Reflection: A New Normal
Sister Marguerite Stewart has penned a moving reflection on life during COVID-19 that addresses some of the common concerns, fears and even hopes that many of us are experiencing at this time. "God is here, but maybe we do not recognize him," Sister writes. Read the full reflection titled A New Normal by clicking the button below. If you are interested in scheduling one-on-one spiritual direction with Sister Marguerite over the computer, please email her at [email protected] .
Even Now, Traditions Endure
Things may be very different in many ways right now in our world, but tending to small traditions can be a source of comfort. Here, Sister Francine Garganta carefully places a crown atop a statue of the Blessed Mother in Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel at Monocacy Manor in Bethlehem, Pa.

The May Crowning is a long-standing Catholic tradition -- and one our Sisters and their students practiced ceremoniously at our former Catholic high schools -- whereby a crown of blossoms or other materials is placed upon the Blessed Virgin to signify her her queenship as the mother of Christ.

What traditions are helping you to maintain a sense of normal these days?
One-on-One with Our Sisters
Our Sisters were asked to reflect on things they miss and things they cherish during these times of extended isolation and disruption of daily life. Here are some of their answers.
QUESTION: Have you found any silver lining in these strange times or positives to take away from this experience?

ANSWER: "I believe we are learning to see what is truly essential in life. We are connecting more with people through email, texts, calls or writing. We are realizing that our actions have a grave impact on others, and that we are only as safe as the least safe person in the group ... our actions impact the whole."
-- Sister Frances Marie Duncan
QUESTION: How have you been spending any extra time you've gained from the disruptions to daily living?

ANSWER: "I enjoy puttering on a sewing machine, so I have been making masks. I do like 'snail mail,' so I make sure I send upbeat notes to some persons I know who are living alone and who are in nursing homes. There is more time for prayer and some time left over for me to sort and package canceled stamps for missions. This unusual situation in our society is not wearing me down yet."
-- Sister Irene Novak

QUESTION: What do you most miss doing during this time of extended isolation?

ANSWER: "I miss going to Mass, seeing the priests, hearing the organ, having company, visiting everyone, and seeing all the Sisters."

-- Sister Francesca Parana
Life Before the Pandemic ... and Now
An original poem by Sister Karen Buco, who is resident of Mt. Assisi Place
and ministers as an assistant in our congregation's Finance Office

As we live through this Pandemic I hardly know what to say,
Except that the stay-home restrictions would soon be lifted
And we all could live once again our "normal way."

The hope and wish that I want to take place
is that our daily gathering and praying together in Chapel
could move once again to our sacred space.

From the Chapel to my room is now my daily place of prayer.
At my Sacred Corner, my needs and desires with my God I share.

I find it really hard not have my sisters or visitors, to be able at this time to come here, And not to go out to work at the Finance Office or be with all those I hold so dear.

Please Lord, let this pandemic that we face together soon be through.
My hope and wish is for your healing touch that only you in your goodness can do.

Bless me with renewed faith and peace and joy, as I journey day by day.
Give me strength and courage to walk the path that will lead me "Your Way."
A Smile Before You Go
Sisters Anita Kuchera and Barbara DeStefano recommend that you take a few minutes on this spring Sunday to watch the video below and enjoy the uplifting musical stylings of Fathers Anthony Mongiello and Giuseppe Esposito of St. Anne Catholic Church & School in Bethlehem, Pa. If you enjoy this video, you can see a few other entertaining ones on the church's YouTube channel here .
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