April 22, 2017
CAF Vocational Training Center Opens!

"We do not want to be beggars, we want income."
Ugandan Villagers

Why Vocational Training 
The Connect Africa Vocational Training Center expands on our mission of providing education and economic opportunities to impoverished Ugandans. The center provides hands on teaching and practical training by certified instructors  in the fields of  carpentry, metal work, tailoring and catering.

Ugandan professor and social worker, Augustus Nuwagaba believes the answer to youth unemployment lies in changing the education system,  
"We need to go back to the drawing board and ensure that we impart vocational skills to the young ones."

What We Teach
Curriculum includes English, math, bookkeeping, interviewing skills, entrepreneurship and more. C atering and tailoring are six month programs. Carpentry or metal work are one year programs. All programs culminate in an exam and certification.  Our career training is imperative to help prevent the unwanted pregnancies, idleness and hopelessness that continue the cycle of poverty.

Who We're Helping
Nabaweesi Mary,19, has finished high school. She and her younger sister Dianna are inseparable. Their father died last year and their mother earns small bit s of money working in other  people's gardens and selling produce.  Despite being out of school and unemployed neither girl has become pregnant.  Mary is adamant that she will not let a man con her, and determined to set a good example for her sister. She wants to be a tailor, earning money making and selling clothing. Mary (wearing hat) has proven to be a fast learner, beginning with a baby blanket and apron and quickly progressing to all the clothing you see here!

How We're Helping
Graduates will earn money constructing homes; making furniture like beds, tables and chairs; fabricating equipment for cooking, farming and plumbing; working in the hospitality industry;  sewing and altering clothing and school uniforms. See our treadle sewing machine in action here. The burgeoning population in Uganda has created great need for skilled trades people. 

Thanks to Our Donors!
All 11 heavy machines in the photo were purchased with a grant from Trip Advisor Foundation and Global Giving . Major support has come from:  Jerry (TX),  2000 lbs of hand tools; Pat (MA), 20 sewing machines; David and Caryn (CA), major construction of the building. Peter, Rowan and Mark (MA) and David, Alan and Marc (NYC) were big benefactors. We are truly grateful!

Be part of this new and meaningful endeavor!
Help with tuition assistance for students!
$200 provides six month course in tailoring or catering.
$400 provides one year course in metal work or carpentry.

Lynn, Charles and the Board of Directors