August 2020
Still Meeting the Needs
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of
Heaven belongs to such as these . . . “   Matthew 19:14

It is wonderful to be back home, out of quarantine and back to work here in Uganda! The virus continues to spike a bit here in the city, as it seems to be all over the world. We pray for the Lord to destroy this virus. It has affected the whole world so much. Many of the youth are getting into trouble during this lockdown, and others are very depressed. So many have had to close their small businesses because of the lockdown. We continue to give food to the sponsored children and the community here in Kamonkoli and in Soroti. This month we were able to give out two food bags each to 400 families in Kamonkoli and 280 in Soroti. We give thanks to all of those who donated to make this possible. We will continue to give out
in September.

We were excited to be able to put solar power on our medical clinic at the beginning of this month, as well as the water pump for the clinic and school. This will allow us to have consistent power for refrigeration and lab equipment as well as consistent water to the school bathrooms rather than days, weeks, and sometimes months of outages.  We are very thankful to those who provided the funds for this to happen.

We actually have many homes that are in bad shape due to the abundance of rain this year. We did not have the usual dry season, whereas in the two previous years we had nothing but dry season and little rain! This is another part of why people are hungry, unable to grow their own food as usual due to the change in weather patterns.

We ask for your prayers for the children and families during this lockdown time and coupled with all the other problems they have. The Lord wants us to feed the hungry and give drink to the thirsty, to clothe the naked – help us to reach out with the love of Christ.  

HUM is growing. Please join us in welcoming Jim and Phyllis Robbins to our team of missionaries. They will be joining us in Uganda in the New Year to serve alongside me and our leadership staff.  

God bless you so much,  
Kamonkoli is a small, rural community with few opportunities for real employment. Most of the residents live primarily off their small lot of land, often grouped by clans, passed down through their families. They sell some of their produce and small farm animals to their neighbors or at the corner market to make money to meet needs like clothing, transportation on the back of a boda boda (bike or motorbike taxi), school fees and medical needs. We do our best to minister to the community by offering employment, not just to the educated like our administrative staff, teachers, social workers and clinic staff, but also to those with limited or no education as cooks, cleaners, gardeners, child care workers, maintenance workers, seamstresses and more.

Oliver is a young lady from the community that we are helping in this way. Her brother, Nathan, is sponsored through HUM. Oliver volunteers as the children’s choir director at our local partner church. She has a sweet spirit and takes pride in her work with us, keeping our school and dining hall clean. She is a wonderful role model to the children. 

Recently, Oliver has become ill with terrible stomach pain and even spitting up blood at times. Local clinics have been unable to diagnose her and we would like to help her travel to the city to seek the advice of specialists. We expect this to cost more than we are usually able to cover but would like to bless this young woman who is serving her Lord with a full heart. You can help us with this blessing for Oliver by noting “Oliver” with your gift.    

We accept
If you would like to set up a recurring gift or make a larger electronic donation without
credit card or bank fees for you or HUM, you can donate directly from your
bank account through Zelle. Set this up at your bank’s website. Zelle your gift to us at
Email us at the same address if
you need to cancel a current
recurring gift first.
Hines Ugandan Ministries   

P.O. Box 620727, Littleton, CO 80162
P.O. Box 1402, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa