October 4, 2021
WT Meat Judging Team
wins Reserve Champion Team!
Rodeo Team's First Rodeo of the season!
2021 Ultrasound Guidelines Council
(UGC) Field Certification Program
Photo by: Lindsey Sawin
On September 15th, the Department of Agricultural Sciences at WT hosted the 2021 Ultrasound Guidelines Council (UGC) Field Certification Program in the Bain Arena. Dr. Tommy Perkins, Associate Professor of Animal Science and Dr. Dean Hawkins Endowed Chair in Cow-Calf Management, and Dr. Ty Lawrence, Professor of Animal Science and Director of the Beef Carcass Research Center, hosted this event with the help of graduate and undergraduate students (affectionately known as Perkins’ Posse). Forty ultrasound technicians from 30 states and two countries participated in the certification process.
Additionally, representatives from two breed associations attended the event. The program is held annually to allow ultrasound field technicians to gain UGC Certification so they may go into the field and ultrasound seedstock breeding cattle for carcass composition data for genetic evaluations in breed association EPD calculations. Dr. Lawrence and the meat science students selected the cattle and collected the final carcass measurements to be used in the statistical analysis for Pass/Fail results of the attending technicians. Thanks for your service to this industry!
Dean's Team Picks
“Life is too short to wait.”
-Stephen Hines