Upcoming Events
We hope that you will be able to attend these events:
May 8, 2019
ECA Regular Membership Meeting
Mastro's Restaurant
Evening Meeting
May 14, 2019
ECA Young Professionals
"Laser Scanning in
Goose Island Brewery
Chicago, IL
May 14, 2019
Illinois Green Alliance's
"2019 Limelight" event
Venue SIX10
Chicago, IL
May 15, 2019
"The Future is Now - BIM"
Drake Oak Brook Hotel,
Oak Brook, IL
May 15 - 16, 2019
"Agile Construction
101 Classes"
Crowne Plaza
Northbrook, IL
May 17, 2019
"Agile Construction -
A Path to
Crowne Plaza
May 22, 2019
"How to Compete in Large Cities and Win Back Markets"
Drake Oak Brook Hotel
Oak Brook, IL
June 5 - 6, 2019
ECA 48th Annual Spring Conference
Grand Geneva Resort
Lake Geneva, WI
June 21, 2019
ECA President's Party
Chicago History Museum
Chicago, IL
Quick Links
ECA Website
(The collective bargaining agreements, industry statistics, among other industry information is available on the website.
No log-in is required.)
Young Professionals is on Linkedin:
Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago --
Chicago & Cook County Chapter, NECA
Phone: 708-531-0022 Fax: 708-531-0071
Please review this month's LiveWire newsletter. We hope you enjoy the local and national industry updates.
As a reminder, we also invite to join us on Facebook and LinkedIn!
April Membership Meeting Highlights
The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) held its April Membership Meeting on Wednesday, April 10, 2019 at Gene & Georgetti's Restaurant in Rosemont, Illinois.
Pictured above from left to right are: Don Finn, Local Union #134 IBEW Business Manager and Richard Jamerson, ECA President, Jamerson & Bauwens Electrical Contractors, Inc.
The ECA Research and Education Committee has coordinated an ambitious schedule for 2019. Please click on the link below for the Program Schedule. Registration Forms / Information for these events are on the ECA website in the Community Events area. Also, initial registrations for any seminar is limited to four per member firm; however, if there are spots still available close to a seminar date, the waiting list will be reviewed.
Basic Electrical Estimating Workshop
The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) Research and Education Committee recently sponsored the Basic Estimating of Electrical Construction Workshop that was held April 16 - 18, 2019 at the Drake Oak Brook Hotel, Oak Brook, Illinois.
Pictured above is Bob Mooty, a
s he began his presentation.
The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) is proud to present the President's Party which is being offered to all ECA members. The event is being held June 21, 2019 at the Chicago History Museum in Chicago, Illinois. Please save the date! Registration information has already been sent to the membership. However, you can call in to register at: (708) 531-0022.
If you are interested in spending the night downtown, there are a number of rooms reserved at the Ambassador Hotel at the rate of $259 per night. If you would like to reserve a room, please contact the ECA! The hotel room block expires May 22nd.
Again, Overnight Accommodations are available at:
Chicago's Ambassador Hotel.
1301 N State Pkwy, Chicago, IL 60610
Please let us know if you would like to reserve a room.
Guests are responsible for their hotel expenditures.
Special room rate is $259/night.
The hotel block expires May 22nd.
The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) Student Committee oversees the activities of the NECA Illinois Institute of Technolgy (IIT) Student Chapter, among other areas in regard to informing university students of the many opportunities within the union electrical construction industry. The ECA Student Committee invited members of the NECA IIT Student Chapter to a meeting on April 24, 2019 at the ECA office. The students reviewed their proposal for the NECA Green Energy Challenge. The students are doing a net zero energy audit of Provident Hospital in Chicago. The report was submitted on April 29, 2019. Best of luck to the students!
Pictured above are representatives of the NECA IIT Student Chapter
with members of the ECA Student Committee at the ECA office.
MEP "Succession Planning" Seminar
The Electrical Contractors' Association of City of Chicago (ECA) participated with a joint-Association seminar called, "Succession Planning: How to Best Transition Your Business." ECA worked with the Mechanical Contractors Association, the Northeastern Illinois Chapter, NECA, the Sheet Metal Contractors Association, the Plumbing Council and the Plumbing Contractors Association to coordinate this program. Over 60 individuals were registered. The program featured Jay Tarshis, Partner at Saul Ewing & Lehr, who moderated a panel of industry peers that have gone through the succession process with their companies. The session was well attended and most informative. We thank the panelists for their participation. The next joint-Association event will be held on July 25, 2019 as a networking event for young professionals in the industry. More information is to follow.
Pictured above from left to right are the panel members and moderator:
Benjamin Campbell, AMS Mechanical Systems. Inc.,
Hank Artlip, Artlip and Sons, Inc.,
Jay Tarshis, Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr, LLP,
Nycole Woody, Correct Electric, Inc., and
David Ariano, Ravinia Plumbing & Heating
NECA Programming Updates
The 2019 NECA Now Conference was held on April 1 - 4, 2019 at the JW Marriott Desert Ridge Resort in Phoenix, Arizona. The conference provided numerous educational programs and special presenter sessions.
Pictured above from left to right are:
Back Row: Mark Thomas, ECA Executive Vice President, David Woodard, NECA Midwest Field Representative, David Long, NECA CEO, Larry Beltramo, NECA President, Anthony Mulizio, Northeastern Illinois Chapter, NECA President, Preferred Electric, Wes Anderson, NECA District IV Vice President, Anderson Electric, Inc., Dan Walter, NECA COO, Andy Miller, Milwaukee Tool, Vinny Neglia, Milwaukee Tool
Front Row: Richard Jamerson, ECA President, Jamerson & Bauwens Electrical Contractors, Inc., Bruce Creen, Northeastern Illinois Chapter, NECA, Steve Krieg, Midwestern NECA Director and David Ward, Midwestern NECA Field Representative
2019 Labor Relations Conference
The NECA 2019 Labor Relations Conference was held on April 15 - 17, 2019 in New Orleans, LA.
2019 NECA Convention & Trade Show
The 2019 NECA Convention & Trade Show will be held September 14 - 17, 2019 at the Mandalay Bay Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada. Registration opens May 16, 2019. More details to follow soon. We hope to see you, there!
Executive Committee Stipend:
The ECA Executive Committee recently approved a stipend for the NECA Convention & Trade Show.
The Registration Fee for an ECA member and Spouse / Guest will be paid for up to two ECA Members from each ECA participating member firm.
Reimbursement(s) to the firm(s) will be made after the Convention.
IMSCA Update
IMSCAPAC Fundraiser
IMSCA-PAC's 2019 fundraising effort is underway! THANKS to the generosity of our IMSCA members for prize donations, SIX RAFFLE WINNERS will be drawn this year! Tickets are $50 each. Each ticket purchased buys you a chance to win the prize of your choice.
Your choices include:
- FOUR tickets to cheer on the Chicago Bears at Soldier Field (Date TBA). This prize also includes parking passes and a $250 Hilton Hotels gift card (Value: $1,300.00). Donated by Tom Morton, LLD Electric Company and SMACNA Greater Chicago.
- FOUR tickets to cheer on the Chicago Blackhawks vs. St. Louis Blues at the United Center (Date 2019-20 TBA). These are 200 Club Level seats with parking passes. This prize also includes a $250 Hilton Hotels gift card (Value: $750.00). Donated by Jim McGlynn, McWilliams Electric Company and SMACNA Greater Chicago.
- $500 Amazon gift card. Donated by Illinois Plumbing Heating Cooling Contractors Association.
- $500 Cabela's gift card. Donated by Electrical Contractors Association of Chicago.
- $500 Best Buy gift card. Donated by PCA Midwest/Plumbing Council.
- $500 Bass Pro Shops gift card. Donated by Illinois Chapter NECA.
This is a great fundraiser package containing something for everyone. The winning tickets will be drawn at IMSCA's Board and Membership meeting on June 14, 2019. The winners do not need to be present to win.
Safety Update
NECA 2019 Safety Awards
NECA's Recognition of Safety Achievement program is an
elite safety recognition focused on recognizing thriving companies that excel in multiple areas of their safety and health programs
. Awards are given to member companies that consistently have OSHA recordable injury and fatality rates at levels lower than the industry standard, and implement internal company safety practices above and beyond basic compliance. The Zero-Injury recognizes those member-companies that have worked a full calendar year without recordable incidents. The Safety Excellence is the associations premier recognition program, and acknowledges member-contractors safety performance.
The Chicago & Cook County Chapter, NECA would like to congratulates this year's Chapter winners:
Advent Systems, Inc.
Linear Electric, Inc.
McWilliams Electric Company, Inc.
Safety Excellence
Advent Systems, Inc.
Continental Electrical Construction Company
Linear Electric, Inc.
McWilliams Electric Company, Inc.
CSC May Schedule
For a listing of coursework available through the Construction Safety Council (CSC) for the month of May 2019, please click on the link:
Chicago Department of Buildings Code Update
The Chicago Department of Buildings (DOB) is pleased to announce that energy design requirements will soon change for building projects in Chicago as they move ahead to implement the latest (2018) edition of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). The updated code is scheduled to take effect in Chicago on June 1, 2019. Energy code requirements for buildings help protect the environment and reduce energy consumption by providing guidelines for reducing air pollution, moderating energy demand and stabilizing energy costs and electric, oil, and gas supplies.
The City of Chicago has long been a leader in adopting requirements for energy efficiency and sustainable design. In addition to making construction safer and more affordable, the new building code adopted earlier this month will help further the City's commitments to improving the efficiency and sustainability of our building stock in order to address climate change. The code applies for new commercial and residential constructions, and also for major changes in existing buildings - renovations, alterations, additions and reparations. The change from the 2015 IECC to the 2018 IECC will upgrade several requirements for commercial buildings, including enhanced requirements for the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) of glass and automatic controls in heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.
An important component of the recently approved Chicago building code modernization ordinance involves standards for energy efficient building. Prior to the code rewrite, Chicago's energy efficiency and sustainable design requirements were not fully integrated with the building code, sometimes making it difficult for architects and builders to comply with both sets of requirements. Under the new Chicago Building Code, Chicago's energy conservation and core building code requirements will be coordinated and consistent for the first time. Consistent with Illinois law, the code modernization updates the City's energy conservation code to be aligned with the latest (2018) edition of the IECC and Illinois specific amendments. The Department of Buildings will post updated forms, reflecting the 2018 IECC-based requirements in mid-May 2019, and require these forms for permit applications on and after June 1, 2019. For the first time, Chicago's amendments to the IECC will be published as a full document, which will be available later this summer.
Portions of this article were excerpted from a recent DOB On-line Newsletter.
Industry Statistics - February 2019
Stay on top of monthly data for our industry: number of contractors active, quantity of people employed and total hours worked.