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John Sage with 1,000th
BTL graduate in 2003
I recently came across this photo taken at the LeBlanc Unit in 2003, showing me shaking the hand of the 1,000th graduate of the BTL program. That was a proud day for me as I marveled at the progress we had made in just a few years. Little did I know that one day I would be celebrating 53,000 graduates of Bridges To Life!

Our work could not be accomplished without you, our family of supporters. BTL has faced many challenges over the years, from the economic downturn in 2008 to Hurricane Harvey in 2017, and our donors and volunteers have never left our side. Like a family, you have made it possible for BTL to always come back stronger than before.

The COVID-19 pandemic is perhaps our greatest challenge to date, but I have full confidence that one day I will be shaking the hand of our 75,000th and even 100,000th graduate. With your continued support, those days will come. 


John Sage,  Founder & CEO
Bridges To Life


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Sign up for the   Kroger Community Rewards program to automatically donate a percentage of your purchases at checkout whenever you use your Kroger Plus card (instructions PDF  here).


We always appreciate hearing from members of the Bridges To Life family, whether graduates, donors, volunteers or staff. During a shared crisis such as we are now experiencing, communication is even more important. 
  • "I'm looking forward to getting back to Luther and to the men in our small group. This forced absence has highlighted the depth of the meaning of the program and the men in my life.." --BTL volunteer at the Luther Unit
  • "I'm glad I got to meet people like you who love me and see the good in me. This coronavirus is wreaking havoc so everything is at a standstill, but you know we'll all bounce back. I pray you and your family are safe. I have never forgotten the love and faith you had in me." --Letter to a volunteer from a BTL graduate
  • "The BTL staff, volunteer teams, and inmate participants are like family to me. I tell the men at graduation that I feel like a proud mama witnessing their accomplishment! The social isolation we're all enduring now is hard, but each day brings us closer to that family reunion when we can continue our amazing Bridges To Life journey together." --Judy Dutcher, Lubbock Regional Coordinator