August 2020
Try Sticky Bands to Capture Spotted Lanternflies
(and other recommendations)

Upper Makefield residents have discovered eggs, nymphs, and adult Spotted Lanternflies (SLF) on their properties. There are options to reduce this invasive insect.

The Spotted Lanternfly has spread in Pennsylvania since its discovery in Berks County in 2014. It feeds on the plant sap of many different plants including grapevines, maples, black walnut and poses a significant threat not only to trees and agriculture but also to Pennsylvania's economy. Bucks County is among 26 Pennsylvania counties under quarantine for the SLF which means nursery, timber and other items transported in or out of the quarantine area must be inspected, including vehicles. Here is a checklist to help with inspections.

At this time of year, the best treatment includes wrapping sticky bands around infested trees and use of insecticides approved specifically for the Spotted Lanternfly. Treatments center on the life cycle of the insect.
Destroy it and Report it

If you find a lanternfly, destroy it and report it. The PennState Extension is working in coordination with the USDA and the PA Dept. of Agriculture to provide updated information. Visit the Extension website to help identifyreport and manage the Spotted Lanternfly.
Upper Makefield Still In Green Phase of COVID-19 Pandemic Response

Since State officials deemed Bucks County ready for the Green Phase pandemic reopening on June 26, Township officials have continued to follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and Bucks County.

Township staff is working regular hours and is available to assist by email, telephone, or in person. The public is allowed in the Municipal Building lobby-masks are required and there is a limit of 3 people permitted in the lobby at one time.

Check the website calendar or call the Township office for Board of Supervisors and committee meeting schedules.

Contactless Document Transfer Available
If you have documents to deliver, please call the Township at 215-968-3340 to arrange for contactless document transfer.

Parks Are Open
The Township playgrounds, courts, fields, and restrooms are open. Restrooms are sanitized daily. Use park facilities and play at your own risk. Follow CDC guidelines for masking and social distancing, and don't forget to bring your own hand sanitizer and water bottles. Please review this Park Reopening Plan page for further details.

Monitor the CDC, PA Department of Health, and Bucks County Department of Health webpages for up-to-date information on COVID-19:

Consider Opening Your Property for BOWMA's
Deer Management Program

Big Oak Whitetail Management Association (BOWMA), a local non-profit, contracts with Upper Makefield and Lower Makefield Townships to hunt on Township property and designated private properties in an effort to cull the deer population. The Township receives this service for free. Last year hunters harvested 148 deer from the 2 townships. Of the 68 deer removed from Upper Makefield, 47 were removed from private property. That's why Upper Makefield asks you to consider granting BOWMA access to your property during the 2020-2021 season.

BOWMA's yields are donated to local food cupboards. Last season yielded 1,776 pounds of venison that fed 7,104 people. BOWMA's season begins September 19, 2020 and runs through January 23, 2021. Per the PA Game Commission, there is no hunting from December 13-25. Members must be a minimum of 21 years old, pass a proficiency test, attend the PA Game Commission “Successful Bow Hunting” class, go through a background check, and be individually insured.

If you would like to help, please contact BOWMA directly. Their website answers many questions you may have about granting access to your Upper Makefield property.
Fire Marshal John C. Kernan Honored

Upper Makefield Township Fire Marshal John C. Kernan was recently honored by the International Association of Arson Investigators for over 30 years of "Untiring Service and Support" of the goals and objectives of the IAAI. This is John's second IAAI Award of Recognition in eight years.

He currently serves on the National Fire Protection Association #1033 Technical Committee, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator as an Enforcer. In addition to his commitment to ongoing training, John also mentors other investigators and fire professionals.

John's fire prevention programs throughout the year reach adults and children at schools and homes in our community. Read his fire prevention tips online.
2020 Census Reminder

U.S. Census workers are scheduled to begin door-to-door census work August 11. You can skip the home visit by self-reporting online!

By law, census data is collected every decade. The results allow government officials to reassess voting district boundaries and to reallocate levels of government funding. To best serve our community, Upper Makefield Township officials depend on accurate resident census data.

Online reporting takes less than 2 minutes. Please respond today!
Request Nov. 3 Election Mail-in Ballots Early

Mail-in and absentee ballot applications for the Tuesday, November 3, 2020, general election must be received by the Bucks County election office by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, October 27, 2020.

In Pennsylvania, you now have two options for mail ballots. You may either choose a mail-in ballot or an absentee ballot. Request, complete, and return the application to the Bucks County election office.

  • Mail-in ballot – Any qualified voter may apply for a mail-in ballot. You may simply request this ballot without a reason.
  • Absentee ballot – If you plan to be out of the municipality on election day or if you have a disability or illness, you should request this ballot type, which still requires you to list a reason for your ballot.

In order to request either ballot type, you must be registered to vote. Please visit Check Your Registration Status to review your registration information.

View the Bucks County Planning Commission Municipal Dashboard
You can view the Bucks County Planning Commission Municipal Dashboard and zoom into details for all municipalities, including Upper Makefield. In addition to contact information and demographics, the Dashboard has a clickable map showing details about all proposed subdivisions and land developments.

Smoke Alarms
Many more Township residents are now working from home; please check your smoke alarm batteries or system. View our tips for fire safety, including smoke alarms.

COVID-19 Scam Alert
Township police report an increase in COVID-19 scams, including unemployment scams. Learn how to spot them from the Federal Trade Commission webpage.

Sweep Stormwater Inlets Clear
With tropical storm and hurricane season quickly underway, our Public Works Department reminds property owners to rake or sweep debris from stormwater inlets. Unlike sanitary sewers that divert water to a treatment plant directly from your home, storm drains lead to surrounding lakes and rivers without any type of treatment. Upper Makefield has an extensive stormwater management program to help keep waterways clean.

Survey Reminder
The Newtown Area Jointure (the joint municipal zoning consortium comprising Newtown Township, Upper Makefield Township, and Wrightstown Township) would like your help in determining future planning needs for your community. Here's a link to take the survey.
Upper Makefield Township | | 215-968-3340