Week 2
17 April | 23 Nisan
“Who is honorable? The one who brings honor to others.”  
– Ben Zoma, Pirkei Avot, ch. 4
During the second week of the Counting of the Omer (Days 8-14 corresponding to April 17-23, 2020) we will be focusing on the middah of honor.
Understanding Honor

Kavod comes from the Hebrew root meaning “heavy” or “weighty.” The first step in working on kavod means recognizing and taking seriously one’s own significance. When we are able to do this, recognizing the significance and holiness of others comes more naturally. Rabbi Wolbe explains, “ Kavod is external behavior mandated by and appropriate to a reality of inner holiness.” When we practice kavod , we practice receiving everyone, including ourselves, with an ayin tova – with eyes of goodness. We are aware that each person we meet throughout the day is created b’tzelem Elohim , in the image of God. And so are we.  Therefore, practicing the middah of honor means opening our eyes and our hearts to sense the holiness in ourselves, in others and in the world.

Cultivating Honor – An Invitation to Practice
Choose one or both practices for this week of the Omer.

  • Call one person each day with the intent of showing them kavod. Ask how they are doing. Listen to them without judgment, without trying to fix anything about what they are saying. Simply be a listening presence, and thus show honor, to someone else each day.

  •     Count each day of the Omer this week (Days 1-7) by reciting the following blessing: 
Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech ha-olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu al s’firat ha-omer.

Blessed are You, Adonai our God, who orders the universe, allowing us the opportunity to experience holiness through the commandments and commanding us to count the Omer.

Today is the _____ day of the Omer. May I experience the blessing of honor this day.
Cultivating Honor – An Invitation to Meditate
Sit for 10-20 minutes of meditation each day this week. You may listen to the audio or simply set your own intentions during your practice.
Please note: It has come to our attention that our meditation audio files are not currently compatible with some devices, such as iPhones and iPads. We have reached out to our technology teams to see if we can modify this and make it so that the audio works from any device. In the meantime, to ensure the most high quality meditation experience, we ask that you please access and play the recordings from a computer desktop or laptop. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. We will keep you posted on this situation.
Audio Transcript:

Shalom. Today we will be doing a body scan meditation. Bringing our awareness to different parts of our bodies, we allow ourselves to grow in honor, in kavod, of the miraculous forms we inhabit each day. You can do this meditation standing up, sitting or lying down. Do whatever feels most comfortable for you. Once you have taken your position, close your eyes and breathe naturally, noticing the air moving in and out of your body.

Bring your attention to your feet – your toes, your soles, your ankles. Notice any sensations that arise. If you are wearing shoes, notice the feel of your feet in the shoes. If your feet are bare, notice how they feel connecting with the floor or whatever surface they are resting on.

Now allow your attention to come up through the legs. The shins, the calves, the knees, the thighs. Notice any sensations that may arise in these areas of the body. Notice the feeling of any clothing on the legs. Notice any tenseness or clenching, and if you feel any, allow the muscles to release.

Now bring your awareness to your pelvis and hips, belly and lower back. Notice any sensations in this region of your body. The awareness here is gentle receptivity. You are not looking for anything in particular. You are simply remaining open to any feelings you might find.

Allow your attention to move up to the chest and shoulders. Check to make sure your shoulders are relaxed. You may notice the breath expanding and releasing. You may notice other sensations arising. You may notice no sensations at all, which is perfectly fine. No need to do anything about anything that you feel … or don’t feel. Just notice.

Bring you attention to your back. If you notice any tightness or stiffness, again, first simply be aware and allow yourself to feel those sensations in the body. (pause) If, after a short time, you would like to direct the breath to any areas of tightness, feel free to do so.

Move your attention down the arms. Notice your upper arms, elbows, forearms, hands. Let your attention rest on your palms for a bit. Now the fingers. See if you can feel each separate finger.

Bring your attention back up your body to your neck and throat. Can you feel your breath moving through this part of your body?

And now, allow your awareness to rest on your face. Your chin, your lips, your cheeks. Notice any sensations in or around your ears. Stop for a moment and notice what sounds you are hearing right now. 

Turn your attention to your eyes and feel the weight of the eyelids against the eyeballs.  Notice any movement of the eyeballs within their sockets or the brush of your lashes.

Finally, move your awareness up over your forehead and allow it to rest on the top of your head. Notice any sensations you may feel here: tingling, pulsing, itching.  Notice an absence of sensation.

Allow yourself to rest in a sense of kavod, of honor, for this magnificent body - for what it allows you to do, for what it allows you to experience – until the bell rings. 

Added Inspiration
The Weight by Dan Bellm

You must prepare to carry nothing
where you walk,
a God who cannot be seen,
a name you cannot speak –
therefore gather
the most precious of what you have,
and build me something heavy you can carry,
heavy as you want.
I will be weightless in it,
an idea, a promise,
among you, within you –
I will be unbearable. You can bear it.
Over and over you will pick it up
and set it down,
and as you wander you will lose what you brought forth,
 the ark will collapse in your hands,
the stones of the law will break.
Then you will carry me in your minds,
in your mouths –
unbearable as you want. You can bear it.
(based on Exodus 25:1-27:19)

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