Public Council Sessions for May, 2020
In May, Council sessions will be held on May 6th and 20th and will begin at 6 p.m. At this time we are anticipating to hold these meetings using Zoom and live streaming them to Facebook. Should this change, a notice will be posted on our social media. You can visit
our municipal Facebook page
by following the link.
To view the upcoming Council agenda, or to view minutes from past Council sessions, please visit our website or click here:
Council Minutes
Coronavirus Government Updates
Find up-to-date COVID-19 related information at these sites:
Restrictions Update - May 1
*Practice social distancing during all activities. That means staying 2 metres (6 feet) away from people you don't live with. *Plan your activities only with the people you live with. Gatherings are limited to 5 people or fewer. *Stay home if you're feeling sick. *Limit non-essential travel. You should use the parks and trails in your local area, if possible. *Keep your hands clean. If you have hand sanitizer, bring it with you. *Follow cough and sneeze etiquette. Consider wearing a non-medical mask.
Municipality of Cumberland approves capital budget for 20/21
Municipal Council approved a $4.5M capital budget for the 2020/2021 fiscal year during a teleconference meeting April 1, 2020.
"We recognize we need to plan for the future for our residents, while being mindful of current world events, "explained Warden Allison Gillis. "This year's capital budget is more modest than previous years, due largely to the current global pandemic. Our Council does not wish to place a financial burden on our residents, but we do want our residents to know we are diligently working on capital projects to better serve our communities."
Read More
A special council meeting was held April 22, 2020 where Warden Gillis provided a statement regarding the tragedy which occurred in Nova Scotia on April 18
th and 19
th, 2020, which was followed by a moment of silence for the victims.
The events of April 18th and 19th have forever changed our municipality, our neighbouring municipalities, our province and our country. The senseless act of one man has cost us 22 lives. These individuals were vibrant family, friends and neighbours who were all a part of the very fabric of their communities.
Barb Palmer, Councillor of District 6 (Wentworth area) and Warden Al Gillis collaborated on this statement.
Read full statement here
Important phone numbers for all residents in this time of grief:
- Mental Health Support 1 888 429 8167
- Kids Help Line 1 800 668 6868
- Morneau Shepell 1 844 751 2133
Community Condolences & Social Media Links
We can honour the victims, their families and loved ones by hanging tartan and blue scarves and ribbons from our trees, windows and balconies. It's a way to show our strength and our love for one another. It's a way to come together while staying apart.
Social media graphics are also available to show your support, and honour the victims, their families and loved ones.
An online book of condolences has been set up by the province:
Council and staff of the Municipality of Cumberland participated in Wear Red Friday, April 24, in honour of the victims.
The Municipality of Cumberland will be holding Public Hearings on the following topics:
- Public Sewer By-Law
- Local Improvement By-Law
- Livestock Control By-Law
Date of Public Hearings: Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Public Hearings are open to the public and ensure residents have an opportunity to provide Council their comments and concerns regarding the by-laws. During the COVID-19 pandemic Council is holding virtual meetings.
For methods on how to participate please
read more
Community Supports During COVID-19
The Community Health Boards compiled this report. Use this resource to find local information about:
-Housing & Community Support
-Health Services
-Mental Health & Well-being
-Resources for Children, Youth, and Their Families
-Government Supports
-Other Community Resources
-Emergency Management
Neighbours Helping Neighbours in Cumberland County
-Are you self isolating and have some practical needs?
-Do you need groceries or medical supplies delivered to your home?
-Are you lonely and want someone to talk too?
-Are you a healthcare worker and need child-care for your children in order to go to work?
Are you able to help us meet some of these needs?
This website is intended to connect those who need help with people who can help.
Photo Credit: Chronicle Herald
Fire ravages Shinimicas Volunteer Fire Department
In the evening hours of April 23, 2020 a fire broke out at the Shinimicas Volunteer Fire Department. Twelve Fire Departments were involved in the response, and had the fire under control shortly after 1 a.m., April 24, 2020.
"An important part of the Shinimicas area was lost last night due to this devastating fire. We recognize the importance of this building to the community," said Joe van Vulpen, district councillor. "The services the fire department provides is a necessity and we will work to ensure fire service is continued in the area."
"I have already spoken with Fire Chiefs from Pugwash, Tidnish Bridge and Truemanville and their departments have committed to ensuring fire coverage for the residents of Shinimicas," stated Mike Carter, Fire Protection Coordinator for the Municipality of Cumberland.
"The response of neighbouring fire departments was exceptional. Their cooperation with the Shinimicas Volunteer Fire Department and dedication to their duties ensured no injuries or fatalities," commended Municipality of Cumberland Warden, Al Gillis.
The Municipality of Cumberland would like to extend thanks to the following Fire Departments for their response to this event:
Shinimicas |
Oxford |
Amherst |
Collingwood |
Southampton |
Springhill |
Joggins |
Tidnish Bridge |
Pugwash |
Leicester |
Wallace |
Truemanville |
Special Collection
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the work conditions required during a special collection, we are cancelling the annual Special Collection of metal, bulky items and construction and demolition debris, as outlined on the back of the 2020-2021 Collection Schedule. Residents are reminded that they are able to put out one bulky garbage item per garbage pickup. Please refer to your 2020-2021 Collection Schedule, or the Cumberland County Solid Waste App for clarification of a bulky item.
These are difficult times and we encourage all residents to abide by the health and safety guidelines distributed by our Federal and Provincial Governments during this pandemic.
At this time, curbside collection of household solid waste is deemed to be an essential service, and will continue. Residents are reminded that all by-laws concerning illegal dumping and solid waste collection remain in effect.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
LED Streetlight Installation Schedule Released
The Municipality of Cumberland has released the tentative schedule for the installation of LED streetlights across the municipality. This project was approved in the 2020/2021 Capital Budget.
The switch from high pressure sodium (HPS) fixtures to LED fixtures was a direct result of provincial legislation regarding energy-efficient appliances regulations by 2022. Staff from the Cumberland Energy Authority championed the project on behalf of the Municipality of Cumberland.
"The switch from the old high pressure sodium light fixtures to new LED light fixtures will make a positive impact on the Municipality's greenhouse gas emissions moving forward," stated Ray Hickey, Executive Director of the Cumberland Energy Authority. "We are creating a sustainable future for our communities in this switch-over."
LED fixtures are long-lasting fixtures and reduce CO2 emissions by using less energy. The long-lasting nature of the fixtures is also expected to reduce maintenance costs for the municipality.
A copy of the tentative installation
can be found here. Week one was the week of April 20.
Pre-authorized debit payment now available
A new method of payment is now possible.
Pre-authorized debits will be made available to residents for payment on tax accounts, water accounts, sewer accounts and PACE repayment.
To register for pre-authorized debit payment,
forms can be found here. Within 3 business days the information will be registered within our payment systems.
Terms for pre-authorized debit include either the 1
st or 15
th of the month, or an entire invoice on the due date.
Drop boxes for payments
We now have drop boxes available for residents at each of our three Service Centres. If you are paying a bill using this method we ask that you only use cheques not cash. Please clearly mark the outside of the envelope with your name, account number and the amount of your payment. Receipts will be mailed out once your payment is processed.
A reminder, anyone wishing to make a payment may do so with the following methods:
- Online via Paymentus
- Online via personal banking websites
- Telephone banking
- Mailing a cheque to the Upper Nappan Service Centre
- Using the Pre-authorized debit form (call for a copy to be mailed to you)
- Drop box at the Upper Nappan Service Centre, available seven days a week
- Drop box at the Parrsboro Service Centre, available Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
- Drop box at the Dr. Carson and Marion Murray Community Centre, available Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon - 2 p.m.
Photo Credit: Saltwire Network
Nova Scotia government commits $25.5 million toward construction of replacement for Pugwash hospital
After being promised numerous times over the last decade, the provincial government quietly took a significant step toward replacing the aging North Cumberland Memorial Hospital with a new facility when it announced last week it is investing $25.5 million in a new hospital to serve Pugwash, Wallace, Port Howe and surrounding areas.
Construction is expected to begin in the fall on the new facility that will replace the existing hospital that was built in 1966. North Cumberland Memorial Hospital provides 24/7 urgent care, ambulatory and primary care, in-patient care, laboratory and diagnostic imaging as well as rehabilitation, palliative care and other community-based supports. It is also part of the collaborative emergency centre model.
While original plans called for the hospital to be connected to the East Cumberland Lodge, it's believed the new facility will be built on a piece of land adjacent to the existing hospital.
Read the full Saltwire article
The Province of Nova Scotia has a Province wide Burn Ban in place.
A ban on open fires is in effect. The ban prohibits open fires in woods, or within 305 metres (1,000 feet) of woods. The fire ban will remain in effect until 15 May 2020.
Learn 2 Lead has been offering some online workshops!!
HEALTH, FITNESS & FUN with Ryan Reynolds of Sculpt Health & Wellness in Springhill (Family and kid friendly - 4 sessions! )
MENTAL WELLNESS with Stephanie Allen of Gateway Wellness in Amherst (2 sessions!)
Patrick Manifold will be hosting a session on
GOAL SETTING on Monday, May 11th and another on
on Monday, May 25th. Join us LIVE on Facebook, or find the videos later.
More sessions still to come!!
These workshops are organized
by Cumberland area municipalities (Cumberland County, Oxford, Amherst) to offer their residents opportunities to train locally, rather than needing to travel. The goal is to provide additional training to leaders in our communities - volunteers, coaches, and leaders of all backgrounds.
Staying the course...
The Public Works department is carrying on as close to normal as possible with all government recommended precautions being implemented. Here is some of what they are up to:
*Water and wastewater treatment is being carried out. Sampling and testing is ongoing.
*Installation of variable frequency drives and flow measurement was completed for a pair of pumps at the Springhill Water Treatment Plant.
*Replacement of the roof on the Springhill Senior Citizens Centre is underway and should be finished in mid May.
*Parrsboro Well No. 5 has been drilled. Field work to connect the well to the pumphouse will start in mid May.
*The waterline on Hawks Road in Parrsboro, started in 2019, should be completed in mid May, pending the soft ground drying out.
*The Springhill Service Centre Renovations tender closed and award of the work is pending.
*The Springhill Storm Sewer Replacement (washout adjacent the Community Centre) tender closed and award of the contract is pending Council approval.
*Parrsboro will take delivery of a new plow/salt/dump truck this week.
By the Community, For the Community
Late last year, the Municipality of Cumberland County engaged the consulting firm Third Sector Enhancement to develop economic development strategies for the communities of
Springhill and
Parrsboro. The goal of these strategies will be to maximize the economic resilience, vitality, and quality of life in these communities - to ensure they are places where current residents can thrive, and which will attract newcomer families as well. The ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic makes this work all the more critical for the future of these communities.
Over the last few months, Third Sector Enhancement has worked with business and community leaders to define draft economic development strategies for each community. Now, it's your turn - to provide feedback on your community's emerging strategy, to identify where you might want to get involved in implementing specific parts of that strategy, and identify how this strategy could help you achieve your personal goals. Your input will make your community's strategy better and more relevant, and your involvement in implementation will help ensure that effective action is taken. While the Municipality is supporting their development and implementation, it will be up to the residents of Springhill and Parrsboro to bring these strategies to life.
We have an Accessibility Committee!
The Municipality of Cumberland wants to be more accessible, and we would love your input!
We know that one-third of people in Cumberland County live with at least one disability. Armed with that information, along with the NS Accessibility Act, we recently formed an accessibility committee, which is made up of staff and community representatives.
Our end goal is to find out how we can be a more accessible Municipality to our residents, visitors, and staff with disabilities. We would love to hear your input on this!
Thanks for your participation!
Building Inspection Services
In light of the continued developments with the COVID-19 virus, the Municipality of Cumberland will be postponing fire inspections indefinitely and required building inspections will be dealt with on an individual basis.
Our building officials are available to residents via email and phone to process applications.
Current permit holders are required to contact the building official at each required inspection stage as indicated on their permit prior to proceeding with construction.
Age-Friendly Communities Grant
The Age-friendly Community Grant Program provides funding up to $25,000 for projects that lead to more age-friendly communities. Projects funded through the program help advance the goals outlined in Shift: Nova Scotia's Action Plan for an Aging Population.
Projects must fall into one of two broad categories:
- Age-friendly community planning: Consultation and community planning initiatives that result in robust action plans and age-friendly communities. These planning initiatives must be in partnership with local government and include consultation with and engagement of older adults, the broader community, and key stakeholders.
- Community projects: Innovative projects (could be collaborative) to develop and/or implement programs, services, resources or events that support active, healthy living; help older adults stay connected to community life; maximize the economic and social contributions of older adults; and increase social interaction and community involvement among older adults.
Applications open April 1, 2020.
Learn More
Community Links has been asked by the Province of Nova Scotia to help connect vulnerable older adults in remote and rural communities with local resources to meet their basic living needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
They will do this by supporting trusted community partners as they identify and help meet needs such as delivery of food, necessities and needed medications.
Resources will be available to cover some organizational expenses. At this time, we cannot reimburse expenses for individuals.
Community Recreation Capital Grant (CRCG) 2020-21
The purpose of the CRCG program is to assist in the development of indoor and outdoor capital recreation projects, with a total cost less than $20,000. A priority of the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage (CCH) is to renovate or expand existing community recreation facilities (e.g. replacing a roof, furnace, or playground component) and to develop new small-scale facilities.
Generally, funding is available for up to 33% of the total cost of that project to a maximum of $5,000. In special cases, the impact of COVID-19, the applicant may be eligible up to 66%.
Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis between April 1st and December 22nd until the grant program is 100% expended.
Planning Assistance Program 2020-21
The Planning Assistance Program assists community organizations in obtaining professional assistance in planning, designing, and researching proposed and existing sport and recreation facilities.
Generally, for each of the eligible projects described above, funding is available for up to 50% of the total cost of that project to a maximum of $10,000. In special cases including the impact of COVID-19, the applicant may be eligible up to 66%.
Community ACCESS-Ability Program
The Community ACCESS-Ability Program reflects the Government of Nova Scotia's commitment to persons with disabilities by providing equal opportunity and improved access to community facilities. This program offers cost-shared grants to community groups for accessibility related capital improvements.
The grants may cover up to two-thirds of the direct and indirect costs of renovations, installations, and/or equipment. The sponsoring organization must raise at least one-third of the funding from other sources. Organizations can receive funding for one project per year under the program.
Applications are currently being accepted for 2020-21.
The Emergency Repair Program helps low-income homeowners in rural areas pay for emergency repairs so they can continue to safely live in their homes. You can receive a grant of up to $7,000 for eligible repairs (e.g. heating systems, chimneys, doors & windows, foundations, plumbing, electrical systems, etc.)
This additional program administered by Housing Nova Scotia helps homeowners make emergency repairs to their homes. Eligible homeowners can receive a forgivable loan up to $6,500 to help cover the costs of materials and labour.
The Senior Citizens Assistance Program
If you are a Nova Scotian senior and would like to stay in your home but can't afford the necessary repairs to roofing, plumbing, or heating, Housing Nova Scotia is ready to give you a grant of up to $6,500 to cover these costs.
Designed to help with the rising cost of home energy, this Service Nova Scotia rebate is automatically applied to your power bill for most people (those homes fueled by home-delivered oil, propane, firewood, and natural gas).
Those with homes powered by other energy sources, such as kerosene, coal, and wood pellets need to
apply. The rebate you receive is equal to the provincial portion of the HST on your bill.
Learn More
Make the most of your quarantine time and register for those coaching courses you have been putting off for months, or even for years!!
The Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) has developed a Safe Sport e-learning module that is being offered free of charge until the end of May. This course is a 90 minute online course, that looks at creating a culture where everyone can thrive is a shared responsibility. The Safe Sport Training module developed by the CAC will help anyone involved in sport identify and prevent situations of maltreatment. Together, we can make sport safe for everyone.
Canadian Sport Centre Atlantic is offering a Coach Socialization Program, information is posted weekly on their Facebook Page.
They have also created a Resource Hub for Sport Organizations to go to get information and resources to share with their teams.
Recreation Nova Scotia is hosting Virtual Town Hall Meetings across the Province. If you would like to join and learn more, Fundy will be hosting a session on Wednesday, May 6th from 10AM to 11AM. You can join via GoTo Meeting at
A sentence-length subheading can be easily skimmed by the reader
Federal Support Measures
Imagine Canada has compiled all of the Federal COVID-19 Relief Measures that are available to Voluntary & nonprofit organizations nationally in this table.
Provincial Support Measures
The Community Sector Council of NS has compiled a list of all the Provincial Measures available, who is eligible for them, and how to apply all in a table on our website. This is updated regularly as new information is announced!
Non-Profit Organization Supports
Are you a not-for-profit organization assisting in the COVID-19 response effort to help vulnerable Nova Scotians? Do you need help?
VolunteerNS.ca has set up a special COVID-19 response page for organizations and volunteers who want to assist in the relief effort.
Create your profile on VolunteerNS today!
Efficiency upgrade financing available
The Municipality of Cumberland and the Town of Amherst have teamed up with the Clean Foundation to offer qualified homeowners low-interest financing for energy-efficiency upgrades to their homes.
The Property Assessed Clean Energy program is administered by the Clean Foundation for the municipalities, and starts with a home assessment to see if homeowners could save as much or even more in energy and heating expenses than the cost of the retrofits. Financing is available on a first come, first-serve basis, with each municipality committed to up to 10 homes per year.
"We offer low-interest financing to homeowners to help them make clean energy upgrades to their home," explained Andrew MacDonald, director of finance for the Municipality of Cumberland. "The financing is for up to $25,000 and is paid back over a 10-year period."
Learn More
Cancellation of the Plein Air Festival (PIPAF) 2020
In consideration of the social distancing measures during the COVID-19 outbreak, our 4th Annual Parrsboro International Plein Air Festival is cancelled.
Official Launch of PIPAF IN ISOLATION
In response to this global pandemic, we are excited to introduce the world to PIPAF in ISOL
TION. Our thirty participants will compete virtually from their homes in isolation, bringing you an inspiring perspective of this historical time of adversity through the eyes of plein air artists all over North America. Follow them online as they compete for awards for Best in Show, Best Nocturne, People's Choice and more!
Join us for the launch of PIPAF in ISOLATION on the weekend of
June 20th and 21st
, where viewers all over the world can tune in to our broadcast, live and recorded,of our artists painting plein air in isolation all over North America.
Starting on Wednesday, June 24th, you can
visit our website
to view over 60 paintings produced during PIPAF in ISOL
TION, available for purchase in support of the livelihood of our painters. Viewers will have their chance to vote for their favourites for the People's Choice Award before the polls close on Saturday, June 27th.
Don't miss out on the online Awards Ceremony held the following weekend,
June 28th
, for a special message from our Judge and world renowned artist, Tom Forrestall, for over 6000 dollars in awards! Follow us now on Facebook, Youtube, and social media to catch previews of our artists in action.
We believe it is our responsibility as artists to uplift the spirits of our community, by celebrating our resilience and solidarity in times of adversity and through documenting this important moment in history. Stay tuned!
Parrsboro Virtual Open Mic
Parrsboro Open Mic people; send in your clips! We're having a Virtual Open Mic as part of the Social Distance Concert Series brought to you by The Hall, Parrsboro Lions, and CICR Parrsboro Radio.
Film yourself performing a song or two on your phone and email it to jrobbentley@gmail.com by Tuesday May 12. We'll edit you into our Open Mic - backed up by our virtual house band. Then you can view the Virtual Open Mic on TV channel 5 in Parrsboro, at thehall.ca, or listen at 99.1fm Parrsboro Radio on Sunday, May 17.
Our Social Media Platforms
The following social media pages are maintained by the Municipality:
Never forget your garbage day again!
The Cumberland Central Landfill has made it even easier for residents to stay connected with waste management collection and programs.
Download the free Solid Waste Mobile App by searching for
Cumberland County Solid Waste
in the App Store. Use your mobile phone to view collection schedules, receive collection reminders and
service alerts for any interruptions to waste collection such as cancellations due to weather. Residents can also sign up online by visiting
Wondering what goes where? Visit
to use the new Waste Wizard and search our
database of over 300 items for disposal options.
CJSMA also provides sorting guides, information about upcoming Household Hazardous Waste events, FAQs, and information about provincial solid waste programs available to residents.
For more information about Solid Waste Collection Schedules and Routes in your community, please visit Cumberland Joint Services Management Authority. |
Use our online tax payment system: