Join us for the
October 21-22, 2021

Thursday, October 21st

10 am - Platform Opens
Meet the Sponsors/Networking in the Virtual Networking Lounge

11:00 am - General Session
Introduction of the New SAES Executive Director, Opening Liturgy

11:30 am - 12:50 pm - Sponsor sessions including topics such as:

Hiring and Retention Trends: What We Know and What’s to Come
For the Future You - Securing your Financial Future Today!
Meet & Greet: NAES Executive Director-Elect
What We've Learned About Teaching & Learning Since March 2020
Head of School Search Trends
Prepare for Black History Month: Celebrate Absalom Jones

12:30 - 1:30 pm - Lunch Break

1:30 - 3:45 pm - Breakout sessions (Click here for session descriptions)

1:30 - 3:30 pm
Deep Dive: The Power of Re-thinking in Schools (2 hours)
Presenters: Rob Devlin, HOS St. George Episcopal, San Antonio
Garhett Wagers, HOS St. Mark's Episcopal, Houston

1:30 - 2:30 pm
Planned Possibilities: Fostering Creativity and Curiosity through
Meaningful, Integrated, and Connected Curriculum
Presenter: Rachel Daigre, Director of Learning Innovation
Knock Knock Children’s Museum, Baton Rouge, LA

Instructional Differentiation in Lower School
Presenter: Samira Ibeawuchi, 2nd Grade Teacher
St. Thomas the Apostle, Houston

Episcopal Identity: A Quantum Leap From the Basics!
Rev. Boo Kay, Bishop Nolan Episcopal, Lake Charles, LA

Leading Through Turbulent Times
Ed Hollinger, Consultant at The Hollinger Group

2:30 - 2:45 pm - Sponsors/Networking

2:45-3:45 pm
The Work of the Young People in Preschool and Lower School Chapel
Jill Walters, Lower School Chaplain
All Saints Episcopal, Fort Worth

Supporting Student Well-being by Prioritizing Educators'
Social-Emotional Health
Andrea Jenkins
The Social Institute

Panel Discussion on Rebuilding Community and Connection
Netra Fitzgerald, HOS St. Michael's Episcopal, Dallas
Jennifer Morgan, HOS Trinity Episcopal, Austin
Bridget Henderson, HOS St. James Episcopal, Baton Rouge

Understanding and Supporting Grieving Students
Bo's Place Bereavement Center, Houston

3:45 - 4:00 pm - General Session, Closing Liturgy

4:30 pm - Virtual Networking Lounge Closes

Friday, October 22nd

8:00 am - Platform Opens - Sponsors/Networking

8:30 - 9:00 am - General Session and Opening Liturgy

9:00 -10 am
Keynote Speaker
David Epstein
New York Times Best Selling Author of
"Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World"

10:00 - 10:30 am - Break - Sponsors/Networking

10:00 - 10:20 am - Sponsor sessions including topics:

Looking ahead to the future of Customer Service and Employee Benefits
Interim Headship: Why hire one? Where do you find one? What do they do?

10:30 - 11:30 am
Keynote Speaker
Yvonne Adams
Director of Equity and Inclusion
St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Austin

11:30 - 11:45 am Break - Sponsors/Networking

11:45 am - 12:45 pm
Awards Ceremony
Closing Session and Liturgy

We are proud to offer schools discounted bundled registration fees. Additionally, all sessions will be recorded and every registration includes 30 days of on-demand conference programming. Registration fees are below:

1 Seat - $325
3 Seats - $800 (18% Discount)
5 Seats - $1300 (20% Discount)
10 Seats - $2,500 (23% Discount)
15 Seats - $3,500 (28% Discount)
Campus License (Unlimited) - $4,000

Contact Pat Blevins at for more questions on fees!

Upcoming Webinars
October and November

Marketing Your School
October 14, 2021
10:00 - 11:30 am CST
Registration Fee: $149.00 per school
Re-enrollment is a critical time of the year in the life of a school. Developing an intentional and focused marketing calendar will ensure that your external and internal marketing is both cost-effective and helpful in building enrollment! This 1 1/2 hour webinar will focus on re-enrollment marketing strategies and best practices of marketing your school.
Head Support and Evaluation
November 16, 2021
10:00 am CST
As the sole employee of the board, the Head of School carries a huge amount of responsibility. One of the most important roles of the Board of Trustees is to support and evaluate the Head of School. This webinar offers board members tangible advice for how they make the support and evaluation process effective for everyone involved!
The Budgeting Process & The Financial Dashboard
November 9, 2021
6:00 - 8:00 pm CST
Registration Fee: $149.00 per school
What are the steps to a comprehensive budgeting process for a school? This webinar will explore best practices from the initial fall budgeting conversations to setting tuition, to passing the final draft by the board. Participants will also explore the use of a historical financial dashboard to “mine” critical data to inform the entire process. Don’t go into the new budgeting process without these tools!

25th Annual Heads Retreat
November 3, 2021–November 6, 2021
San Antonio, Texas

Gather with fellow Heads to examine the latest research to support your decision-making, engage in deep conversation, and network with peers who share your challenges to discover new perspectives.


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