Hello St. John’s Family,
Two weeks ago, the remnants of Hurricane Ida came through our area, leaving in its wake catastrophic flooding and losses. Thankfully, our St. John’s family remained safe, with relatively little damage and impact. Our facilities and property also experienced minimal issues. We know that was not the case for many neighbors in our region, including some of our sister UMC congregations. As a little time has passed, we are now seeing a more vivid picture of the ongoing impact our neighbors will be facing as they work to recover.
Bishop John Schol, our new Bishop as of September 1st, has been intently focused on responding to the overwhelming sense of loss, anxiety, and uncertainty left by Ida with the love and compassion of Christ. Bishop Schol recorded a brief video that we’ll view in our worship services this weekend; we’re also asked to respond generously to the significant need through a special offering. Our September Communion Offering will go toward this effort; please support this generously. Know that it’s not too late – you can still contribute to this important mission effort by designating “Communion Offering” or “Hurricane Ida” in the memo line. Thank you for your commitment to serving Christ by assisting others in need.
I think we’d all agree that recent weeks and months have brought many more difficulties and challenges than we’d care to experience. At one point this week I was reflecting on the string of challenges we’ve faced, then was struck suddenly by a very different thought: how many blessings have we experienced in that same timeframe? How many times has God provided for me, strengthened me, or granted me exactly what I needed at the precise moment I needed it? I quickly realized how God’s provision and blessings far outnumbered the challenges and difficulties I’ve encountered.
That recognition shifted my perspective, completely changing my attitude and mood. My spirits were uplifted as I saw with fresh eyes how God’s Spirit is with me always. I also found myself looking outward, reflecting on how I can extend the goodness I’ve experienced to others, instead of inwardly dwelling on the difficulties I encounter. I sense that’s where God’s best work is accomplished: in our shift from being inward-focused (often on our problems) to outward-focused on extending God’s goodness to others.
Just this week I came across a powerful example of how an amazing young woman at St. John’s persevered through challenges to extend care and compassion to others. The most recent edition of the Northampton Herald contains a wonderful article on the great work that Vicki Hermann accomplished in the middle of Covid as she pursued the Gold Award, Girl Scouting’s highest honor. Vicki’s project focused on creating cooking lessons for early elementary children – and was off to a great start – until the prolonged Covid shutdown. Undeterred, Vicki shifted to making healthy meals for those facing food insecurity due to Covid. The efforts of Vicki and her small team enabled nearly 100 healthy, freezable meals to be provided to the Jesus Focus Food Pantry. When I read of her efforts, I saw a beautiful example of a young woman choosing to focus on extending the goodness of God to others instead of personal setbacks. Congratulations, Vicki! And many thanks for your heart to serve others!
People of St. John’s, know that I see beautiful examples of your faith in action on a weekly basis. I am blessed as we serve God together, and I look forward to worshipping together with you on Sunday-
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Brad
Please click below to read the latest Congregational Update regarding COVID-19 measures:
twice per month to help with Youth Group
- Greet Youth coming to and leaving meetings
- Help with snacks & clean-up
- Be an "extra" adult in attendance during meetings
Please contact Sarah Floyd at
Tech Team Volunteer Opportunities
(Anyone age 12 to 112 years old is welcome)
Come join our Tech Team!
Learn how to run camera, operate video switcher, scroll the projector slides, monitor audio, and run YouTube software.
Click the box below to sign up for the YouTube LIVE traditional service or the non-broadcast contemporary service.
Please contact
Sarah Floyd, Director of Video Ministry
at sarah.sjumc@gmail.com
Worship this Sunday,
September 19, 2021
2 in-person services offered:
Contemporary Worship at 9 AM
in the Sanctuary and
Traditional Service 10:30 AM
in the Sanctuary
The 10:30 AM service can be viewed LIVE through
St. John's Youtube Channel
or on our homepage:
Past worship service videos can also be found:
Auto-generated closed captions are usually provided by YouTube about a week after the service has posted for the hearing impaired.
Advent is the season of preparation for the coming of Christ at Christmas. This should be a time for families to come together in prayer and devotion.
This has been another really difficult year for all of us.
We look forward to a more normal Advent/Christmas season this year.
So, please consider writing a devotion for our Advent Devotional. As always we will have paper copies of the devotional available and, in addition we will be posting each day’s devotion online
If you are interested in contributing a devotion, please contact
Pastor Ruth.
Children's Sunday School is Back!
10:30 am
Parents, please have your children check-in at Fellowship Hall for their class and room assignments.
What is the job of an acolyte?
An acolyte brings the light of Christ into the
Sanctuary at the beginning of worship and then takes the light of Christ out into the world at the end of the service.
This is a great opportunity for our children to become involved in worship here at St. John’s.
Grades 3-6 Training included
If you are interested, contact Jennifer Haas
@ 215-776-1740
Bake Sale at Chicken BBQ
Place donations of baked goods, either homemade or purchased, in the Youth Room either Friday September 17 or early Saturday September 18th.
Youth Car Wash
at Chicken BBQ
Saturday, Sept. 18th, 11 am to 3pm
Youth Nights Are Back - Starting September 26th
7:15pm to 8:30pm
HAND PAINTING on wall & on Pillowcases
Need donations of white pillowcases to the
Youth lounge by 9/24 please
Confirmation Experience
First of six Confirmation Workshops Sunday, October 17th
from 11:30am – 2:00pm
- Attend 6 Sunday workshops on various Sundays from 11:30am to 2:00pm. (make-up dates available)
- Student participation in worship as outlined in syllabus
- Retreat with Pastor Brad and Sarah Floyd
Confirmation Introductory Meeting
(Mandatory for Parent & Confirmand)
Sunday, Oct. 10th
from 11:30am – 12:30pm
in Fellowship Hall
For 7th and 8th grade plus any high school students
who have not yet participated in Confirmation.
Register by asking Sarah for the link or referring to the email that went out.
Our FIRST rehearsals will be on
Sunday, September 19th
GENesis Bells - 5:15 to 6:15
Youth Choir - 6:15 to 7:15
Roy 215-962-8928
Our Music Ministry will be resuming in the coming weeks. We welcome ANYONE who has a desire to serve in our Praise Band, Vocal Choirs, Instrumental Groups or Bell Choirs. Sharing your talent by participating in one or more of our choirs is a wonderful way to serve in our church.
We have openings for Vocalists and Instrumentalists in our Praise Band. We rehearse on Tuesday evenings, and sing / play at the 9:00 Contemporary Worship Service each week.
CHILDREN'S CHOIR (Joyful Voices)
This Choir is for children K-5. The choir sings once or twice a month at the 10:30 Traditional Worship Service. The choir will rehearse each week at 11:30 - 12:15 following the Worship Service. ALL children are welcome to participate. Our FIRST rehearsal will be Sunday, September 26th at 11:30. If there is interest, members of the choir will be introduced to handbells in preparation for forming a Children's Handbell Choir.
Our Youth Choir is for youth grades 6-12. The choir sings once or twice a month at the 10:30 Traditional Worship Service. The choir will rehearse each week from 6:15 - 7:15 on Sunday NIGHT. No previous singing experience is necessary. Our first rehearsal is this Sunday night, September 19 at 6:15 pm.
The Adult Choir shares it's music and talent each week at the 10:30 Traditional Worship Service. No previous singing experience is necessary. The choir rehearses each week on Thursday night at 8:00 pm.
GENesis Bells
The GENesis Bell Choir is a Multi-Generational choir made up of Youth and Adults. The choir plays once a month in Worship. No previous handbell experience is necessary. Rehearsals are on Sunday night 5:15 - 6:15 (with a small break before Youth Choir). Our first rehearsal is Sunday night, September 19 at 5:15 pm.
Celebration Ringers is a bell choir for ANY adult who desires to ring. New members are welcome, as we have several ringers who currently are subbing in this choir. Celebration Ringers rehearse once or twice each month, and play at our special music programs, and occasionally during Worship Services. Rehearsals are on Monday nights, as called. Next rehearsal is Monday, September 20 at 6:45 pm.
Ring of Faith Bells is an "advanced" bell choir. Currently, there are not any openings. However, anyone interested in participating should contact the directors. Substitutes are needed during the year.
Alissa Nelson - Assistant
Brian Barber - Organist
Weekly meetings at 6:30 pm - GriefShare at St. John's
If you are suffering the loss of someone dear to you, GriefShare, a grief recovery seminar and support group, is available to offer you hope and healing for the journey. Seminar topics include "Is This Normal?", "The Challenge of Grief", "Grief and Your Relationships", "Why?" and "Guilt and Anger". Videos, discussions, and a supportive workbook are the tools that are used by participants each meeting of the thirteen week session. Classes will begin again at St. John's on Tuesday, September 14, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM in the Church Library.
For more information and to register for class, contact Erin Maurer, GriefShare Facilitator, at 267-265-3515 or email erinamaurer@aol.com
“Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything.”
Three years ago, when my husband Michael died from neuroendocrine carcinoma, I could’ve said the same thing about his absence. The feeling of loss was pervasive--it colored everything in my world. Each new morning was a challenge and I had to commit myself to the task of living every. single. day; everything inside of me wanted to remain in the pre-dawn darkness. I had no active plan to harm myself, but I also had no real desire to carry on alone. Then I found a grief support program called GriefShare.
GriefShare helped me understand that intense sorrow is a reflection of the deep well of love Mike and I shared, and the roller coaster of emotions that I was experiencing those first weeks, months, and years was normal. Participating in GriefShare played an integral part in my learning how to mourn my loss, care for my broken heart, and reconstruct my shattered life. Most of all, though, GriefShare gave me a support network of new friends who “got it” because they’d experienced a similar kind of pain. I wasn’t on the healing journey alone.
The nationally recognized Christian grief support program called GriefShare is making its way back to St. John’s beginning September 14th starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Library. Each class of the 13-week session includes an in-depth video regarding a topic dealing with grief followed by a chance for discussion. Participants share as much or as little as they like. Accompanying the class is a home workbook that offers inspiration and comfort throughout the week.
Whether your loss was recent or happened many years ago, you can look forward to significant healing of your sadness. Please mention GriefShare to family or friends who might like to attend, and please contact me if you’d like to participate or would like more details. ~ Erin Maurer
267-265-3515 or email erinamaurer@aol.com
The Red Bird Mission trailers are open for your usable donations every Saturday and Sunday between 8:30am and 5pm.
(no TVs or books please).
Thank you to our congregation and friends for your support.
We are pleased to announce that another trailer full of your donations went to the Red Bird Mission in Kentucky on Sept. 2.
For the past few weeks, I have been telling you about the plight of the people in the small village of El Naranjito in the Dominican Republic. Now it is your opportunity to help by ordering Warrior Coffee and “fighting for what’s right - one cup at a time”.
Since 2017, St. John’s has been serving Warrior Coffee in the Grace Café. While the Grace Café is not yet open due to Corona Virus concerns, you can still have your Warrior Coffee at home. I will be placing an order for coffee on Monday, September 20th. If you wish to order coffee, please contact me (text or voice) at 215-962-6719 or via email at phenry605@verizon.net. Alternatively, you can complete the order form located on the church bulletin board in the narthex.
Warrior Coffee comes with the following choices:
- Warrior Gold* – shade grown with a nutty, cocoa, dried fruit taste
- Warrior Blue* – shade grown with a molasses, dark chocolate, earthy taste
- Warrior Decaf – shade grown with a full body, fig and raisin sweet medium finish
(*Warrior Gold and Warrior Blue are available ground or whole bean.)
The cost is $15.00 per bag and remember there are no administrative fees taken from the profits received. Every penny is returned to the people of El Naranjito as higher reimbursement for the beans or to subsidize various projects such as water treatment and early education.
If you can’t wait until late September for your Warrior Coffee, you can join the Warrior Coffee Club and have your order shipped directly to your home by going to www.lycoming.edu/coffeesubscription.
Donations of non-perishable food for the Eastwick Food Pantry are needed throughout the year. Please place contributions in the shopping carts located in the narthex and fellowship hall lobby.
Volunteers are also needed to deliver food and clothing to the Eastwick Food Bank.
Thank you for your support.
St John's Drive-Thru Prayer Ministry
Join us the 3rd Wednesday of each month 4:30-6:00 PM. Our next Drive-Thru Prayer will be on Wednesday, October 20th.
If you would like to join us and be a part of this ministry of St John's, please contact Pastor Ruth by calling the Church office at 215-357-6998.
The Zoom Class continues on September 21st after a summer break. Like last year’s format, we will meet online from 10:30-11:45 am each Tuesday to learn about and discuss various topics related to our Christian faith. We have several interesting and informative topics planned. They include:
“All in The Family” – a look at what the New Testament tells us about Jesus’ family members
“What’s Up with Revelation” – a five week understanding of the Book of Revelation and what it means for us today
"Questioning Christianity" - Utilizing a book by Dan Patterson & Rian Roux, we will explore the nature and relevance of the Christian Gospel.
If you are interested in being a part of any of these discussion groups, please contact Paul Henry at phenry605@verizon.net
New Wednesday Night
Bible Study
Mysteries of the Messiah
Rabbi Jason Sobel
Facilitator: Ken Lee
Starting Wednesday, September 22, 2021
7 - 9 PM Church Parlor
Join us for a six-week video Bible Study featuring Rabbi Jason Sobel as he walks the land of the Israelites of the Old Testament and explores the connections to Jesus the Messiah.
Six Sessions including:
- Finding Jesus in the Story of Creation
- Finding Jesus in the Story of the Patriarchs
- Finding Jesus in the Story of Joseph and Judah
- Finding Jesus in the Story of Moses
- Finding Jesus in the Story of Ruth and Boaz
- Finding Jesus in the Story of David
Please contact Ken Lee or the office by phone or email if you plan to attend.
215-357-6998, stjumc@aol.com.
Wednesday, October 6th
10 AM in Parlor
7 PM in Grace Cafe'
Leaders: Barbara Schneider and Carol Campbell
The Giver of Stars
Jojo Moyes
A breathtaking story of five extraordinary women and their remarkable journey through the mountains of Kentucky and beyond in Depression-era America.
We will follow St John's policy on masking.
Please wear a mask or shield inside the church.
A new small group Bible Study will be starting on Monday, September 27th
Coming Together Through God’s Word:
An Interactive Look at Sunday’s Scripture
This small group is open to anyone interested in furthering their understanding of Scripture . We will meet Monday evenings at 7:30 PM in the Library starting September 27th through November 22nd, 2021. Participants are welcome to join any one or all of the meetings without the need to commit to every Monday.
The primary format of this small group will be the interactive part where questions and comments about the Scripture can be openly shared to further the faith development of each member of the group. All are welcome!
Please sign up in the narthex at church or contact Denise Clark at dclark.prayer@gmail.com
The Upper Room
Are available
in the Narthex and outside Fellowship Hall
Be sure to pick up one for yourself and one for a friend.
United Methodist Women
Sock It to Me Sundays!
Only Two More Sundays
The United Methodist Women are collecting new clothing and toiletry items for needy families in our local and surrounding areas. We are also collecting back-to- school items. Please drop off your new items at the church or place in the barrel on the front porch (Saturday and Sundays Only). We will be collecting items for the full month of September.
Baby Disposable Diapers, Adult Disposable Underwear(men and women),
Socks, P.J's, Underwear, Toothpaste and Toothbrushes, Hair Products, Deodorant, Bath Soap, Wash Cloths and Towels, Baby Care Items, Baby and Toddler and Children's clothes, School Supplies.
Thank you for your continued support and your generous gifts!
For questions please feel free to contact any member of the UMW Committee or contact Kathy Keppol at 215-357-7404. Email: rekeppol@comcast.net
St. John's
Chicken BBQ
This Saturday,
September 18, 2021
11 AM to 3 PM
Take-out Only!
Full Dinner
1/2 BBQ Chicken, Coleslaw,
Potato Salad, Roll, Cold Drink $10.00
Chicken Only
1/2 BBQ Chicken $5.00
If you signed up to help in the kitchen at the Chicken BBQ and have not been contacted by phone or email, call Paul Henry at 215-962-6719
Men's Breakfast Meeting
10:00 AM October 16, 2021
Sycamore Grill
255 North Sycamore
Newtown, PA
(BYOB - Buy Your Own Breakfast)
Prayer requests can be submitted
Prayer requests are reviewed
Monday-Friday AM.
All "Ongoing Prayer Concerns"
will be listed for two weeks.
Please submit a new prayer request
if you desire to renew the listing for
2 additional weeks.
Joan and George Schok celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary on September 14, 2021.
Congratulations and God Bless!
Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the Month
10 AM in the Parlor.
Come join us in knitting/crocheting various items for those in need.
Contact Carol Rice for more information.
Requests for prayer shawls or lap robes to comfort those experiencing serious illness, bereavement, or other major life issues may be made through the prayer request form on the church website, or by contacting the church office
at 215-357-6998 or stjumc@aol.com.
- Just go to our website stjohnsivyland.com
Click on the 'Give' button in red, Donate Any Amount and register.
Once you've registered, you can either make donations by debit or credit. Lenten Offerings may also be received through our website.
Simply text the amount you wish to give to 877-960-2396.
You will immediately receive a one-time registration link, then just follow the prompts to complete your donation!
It's quick and secure.
The same vendor that handles electronic giving for us, Vanco Services, has state of the art encryption, so you can rest easy that your transaction is 100% safe and confidential.
You may also send your tithes and offerings to the church office:
820 Almshouse Road, Ivyland, PA 18974
If you have any questions about mobile or text giving,
When your flowers are in full bloom, take a picture and share it with us!
Ushers Needed for in-person worship services to greet worshippers, direct them to available seats and assist with questions. This is a simple yet meaningful opportunity to serve God by sharing His love with others. Please contact the church office to sign up to serve as an usher.
Thank you for your faithful support of all we do in service to Christ here at St. John's.
The latest Devotionals, News and Worship Videos can be be accessed below, as well as, under the
"What's Happening"tab on our website.
If your contact information changes:
address, phone, email, etc.
please notify the church office at
215-357-6998 or stjumc@aol.com
and we'll be sure to update your information in our files.
Thank you!
CCLI Streaming License #CSPL049266
St. John's Ivyland
820 Almshouse Road
Ivyland, PA 18974
Rev. Brad Leight, Sr. Pastor