Helping you care for our land, water, soil, and wildlife
Napa RCD Weekly Activity Digest - 10th Edition

Greetings from Napa RCD!

In our quest to remain safe and healthy, we as a society are using more disposable and single-use products right now.

While use of these products is sometimes necessary, it is our responsibility to make sure we are disposing of them in the right way.

All of Napa County's watersheds drain into the Pacific Ocean. In fact, the lower Napa River is filled with oceanic wildlife like plankton, leopard sharks, and steelhead trout. Reusing products when it is safe to do so and reducing waste is always a good idea for Napa County residents. Check out this week's digest for some fun and innovative ways to re-think your recycling bin and explore our aquatic connections.

As always, don't forget to share the things you're finding and doing on social media, tagging @NapaRCD and #WILDnapa. We can't wait to see what you're up to!

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Many thanks to the following education and outreach activity sponsors for their support: NOAA, County of Napa, Napa County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program, City of Napa, the Watershed Information and Conservation Council, and Friends of the Napa River.
Online & Inside Activities
Marine Debris Tracker

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is an agency that tracks the health of our oceans. As an ocean-connected community, Napa County residents should always remember our streets are connected to the Pacific Ocean.

Visit NOAA's Marine Debris page to explore things like ocean garbage patches, environmental impacts of trash, types of pollution, and ways you can help.
Bay-Friendly Garden Month
How would you answer the question, "Why do you garden?"

For many of us, the answer is JOY.

This week offers video and web tips for how your garden can nurture you even you doing less!

This week brings a crash course (on-line, of course) in dealing with all those garden pests in a way that's safe and nontoxic for you, your neighbors, and your watershed! You'll get all the basics from a local pest expert.  Join us  on Zoom and Facebook Live for the workshop.

Are you irritated with irrigation but want to use water wisely? We have a plethora of resources coming your way, including a  Drip 101 Workshop  from our friends at Contra Costa Water District. Stay tuned to the  Garden Month page  on Napa RCD's website or our  Facebook page  for handy tips and practical advice on how to get a grip on your drip. Look out for a special video showcasing Josh, from City of Napa Water, showing you how he controls his home irrigation controller!

Helpful tip: if you've missed any of our Live events or workshops on  Facebook,  you can watch them later on Facebook and the  Garden Month page  on Napa RCD's website!

This month-long spotlight on sustainable gardening is brought to you by   Napa RCD   and   City of Napa Water .
Nature Journaling
Wandering Water!

Imagine yourself as a drop of water moving through the Napa River Watershed.

You begin your journey near the top of the watershed at Mt. St. Helena, and start to travel downstream.

You make your way through the valley, joined by other droplets as you go, and meet the brackish waters of San Pablo Bay near Trancas St in Napa.

Maybe you fall on a sidewalk and flow through a neighborhood, making your way into a storm drain before joining the Napa River and continuing all the way out to the Pacific Ocean.

Pick a location to start. Find a map and trace your way from your starting point to the Pacific Ocean. Now, grab your nature journal!

Write about your journey as you move through our home watershed. What sorts of things might you come into contact with? Water is sticky, and can pick things up as it flows through a watershed. What things did you pick up during your journey? Maybe some leaves, dirt, or litter? If in your water adventure you are contaminated by pollutants, write about what that pollution looks like. Then, try to think of a solution or two that can help keep our waterways clean!
No Tech Needed
The Great Plankton Race

The lower reaches of the Napa River and our marshlands are loaded with wonderful little organisms called PLANKTON. These tiny organisms pack a photosynthetic punch, cleaning our air and forming aquatic webs.

Try this activity and design your own plankton using materials at home.

Show us your plankton on social media or email with your drawings or designs.
Weekly Challenge
Compost Time!

Composting is one of the best ways to cut carbon emissions and reduce waste. And, adding compost to your home garden is one of the best ways you can build soil health and improve the health of your plants! Contact Napa Recycling and Waste Services for a compost bucket, or make your own home compost device using a simple 2-liter soda bottle. Watch this video for instructions, and start turning your waste into garden gold today!
Weekly Nature Nugget
This week's nature nugget comes to you from Pacific Union College Forest! The Yellow Mariposa Lily ( Calochortus luteus ) is a gorgeous flower found in many parts of the Bay Area. You can learn more about this yellow beauty on CalFlora and iNaturalist .
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Napa County Resource Conservation District | 707-252-4189 |