July 2020
Waterville UMC News
Dear Church Family,
May God’s blessings be poured over you.
There is a lot going on right now. A great deal of it feels like chaos. What business or restaurant is open? Will I be safe if I go into a restaurant to eat? Why do I need to wear a mask? Is it safe to leave my home? Why is this virus now hitting the 20-30 year olds? When will we be able to get back to church to worship in community? What is happening with and how might COVID 19 impact the new building?
I have been talking with God and the conversation has gone a little like this: God where are you in this chaos, what do you want to teach us that we, your body, the church will respond with power and love, how do you want to change the way we think that we may share your love and peace?
God where are you was answered as I was directed to this verse in Hebrews 13:5b “because God has said, “
Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.
”” This verse is in reference of living a life in God’s way and becoming ever more dependent upon God each day. Our independent nature gets in the way. We do not like humbling ourselves to the point of trusting God for our every need.
For the response to God what do you want to teach us I have clearly heard to go to Galatians 5:22-23,
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”
I would ask, for you in this moment, to picture how your life and the lives of all Christians would be transformed if we produce the fruit of the Spirit in abundance. I am convinced that if we would all allow God to teach how to produce the fruit of the Spirit the world would be transformed. Waterville and the surrounding area would be richly blessed. Are each of us willing to learn from God?
God’s response to the last question, how do you want to change the way I think was a leading to Romans 12:1-2,
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
This is one of the scripture passages that show us clearly that the way we think must be changed to be faithful to God, we must change the way we think to fully discover God’s perfect will. Are you willing to allow the Holy Spirit to change the way you think so that you will produce God’s fruit as you live out God’s perfect will for your life.
God is so great. I pray the Holy Spirit will move in your life in a mighty way.
Pastor Mike
Returning to Worship
Our church leaders have been working on a plan to safely resume our worship services and church activities. Masking, social distancing, sanitizing will be in place as we phase back into our new norm on July 12, 2020. We will be providing additional details over the next week.
One of the initial steps is to hear from you! Please complete the survey that was emailed to you on Monday, June 29th.
IMPORTANT REMINDER regarding our congregational leaders looking to do a slow restart to worship at the church, starting July 12, 2020.
The survey was e-mailed on Monday, June 29th. Please COMPLETE IT by this Thursday, July 2nd.
Thank you!
Waterville United Methodist Church invites everyone to our final Park and Pray at Anthony Wayne High School north parking lot Sunday, July 5th at 11 am.
We will offer an opportunity to continue to worship at WUMC in the Park & Pray format at the church. More details to follow.
Sharing some special photos from Park & Pray at AWHS. Thank you to all who helped make this happen each week!
We have included the July HomeTouch in this Ambassador. Click on HomeTouch picture to open.
Finance & Stewardship
Facts, Figures, FYI’s
Thank You:
Pastor Mike and your Church Council would like to thank you for your generosity and willingness to share your financial resources, especially during this critical time as we deal with all the issues created by the Coronavirus pandemic. May God continue to bless each of you and this congregation, as we work together doing His work of sharing the good news with others.
Quarterly Statements:
Your 2nd Quarter Giving Statements will be emailed on Saturday, July 11th. For those who receive hardcopies, they will be sent via US Mail the week of July 13
Contribution Options
Many of you have dropped off your tithes and offerings to the church or sent them via the US Mail. Thank you! Since we are not sure how long we need to continue social distancing, this may be the time for you to consider an alternate method for your giving, especially if you make payments through electronic banking. Here are two options currently being used and may be of interest to you.
(Option #1) WUMC Direct Deposit Program
: A specified amount is automatically transferred from your checking account to the church’s checking account electronically on the 15
or the last business day of each month or on both if you choose. Details are available on our website
or at the church office.
(Option #2) Bank Electronic Payment:
You set up WUMC as a payee on your on-line bank checking or savings account. You enter the amount, follow the procedures and a check will be mailed to the church. See your bank or financial institution for details. NOTE: If you choose this option, please list all designation(s) for your giving on the memo line, such as: General Fund, Capital Fund, Mission, etc.
Congregational Information & Updates:
If you are not aware,
The Ambassador
monthly newsletter and a weekly church news update, affectionately known as the
“Friday Blaster”
are both sent via email. If you currently do not receive these and would like to, please contact the church office with your email address at
“Loving Provider, help us to save and spend wisely so we can give
generously, as You give to us each day.
Upper Room, January 2012
Hygiene Kits and School Kits
This year the Missions Committee is focusing on both
Hygiene Kits
School Kits
for July and August, rather than assigning one type of kit to a specific month. Feel free to donate items for either kit during these two months.
In the face of natural disasters, violence, and grinding poverty,
Hygiene Kits
can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling families; and
School Kits
can give children in these impoverished communities and refugee camps some of the basic tools for learning.
Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world. Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within.
Please donate
items from the lists. The Festival of Sharing is very particular that items be the same in each kit.
July Collection
Sunglasses, hats, beach balls, outdoor play games, flip-flops, drink cups, jump ropes!!!
Operation Christmas Child
This year's theme for the Operation Christmas Child is
just one more
. How many times a week do you say "just one more"? Please click on the button below to read just alittle more about..."just one more..."
The prayer team is asking for the support of the rest of the congregation to join them in praying specifically for the the Prayer focus of the month.
July’s Theme
The earth is a very fragile place, and yet it is our home, our only home. In the past century in particular, humanity has been terribly severe on the earth making unreasonable demands on it, and now the earth along with its life and ecosystems are struggling to cope. The irony is that humanity depends on a healthy earth in order to survive The first to suffer are always the poor and most vulnerable, and so we need to take stock, reduce our demands, and live more simply, or as Jesus asked of his followers, more lightly on the earth.
Some of the selected Scriptures related to our theme are listed here; click on the button to have the complete list:
Psalm 27:5
Psalm 46:1-2
Psalm 57:1-2
Isaiah 43:2
Matthew 7:25
Volunteers Needed for Waterville Community's Drive-Thru VBS
Please contact Stephanie Shelton (567-202-5035) or
if you would be interested in volunteering to help with VBS this year.
We will be outside at Waterville Community Church located at
8217 Dutch Rd., Waterville, OH 43566
from 7-8pm, July 13-16th, while families "drive-thru" to drop off canned goods & coins and pick-up VBS goody bags.
Volunteers (masks required) are needed to:
1. Take Food Donations into the Church
2. Pass out Information Sheets
3. Assemble Goody Bags (prior to VBS week)
4. Pass out VBS Goody Bags
5. Receive canned goods from cars
6. Receive coins from cars
7. Welcome - check name off list
Volunteers can be youth or adults, but need to commit to all 4 nights, if possible. Free VBS T-shirt to volunteers if you contact Stephanie soon.
Click on the picture to listen to
"I Can Only Imagine" by Chris Tomlin
June 7....116
June 14....121
June 21....116
June 28 .... 95
Numbers include Park and Pray and You Tube views.
July 5th Sunday Service Opportunities:
8:00am Pastor’s Message at www.watervilleumc.org
11:00am Park & Pray at AW High School North Parking Lot
July 12th at 11:00 AM (note the time): We plan to return to service at church. Watch for an announcement after we receive and review the survey results.
During all events, we will maintain social distancing, wear masks, and have hand sanitizing units available.
We are considering opportunities to continue the Park & Pray format outside the church, opening the sanctuary to those who feel comfortable in coming inside, offering the courtyard (weather permitting and attendees would bring their own chair).
Please watch for an update at next week's Park & Pray and next week via e-mail.
July 4th Independence Day!
July 12th at 11 AM - Return to services at WUMC!
Nicole Westfall July 1
Charlene Monroe July 10
Tom Quinn July 10
Keith Colyer July 10
Kristin Denman July 12
LIsa Galton July 13
Pam Denman July 19
Tiffany Stevens July 19
Christie Wielgopolski July 20
Chris May July 21
Aimee Allison July 23
Bill Gregory July 23
Jane Schwind July 23
Amy Hankins July 24
Carolyn Myerholtz July 24
Lucy Topuzova July 24
Gloria Peyton July 25
Isaiah Wittenmyer July 27
George Gregg July 28
Amy Peel July 28
Hanna Letzring July 29
Happy Birthday to you!
If you have an July Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
The church office has reduced hours for the summer. We regularly check voicemail & email. If you need to reach us please call 419-878-3645 and leave a voicemail or send us an email at
. If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need please call Pastor Mike Denman at 419-469-0156 .
Follow us on Twitter
Follow the church and youth on our Twitter pages:
Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645|
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