City and County of San Francisco's Updated FAQs

Please note update to FAQs expanding the maximum allowed indoors for purpose of streaming services from 10 to 12 people (page 9). Additionally, we draw your attention to the tips included at the end of the Health Directive regarding outdoor social gatherings which limits the number of people in the gathering to 12 with stipulations. These guidances pertain to all environments, and do not single out nor regulate communities of faith and their worship practices.

From Page 9:  "Can I leave home to go to my church, synagogue, or mosque?"

"For your safety as well as the safety of your fellow worshippers, we need to help each other fight the spread of COVID-19 by staying at home. But places of worship may offer remote access to services, such as by emails, video streaming, or teleconference. While it is better from a health perspective for leaders of congregations to live stream services from their homes, they can live stream services from within their place of worship so long as: (1) the building remains closed to the public; (2) the live stream is limited to the fewest number of personnel needed for the live stream of the service (up to a maximum of 12 people) and (3) they comply with all social distancing and sanitation requirements. Also, places of worship may hold services outdoors for up to 12 people." Amended 6/15/2020

The  San Francisco Interfaith Council is a Cooperation Circle