Dear Friends,
I am pleased to announce that our Howard County Health Department has reached an important milestone of 45 contact tracers available. Cited in our HoCo RISE plan, the Center for Health Security at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health estimated 15 contact tracers per 100,000 population needed, and we are close and continue to onboard others.
Having robust contact tracing, a stable supply of PPE at more than 30 days, and an increase of tests administered per day, a stark increase from 116 in April to 657 in June, puts us in a good position to allow further easing of restrictions on opening or operation of businesses, organizations, establishments, and facilities.
Our preparation is showing in our data, which is progressing in the right direction. The seven-day rolling average positivity rate peaked on April 29th at 28.2%; and, as of today, the seven-day rolling average positivity rate is 5.10%, below the state average of 6.55%.
We will keep making reopening decisions based on our data and we are hopeful that this progress will be sustained throughout the coming months so that our community can recover.
Howard County will continue to align with Governor Hogan’s reopening plan. Our goal has always been to open as safely and as quickly as possible.
I urge residents to continue practicing physical distancing, wearing face coverings when interacting with others, and frequently washing your hands. To learn more and visit our COVID-19 Dashboard, please visit our website
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
On this World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, we are reminded that abuse is an unacceptable problem we cannot, and will not ignore. While elder abuse affects hundreds of thousands of people each year, only 1 in 14 cases is brought to the attention of authorities. Whether physical, psychological, financial or sexual, elder abuse is a violation of trust and basic human rights.
It is our duty to protect our most vulnerable population, to prevent these forms of abuse from occurring, and to ensure we effectively address them when they do. When a community cares, we can build strong supports for older adults in Howard County.
Utility Shut Off Update
Governor Hogan extended his order prohibiting electric, gas, water, sewage, phone, cable TV, and internet service provider companies from shutting off any residential customer’s service, or charging any residential late fees. This order remains in effect through July 1. For more information, read the Governor's Emergency Order
Get Tested!
It’s important that all residents who are showing symptoms or are asymptomatic, concerned essential employees who may have come into contact with COVID-19, and those who have been to large gatherings are tested for COVID-19 as soon as possible. I encourage residents to reach out to their medical provider or call one of our urgent care centers to get tested for COVID-19 today.
Walk-ins are currently accepted at some Urgent Care locations, and providers will conduct an evaluation on-site before administering a test. Pharmacists also now have the ability to order and conduct COVID-19 tests.
For more information on testing in Howard County, please visit the Howard County Health Department's website
Are you Insured?
Enrollment for the Maryland Health Connection’s emergency COVID-19 Special Enrollment period ends TODAY, Monday, June 15th. It is essential that uninsured Howard County and Maryland residents receive health care, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic.
To enroll, visit their website at For questions and/or for assistance with enrolling, contact MHC's Consumer Support Center, weekdays, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at 1-855-642-8572. If deaf and/or hard of hearing, use Relay. Help is available in more than 200 languages.
NOW OPEN - HoCo RISE Business Grants
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our local businesses have been significantly impacted due to prolonged closures. HoCo RISE Business Grant applications are now open. These grants are for locally-owned storefront retail, restaurants, and farmers that have experienced significant financial loss caused directly or indirectly by COVID-19.
Applications close
June 17th, at 11:59 p.m. I encourage qualified individuals to apply today at Howard County Economic Development Authority's website
Older Adults Teleconference
Providing timely and transparent updates on services for our residents demonstrates Howard County’s commitment to establishing an Age-Friendly community. I invite older adults, caregivers, and interested community members to join us for a teleconference on Monday, June 29th, at 4:00 p.m.
We will provide updates on the County’s COVID-19 response as it relates to older adults, including health tips, impact within the long-term care and assisted living facilities, available resources, and reopening plans.
Residents interested in joining the meeting are encouraged to pre-register
here and submit questions to
Howard County Farmers' Markets
Howard County Farmers' Markets are well underway this season. Currently, five markets are open across the county and are operating by drive-thru, pick up, and now walk-thru service. At these markets, you can find farm fresh fruits, vegetables, products and more.
I encourage all residents, neighbors, and visitors to support our local farms and businesses by visiting one of our amazing Farmers’ Markets this season. Please remember to practice physical distancing, wear a face covering when interacting with others, and frequently wash your hands.
For more information, click
Howard County Library System
Beginning Monday, June 29, HCLS begins contactless pickup of items on hold at all six branches from 10 am to 6 pm, Monday through Saturday. Details on how to use contactless pickup will be posted
here in the coming days. Decisions about how and when to move to the next phase will depend on current health and safety guidelines and the availability and procurement of PPE.
The health, safety, and well-being of staff and customers has been and will continue to be the top priority. In the meantime, please continue to keep your materials at home and check out the Library's wide variety of e-Books, e-Audiobooks, movies, virtual classes, and more at Fines are waived until further notice.
Take the Census!
We have seen approximately 75.2% of Howard County residents complete their census since its launch in March, and we’re optimistic about ensuring all our residents are counted.
This year is the first time the Census questionnaire can be completed online, making it even easier than ever for residents to respond. Information from the census impacts the federal funding that supports critical services and personnel in healthcare, education, emergency management, workforce development and more. If you have not taken your census yet, I encourage you to do so
right now. If you have completed your census, encourage five of your neighbors to do the same. It takes only five minutes to complete.
Howard County Government
County government public services will be offered throughout this pandemic, but we are moving what we can online and via phone. At this time, all County buildings are closed to the public.
Access to County buildings is restricted to only County employees. Further, County agencies and facilities will be changing their operating schedule or closing to help stop the spread of the virus.
The following services and offices will remain operational:
- All emergency services including Police, Fire, Emergency Medical Services
- Inspections of buildings, roads, traffic lights and other infrastructure
- Trash and recycling collection
Department of Community Resources and Services (DCRS)
As a reminder, all DCRS group programs, events, and activities are suspended. All 50+ Centers are closed, and all home visit and consultation services for older adults, children and families are also suspended. Some training and certification classes may be made available online.
The onsite lunch program at the 50+ Centers has been suspended. If you are in need of meal services or have concerns about food availability please contact MAP at (410-313-1234) or through
For more information on continuing services, please contact:
- The Maryland Access Point Line (MAP) 410-313-1234 or email
- CARELINE – 410-313-CARE (2273) or email
- DCRS Headquarters – 410-313-6400
For more information, please visit DCRS' website
Department of Finance
To help our customers, the County has suspended all water disconnections. The Department of Finance is moving all payment options online. You may still send checks in to the following address:
Howard County Department of Finance
Attention: Tax Credit
3430 Court House Drive
Ellicott City, MD 21043
Please do not email sensitive personal information such as W-2s or tax information.
If you have questions, please call 410-313-2058. Guidance on alternative payment options, tax credits, water and sewer questions, recordation, lien certification, and tax sale notices can be found
Department of Fire and Rescue Services (HCDFRS)
With the County’s’ July 4
th Firework celebration cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our Department of Fire and Rescue Services and Police Department are REMINDING residents that in Howard County, the sale, possession and residential use of ground-based sparklers is prohibited. While party poppers, ignitable “snakes” and “snap ’n’ pops,” and handheld sparklers remain legal, they can be dangerous. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), on average, 180 people go to the emergency room every day with fireworks-related injuries in the month around the July 4
th holiday. For safety tips when using fireworks, visit the CPCS’s
website. Remember,
be sure to douse the spent device with plenty of water from a bucket or hose before discarding it to prevent a trash fire and be sure to place in a sturdy metal container away from anything combustible. Also, NEVER try to re-light or pick up fireworks that have not ignited fully.
Department of Housing and Community Development
COMING SOON: Residents whose income was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and are in need of assistance with paying past due rent, mortgage payments and/or to prevent eviction, are encouraged to STAY TUNED to our Department of Housing and Community Development’s website for upcoming details about available assistance programs. Note, maximum assistance per household is three months of housing expense and household income limits apply.
Department of Inspections, Licenses & Permits (DILP)
DILP is operating remotely, delivering services
online. Customers who are unable to use online services or who have service requests that cannot be conducted via mail, will be by appointment only.
Please call (410) 313-2455, option #4 for more information and direction. The Department will continue to inspect construction projects and properties with modified processes to limit person to person contact.
Department of Planning and Zoning
This Thursday, June 18th, our Department of Planning and Zoning’s (DPZ) Planning Board will be holding a VIRTUAL public hearing at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the Board's
Rules of Procedures
. For important about
to view the presentation and provide oral or written testimony, visit the
Planning Board’s website
A five-member board, the Planning Board makes recommendations to the Zoning Board or County Council on matters related to planning and zoning, and renders a final decision on selected development proposals. Before recommendations or decisions are made, the Board holds a public meeting or hearing to provide interested persons the opportunity to provide comment. For details about procedures for testifying at a Planning Board meeting, click
. To learn more about Howard County’s Planning Board and upcoming meeting dates, click
Howard County Police Department (HCPD)
Here in Howard County, we are dedicated to treating every member of our community with the dignity, respect and equality that every human being deserves. The recent deaths of George Floyd and others at the hands of police officers have put focus on how police departments across our country use force, how officers are held accountable, how they are trained and what steps can be taken to make policing better for everyone in the community. Over the last couple weeks, our Howard County Police Department (HCPD) has heard from you on these topics. In its ongoing commitment to transparency, HCPD has compiled a list of
frequently asked questions
with open, honest answers to the things you want to know about our County’s Police department.
Department of Public Works (DPW)
Below are details regarding new, upcoming, completed and/or delayed Capital Projects and/or maintenance projects have been announced.
Ellicott City
- Greenway Drive Drainage Improvement (Capital Project D-1175) – Project to improve stormwater drainage along a portion of Greenway Drive (near 3009, 3010, 3013 and 3014). As of this project, BGE will need to relocate the gas lines at the site prior to the project beginning. The project is not expected to impact the flow of traffic. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by late October.
- Warfield’s Range Pond (Capital Project D-1159) – Project to improve a stormwater management detention pond near 10544 Hunters Way. The project is not expected to impact the flow of traffic. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by mid-October.
Past Project Updates – Projects Completed
Ellicott City
- Allenford, Chamberlea Sewer Pumping Station (Capital Project S-6264)
- Ellicott City North Tunnel Site Investigation (Capital Project C-0337) – Project to conduct soil borings in Ellicott City’s Historic District. The findings will aid in developing the final design of the County’s “EC Safe and Sound” North Tunnel plan.
- Davis Avenue Pond (Capital Project D-1112) – Project to improve a stormwater management pond near 9384 Davis Avenue.
To learn more about DPW Capital Projects currently underway, visit
. Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email
for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s
and search by “County” to learn more about State road projects in Howard County.
Department of Recreation and Parks (HCRP)
As our Department of Recreation and Parks continues to gradually reopen its amenities across the county, visitors are reminded to please remember to take precautions and help us prevent the spread of COVID-19.
This includes practicing physical distancing, wearing a face covering when possible and avoiding large gatherings.
Beginning Monday, June 29, Recreation and Parks will begin offering outdoor youth camps. Offerings for the first week of camps include
Junior Development Tennis and Ultimate Sports and Games Outdoor Camp (
Meadowbrook Park,
Cedar Lane Park West,
Rockburn Branch Park West and
Western Regional Park). All participants and staff will be required to follow physical distancing and face covering guidelines where appropriate. For a list of confirmed outdoor camps for this summer, check out
HERE. This list will grow weekly, so I encourage you to check back often.
In the meantime, Recreation & Parks is offering a number of camps virtually, including our Robinson Nature Center’s “Camp Came To Me – Lil’ Acorns and Lil’ Pinecones” and a five-day “Little History Explorers: Enchanted Engineering” camp. To learn more about these virtual camp offerings, click
If missing your favorite Recreation & Parks spring/summer program offering, be sure to check out the Department's “At Home with HoCoRec” page to learn about its wide array of online classes and programs geared towards participants of all ages. From cooking and art classes, to dancing and fitness, there is something to keep everyone active while at home.
Yesterday, Sunday, June 14
, the Regional Transportation Agency of Central Maryland's (RTA) restored its REGULAR bus service, with limited evening and early-morning trips. That being said, Routes 402B, 406 and 414 continue to not operate at this time. For route information and schedules, visit RTA's website at
. Riders are reminded that face coverings MUST BE worn on public transportation.
On March 2, 2020, the Howard County Council passed
Council Bill 3-2020
, allowing for the establishment and permitting of an electric scooter sharing system in Howard County. This Wednesday, June 17
, our Office of Transportation will begin accepting permit applications for shared electric scooter vendors interested in operating in the county. To learn more, about electric scooter use in Howard County and vendor permitting, check out/stay tuned to Transportation’s
Scooter Permit website
Finally, Monday, June 22
Howard County BikeShare
returns! While we are currently awaiting updated use information and guidelines from our vendor, in a nutshell, our operations team will disinfect bikes and kiosks daily according to CDC guidelines; however, members are also encouraged to do their part to help stop the spread of COVID-19 by:
- Before and after using a bike, be sure to wipe down the handles and saddle before and after to disinfect;
- Before using the kiosk screen, and after, wipe down the screen to disinfect; and
- Remember to wash your hands frequently with water and soap (or with hand sanitizer if water and soap are not readily available), especially before and after riding.