We are introduced to the Yamim Tovim in detail this week in Parashat Emor. Central to the festivals are the three regalim, Pesach, Shavuot and Sukkot. Once we have a Beit Hamikdash set up in the land of Israel we are obligated to go to Yerushalayim for each of the three Regalim: Pesach, Shavuot and Sukkot.

Each of the Regalim has coupled with it a theme. Actually the Torah has a dual theme for each of the Regalim. The first of these themes are their historical relevance to the Jewish people. Pesach is the most obvious as the Torah stresses numerous times that it reminds us of the Exodus of Egypt. Sukkot is to remind us how Hashem cared for us as we travelled through the desert for the 40 years. The Torah itself never tells us what the historical significance is to Shavuot. The Torah itself does not connect Shavuot to National Revelation and the giving of the Torah. The Gemara in a number of places makes the connection and it has been incorporated into our tefilot, זמן מתן תורתנו, but it's interesting that the Torah itself does not spell it out.

The second theme the Torah associates the Regalim with is the annual agricultural cycle. We are no longer an agrarian society so it’s challenging for us to relate to, but the Torah places special emphasis on this. Pesach is חג האביב, the time where produce starts growing, Shavuot is חג הקציר, the time when the wheat is harvested and Sukkot is חג האסיף the time when all the grains that are left in the field to dry are brought inside.

The Maharal (Gevurot Hashem, Chapter 46) connects these two themes. Pesach is the birth of the Jewish people as we are taken out of Egypt to blossom into an independent nation. Shavuot is our point of maturation where we are fully grown and developed ready to receive the Torah and be bound by its obligations, and Sukkot the time that the produce is taken in, and we the Jewish people were taken in by Hashem as he gathered us into huts during our journey through the desert.

As we are nearly equidistant between Pesach and Shavuot we are focused on a time of maturation. This may be one of the reasons that the Torah instructs us to count from Pesach to Shavuot to highlight that maturation is a process that grows incrementally. Additional to that is that growth also needs consistency and constancy in that we are not to miss a day of counting. It also explains why we count up and not down as many have noted because the focus of counting is growth. It could also explain why the students of Rabbi Akiva suffered what would seem to us to be severe punishment for not showing respect to one another. The students used a time that was designed for growth and went in the other direction.

Especially now as we find ourselves with more time to introspect and reflect, it behooves us to use this time for growth and maturation.

Shabbat Shalom, 
Rabbi Sugerman

KYHS Monologue Competition
with a Socially Distant Twist

Thespian Theatrics Occur From Home, “The Office” Monologue Takes Home Top Prize
Graphic by Naomi Reichenberg('22)

The coronavirus may have stopped us from being in school, but it couldn’t stop us from holding our third annual Monologue Competition! On May 3rd, students from Boca, Hollywood, and Boynton Beach competed for a chance to be crowned the Monologue Champion.
Along with feeling great pride in his accomplishment, the winner received a $50 Amazon gift card, while the runner ups were presented with medals. Mrs. Ciment, the proud coordinator of the competition, described it as one that “appeals to every kind of student”. She explained, “we’ve seen monologues from Shakespeare to TikTok. For one hour or so, the whole school is united with the common goal of celebrating the English language. I think it’s one of our finest moments.” Through Instagram live, students were able to watch and cheer their friends on from the comforts of their own homes.
A panel of teachers judged the participants (from 6 feet away of course), who recited the poems in front of their houses. At the end of the day, everyone had the opportunity to vote for their favorite monologue. Congratulations to first place winner Moshe Amar (‘20) and to Aliza Billet (‘21) and Yehudah Billet (‘23), the runners up.



Article by Rebecca Henner ('22)
Student Spotlight: Max Frohlich
Beast on the Court, Beast in the Classroom, Beast Helping People During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Graphic by Chana Schandelson ('22)

Aiden: What inspired you to create this amazing program?

Max: All around the world doctors are on the front lines saving lives and I realized that regular people and students can also help the world during this strange time. I created SHAPE so students can have the opportunity to tutor kids, helping out stressed parents, and also to get groceries for older people who would otherwise put their lives at risk by getting groceries on their own.

A: How many people have you impacted as a result of this initiative?

M: We have helped hundreds of older people and students. I feel that our work is really making a difference by allowing parents to not do the work of teachers on top of their regular obligations and by helping older people.

A: What kind of feedback have you received from the community?

M: So many people have been supportive of our program. Many principals and rabbis have helped spread the word of our program to help as many people as possible. We hope that in the coming weeks we can spread our program even more to help more people have an easier time navigating quarantine.

A: What services do you provide for those in need and who exactly has requested your help?

M: Our program strives to help students and older people. The current epidemic has created a dangerous environment for older people. Simple errands like getting groceries can be fatal. Therefore, we have tried to get in touch with as many older people to tell them that we have volunteers who are happy to get groceries. Zoom can also pose a challenge as students struggle to understand and truly grasp certain concepts that are taught. As a result, many students need auxiliary teaching to maintain their understanding of their subjects. To fix this, our program provides tutors who FaceTime students that need our help.

A: How many people have you enlisted for this cause?

M: We have close to 75 students who participate in our program and help our community. I’m so grateful to everyone who has volunteered to help and I feel that they deserve much of the credit for this initiative.

A: What message are you hoping everyone takes away from the good you are doing?

M: Our program sends a clear message to our community. Everyone can be heroes and do their part in helping the world survive the coronavirus epidemic.

Article by Aiden Harow ('21)
Studious Students Study Hard for upcoming AP's
Ariella's tips on how to prepare for upcoming exams
Graphic by Olivia Kahane ('22)
We have officially reached AP-crunch time, the annual week in May when thousands of students scramble to prepare for their college-level exams. While many students have been diligently studying for weeks, others have procrastinated and now may worry they won’t be able to succeed. However, no need to fear just yet! By properly utilizing the next few days, you can ensure you’ll ace all of your exams!

Students can prepare for AP exams through a variety of methods. Many reread their class notes and retake their old tests to ensure they retain the material. Others rely on the Princeton and Barron’s review books, which provide a general summary of all content covered on the exams, along with practice tests and in-depth answer keys so students can test their knowledge and understanding of the material. 

Additionally, this year, the College Board released hundreds of YouTube videos of AP teachers across the country reviewing material and scoring guidelines for practice exams. Since these videos were posted by the creators of APs, they are great indicators of what content will appear on the exams! Also, this year, all AP exams will consist of one or two free response questions. Since the College Board always posts past FRQs and answer keys, students should use these to assess their knowledge and familiarize themselves with the types of questions they’ll encounter.

Yes, AP exams are imminent, but even those who have procrastinated are not destined for failure. Start studying now if you haven’t already, take practice tests, and most importantly, relax and believe in yourself. Good luck!

Article by Ariella Gross ('21)
Storm Speaks
Graduating Seniors Drop Hot Takes on Senior Seminars
Graphic by Ariella Mayer('23)
Thanks, Seniors!
We Send Off these Iconic Highlights Legends
Graphic by Penina Kahane ('22)
Mayrav Saketkhou - Your hours of hard work and effort have truly paid off. Your dedication to Highlites has been a privilege for everyone on the staff to witness. We thank you for teaching us not only about Photoshop, but how to be a good yiddin. We are going to miss you so much (but mostly your playlist)!

Liora Mayer - Your countless hours of hard work and dedication does not go unrecognized. Thank you for the many hours you spend each week making Highlights the amazing publication it has become. Your enthusiasm and commitment has made Highlights an enjoyable experience. Thank you for your patience in teaching all of us and all the fun you have brought each Thursday night. We will miss you next year and wish you much hatzlacha on all your future endeavours. 

Leora Cohn - Thank you for every minute of work you’ve put into making this year’s Highlites absolutely incredible. Thank you for your ceaseless dedication and diligence. You’ve made every moment enjoyable for us and taught us with more kindness and patience than we could have asked for. Thank you for being the you that we love and will miss greatly. And thank you for feeding us with Cinnaholic. :)

Al Dimont - Thank you for your hard work this past year ensuring that our Highlites articles are captivating, entertaining, and free of errors. Your dedication and enthusiasm made Highlites truly amazing. Good luck in all of your future endeavours! Orayta and Maryland are so lucky to have you!

Avigail Greenberg -  Thanks for making Highlites incredible this past year! Thank you for the all the time and effort you put into Highlites each week — it helped make our publication both enjoyable and informative. Highlites would not have been the same without you. We wish you lots of hatzlacha in the future! 

Galia Palmer - Thank you so much for all the dedication you have put into Highlights! Your enthusiasm and love for photography has shaped Highlights into something so amazing! The staff will definitely miss your presence and talent! We wish you only Hatzlacha and happiness in the future!

Shaina Fein - Your job may seem overlooked by others but we, the staff, all noticed how you so effortlessly make Highlights come together at the end of the day. You make the graphics come to light for all of us, and when you finish the layout we can truly see our graphics exactly the way we envisioned them. Thank you so much for all of your work and for making the entire publication come together. We all appreciate the work you do and will miss you next year. 

To all the Senior technical and writing staff , thank you for all your amazing graphics and articles. Thank you for all the hours you put into Highlights each week. We will miss you all next year, and we wish you much success in your future.

Article by Highlites Staff
Highlites Staff