An Update on Natural Resource Conservation in Mahoning County

Mahoning Soil & Water Conservation District | Summer 2020
Celebrating 70 Years with a Trivia Contest Giveaway
Our 70th anniversary celebration continues with a conservation trivia contest. By participating, you have the chance to win a $70 gift certificate toward one of the following: Fall Fish Sale, wildlife food plot mix, OR agricultural equipment rental.

  1. What event happened in 1934 that triggered congressional action for soil and water conservation throughout the nation?
  2. When is a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) required by our office?
  3. How do cover crops improve soil conditions and prevent pollution?
  4. What kind of fish help with algae and vegetation control in ponds and lakes in Ohio?
  5. How many major watersheds are there in Mahoning County?
  6. What are three ways to help prevent water pollution (that you can do from your home)?
  7. What should you do prior to planting/establishing a wildlife food plot?
  8. What is the most important plant for monarch butterflies and how can you help these pollinators?
  9. Name one tactic that can be used to prevent erosion caused by water.
  10. Name three services we provide.

(You can phone a friend, but that friend can't be Google.)

Hint: You can find many of these answers on our website and Facebook page.

Reply to this email with your answers for the chance to win one of the following (your choice):
  • $70 gift certificate for our upcoming Fall Fish Sale
  • $70 wildlife food plot mix
  • $70 off agricultural equipment rental
Seeking Candidates for Board Supervisor Position
Mahoning Soil & Water Conservation District is seeking interested and conservation-minded local leaders to promote conservation of the county’s natural resources through education, planning and technical assistance. 
One supervisor will be elected on Nov. 3, 2020, and will begin his/her term in January 2021. Nominations are due by Sept. 16.

Click below to learn more.
Fall Fish Sale Pick-Up Set for Oct. 8, Pre-Order Now
Our annual Fall Fish Sale will be here before we know it! Orders for fingerling-size fish are due to the district office by 4 pm. Monday, Oct. 5. Individuals must pre-order. Pickup will be from 1:30 to 3 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 8 at the Canfield Fairgrounds.

Species available include Japanese koi, white amur, largemouth bass, bluegill, hybrid bluegill, channel catfish, redear shellcrackers, yellow perch and minnows.

Click below for more information and to download an order form (includes pricing).
10 Things you Should Know About Watersheds
Did you know you live in a watershed? That means each one of us can play a significant role in helping to keep our watersheds clean. If we choose not to, we could be contributing to the pollution of our waterways, which may include our drinking water.

We help develop watershed action plans with the goal of preventing pollution and water quality issues. Learn more about best practices and watersheds in Mahoning County by reading our recent blog post.
Time to Prepare Food Plots, We've Got you Covered
It's that time of year to test your soils and establish your food plots. We offer soil inspections and testing with a quick turnaround time, to help you determine the best seeds to plant. We also have equipment available for rent. We're here for all of your food plot needs!

Click below to see a list of our equipment.
Follow us on social media to learn more about the services we offer and how we fulfill our mission to lead the conservation of land and water resources in Mahoning County through education, technical assistance and stewardship.

Staff Spotlight
Meet Blaine Winger, Agricultural Specialist, District Technician
Agricultural Specialist and District Technician Blaine Winger provides resources and technical assistance to the agricultural community in Mahoning County.

Some of his duties include handling agricultural pollution abatement calls, overseeing and managing agricultural rental equipment, performing site visits for concerns related to timber, pond or lake maintenance, as well as completing inspections of agricultural properties, including those enrolled in the CAUV program.

Blaine brings a wealth of knowledge related to agriculture, timber/forestry and wildlife management. He recently completed his USDA/NRCS training to receive credentials as a Certified Natural Resource Conservation Planner.

He has an Associate of Applied Business in accounting and a Bachelor of Science degree with an emphasis on bovine endocrinology and reproduction from the University of Florida’s College of Agriculture, Food and Animal Sciences.