Johnston county CENTER
Wheat Update

This past weekend, a stripe rust alert was issued by Dr. Cowger and Dr. Post.   
Stripe Rust Alert
Over the last week stripe rust has been reported in several counties across North Carolina. A stripe rust epidemic can develop much quicker than a leaf rust epidemic. If scouting reveals stripe rust in your field, a fungicide should be applied as soon as possible to preserve yield. Wheat varieties rated susceptible (S) and moderately susceptible (MS) should be scouted immediately. Resistant (R) or moderately resistant (MR) varieties are at low risk. Consult the Variety Characteristics Sheet to determine Stripe Rust susceptibility for common varieties. Apply fungicides to fields containing multiple stripe rust foci first before moving on to fields with less noticeable infections.

When choosing a fungicide, pay close attention to harvest restrictions on the label. Table 2 is abbreviated recommendation list.  Table only includes fungicide products with an excellent stripe rust rating. The fungicides Prosaro, Caramba, and Folicur provide excellent protection against a stripe rust epidemic. Generic versions of the same active ingredient will provide equivalent control. These fungicides have a 30-day pre-harvest restriction, so use caution when applying to fields nearing harvest. Stobilurin-only products such as Aproach and Headline are less effective when used alone after a stripe rust infection has occurred. Aproach Prima also provides excellent protection against stripe rust; however, this fungicide has a 45-day pre-harvest restriction and should only be applied to varieties that are still in boot and not yet heading. As a reminder, Feekes 10.5 is heads fully emerged from the boot and Feekes 10.5.1 to 10.5.4 is the flowering stage.

After walking several fields today all over the county, I did not find any stripe rust, but every field i went in had leaf rust.  Also used the variety guide to determine leaf rust resistance.   
ALTHOUGH, I DID NOT FIND STRIPE RUST, we most likely have it.  With that said, you should consider treating your wheat for stripe rust if your variety is rated S or MS and you have good yield potential.  Products that control stripe rust controls leaf rust. Powdery Mildew was fading with hotter temperatures slowing this disease. However, for the next 2 weeks temperatures are forecasted to be below normal with normal rainfall.  
Again, Feekes 10.5 is heads fully emerged from the boot and Feekes 10.5.1 to 10.5.4 is the flowering stage. Most of our week is well past this stage. 

 Please continue to scout your wheat until the harvest interval interferes with the application.   

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Declaración Completa (Español) "La Extensión Cooperativa de Carolina del Norte prohíbe la discriminación y el acoso independientemente de la edad, el color de la piel, la discapacidad de la persona, el estado civil y situación familiar, la identidad de género, el país de origen, la ideología política, la raza, la religión, el sexo (incluido el embarazo), la orientación sexual y la condición de veterano de guerra. Colaboración entre las Universidades NC State y N.C. A&T State, el Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos, y los gobiernos locales.

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Disclaimer agrichemicals:
Recommendations for the use of agricultural chemicals are included in this publication as a convenience to the reader.  The use of brand names and any mention or listing of commercial products or services in this publication does not imply endorsement by North Carolina Cooperative Extension nor discrimination against similar products or services not mentioned.  Individuals who use agricultural chemicals are responsible for ensuring that the intended use complies with current regulations and conforms to the product label. Be sure to obtain current information about usage regulations and examine a current product label before applying any chemical.  For assistance, contact your county Cooperative Extension agent.