the world, the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI) is a cooperative local-global Peacebuilding Initiative uniting the strengths of organizations, networks, projects and people to realize a Culture of Peace for the Common Good. The CPI also serves as a vehicle for bringing to light many previously unseen and unheard Peacebuilders working along diverse paths, who are embodying the emerging Culture of Peace within Humanity.  The annual highlight of the Culture of Peace Initiative is the International Day of Peace, which provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations, and nations to work together, on a shared date, to create practical acts of Peace with a year-round impact.
For more information about Pathways to Peace, please visit our website: 

About the International Day of Peace
An annual focus for PTP is the International Day of Peace (Peace Day), held annually on September 21st. Pathways To Peace has worked with the UN to observe and promote the International Day of Peace since its inception in 1981 and has grown International Day of Peace from a single event of a few hundred people into an annual global observance that now reaches hundreds of millions of people. The International Day of Peace ("Peace Day") is observed around the world each year on 21 September. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. 


This newsletter comes to you from Pathways To Peace (PTP),  steward of the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI) newsletter. PTP is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, whose work would not be possible without our volunteers and your support. If you would like to support Pathways To Peace and Peace Day activities around the globe, you can do so by clicking this Donation Button. A heartfelt thank you from the Pathways To Peace Team! 

Thank You!

Pathways To Peace, P.O. Box 1057, Larkspur, CA 94977