Women Transforming Sonoma County Through Collective Philanthropy - April 2019   

President's Message
Getting To Know You 
We really want to learn more about you.
Your Leadership Team will be sending out a survey very soon. I know....another survey. We get them from restaurants, airlines, the doctor's office and even from the garage where our car is serviced. We all get very tired of surveys. 
We wouldn't ask you to complete one from us unless we had some good reasons. We really want to learn more about you. Some of you are long time members who have expressed opinions and we have had an opportunity to get to know you. Others are new and we would like to know what is important to you.
Your answers will make a difference. We will be sending them in a format that can easily be completed by you and interpreted by us. In contrast to all those other evaluations that seem to disappear once completed, we intend to tell you the results.
Together,  your answers will inform our programming and our outreach to new members. They will inform the stories we tell to women who express an interest in membership and will tell a story of our developing culture. We are still a new organization of only 192 members. We know we occasionally suffer from inexperience, but we have enormous enthusiasm and the flexibility to change. Spending a few precious minutes of your time will help us grow.
Thanks so much in advance. Jan and your Leadership Team.
Jan Gilman
President, Impact 100 Redwood Circle
Impact 100 RC Members "Out & About"   
Please Share Your Volunteer Experiences!   
Many of our members are actively involved in various community projects -- volunteering, attending fund raising events and providing other types of support.  If  you would like to share a photo and a short description of your work, please send them to Communique Editor at:
Roseland University Prep/Roseland Collegiate Prep Scholarship Benefit Dinner on March 3, 2019
 A former Community Grant Awardee, RUP & RCP prepare their graduates for collegiate success.  Impact 100 RC members Liz Bortolotto, Jennifer Girvin, Carol Newman, Thea Hensel, Carol Orme, Susan Churchill, Laurie White, Helen Howard, Connie Codding, Gaye LeBaron & Vicki Groninga were in attendance.   
In This Issue
 Upcoming Events
NEW!  Our First "Ed Talks"  
Thursday, May 2nd 
4:00 - 5:30 p.m. 
Yulupa Co-Housing
1139 Yulupa Avenue
Santa Rosa 
Topic: The Environment  
Cocktails & Conversation 
Thursday, May 21
4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Hyatt Regency
Lobby Bar
170 Railroad Square
Santa Rosa 

Membership Meeting  
Monday, June 24
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Scottish Rite Center
600 Acacia Lane
Santa Rosa   
New Member Orientation 
Saturday, Aug. 3rd
9:30 - 11:00 a.m. 
Shirley Ward's home
3655 Rutherford Way
Santa Rosa
Summer Social 
Saturday, August 24  
10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Teresa Denniston's home
Speaker: John McCaull, Land Aquisition Program Manager
Sonoma Land Trust 

Welcome to the newest members of our circle! 
Maisie McCarty
Diane Carlson Sullivan
Katherine Peyton
Jennifer Webley
Mindi Lewis
Sharon Oman
Sue Gordon
Margo Newman  
Impact Grant Nominations for 2019 
We have nominations from 40 diverse non-profits in our community! 
Thank you to all of our members who nominated a non-profit for the 2019 Impact Grant!!  Our next step is to verify that each non-profit meets our criteria, e.g., current 501 (c)3 status. After that step is completed, invitations will be sent to these nonprofit nominees requesting their submission of a Letter of Intent (LOI), which is the first of three stages towards presenting the three finalists to all of you for your vote at our Annual Meeting on November 9th. Our Impact Grant Committee of 18 Impact 100 RC members are gearing up to complete their LOI reviews in late June.  Watch for announcements in future Communique issues and on the Impact 100 RC website as the non-profits progress through the three stages and we winnow them down to three.

Audubon Canyon Ranch
Bergin University of Canine Studies
human services
BOOST Conductive Education
Center for Social and Environmental Stewardship 
Ceres Community Project 
human services
Children's Museum of SoCo
Community Housing Sonoma County
human services
CTE Career Technical Education Foundation 
Disability Services & Legal Center
Dovetail Learning, Inc. 
Early Learning Institute 
Face to Face 
human services/health
Forget Me Not Farm
human services
Free to Be
Healthcare Foundation Northern Sonoma County 
Humane Society of SoCo
human services
Individuals Now - aka Social Advocates for Youth 
human services
Jewish Community Free Clinic
Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation
Legal Aid of Sonoma County
human services
Lime Foundation
human services
Lomi Psychotherapy Clinic
human services
Luther Burbank Center for the Arts
Museum of Sonoma County 
PDI Surgery Center
Rebuilding Together Petaluma
human services
Redwood Empire Food Bank
human services
Rotary Club of Sebastopol Foundation, Inc
human services
Russian Riverkeeper
Suzy Marzalek and Vicki Groninga, Co-Chairs 
Membership Committee News
Impact 100 RC Now Has 192 Members! 
The March 16 Cocktails and Conversation at the Beer Baron was a success and another C & C happened on April 18th at Gerard's Paella. The next "No Host" C & C will be on Tuesday, May 21, at the New Hyatt Regency Lobby Bar (or the outdoor courtyard, if weather permits), 170 Railroad St. (enter from 3rd St.) from 4:30-6:30 PM.  You can press the call box for a parking ticket which will be validated with a sticker at the bar.  Thank you to all of you who are attending these C & C's, committee chairs and members, who are all encouraged to bring guests interested in learning more about Impact 100 RC.
Watch Us Grow! 
In recent months Impact 100 RC has rapidly increased our number of members and as of April 10th, we have 192.  We want to extend a warm welcome to our new members.
At the March 16 orientation there were 12 new members who expressed interest in joining committees.  The next orientation meeting will be on Saturday, August 3, at the home of Shirley Ward, 3655 Rutherford Way, Santa Rosa.  All new members and committee chairs are encouraged to attend, as this is an opportunity for committee chairs to promote their committees and new members to ask questions about Impact 100 RC.
As of April 9th, the Leadership Committee approved the formation of a separate Next Gen Committee to be chaired by Robin Wendler.  It will have a liaison member who will attend Membership Committee meetings.  The two committees will work closely together to recruit and retain members, and establish long term goals for the promotion of the ongoing philanthropy of Impact 100 RC.  
Bev Curry & Charlene Staples, Co-Chairs 
NEW!  Diversity Sub-Committee  
After years of discussion of ways to better reflect our community's demographics, the Membership Committee has established a subcommittee on Diversity and Inclusivity led by Judy Farrell. Focusing on building bridges with Latinas, LGBTs and women of color, our approach will include attendance at Los Cien lunch forums, and a gradual development of relationships based on common interests with the many diverse women in our community. We encourage creative ideas and welcome members to join in our efforts to enrich Impact 100 RC.
Contact Judy Farrell at
NextGen Program Update

The NextGen Cohort for 2019 is forming now, and we invite all younger members (under 45 years old) to get involved. The NextGen Committee is developing a program that includes collaborating with an existing committee on an interesting project, such as an educational exercise for all members, as well as mentorship and personal development activities. We expect to officially launch the cohort at the August Social.
We are actively seeking women to join the program, and especially encouraging pairs of younger women consider joining together, either on their own or through the NextGen scholarship program. This would help ease them into our group and lower the financial barrier to continued participation by using the dyad membership option. Scholarship applications are due June 15.
NextGen is an important feature of Impact 100 RC because it will help us build a foundation for future generations of women to participate in our collective philanthropy.
We encourage you to help this initiative succeed!  Do you know younger women who might enjoy being a part of our organization? Do you have a woman (or two?) you would like to sponsor? Or can you make a donation to the scholarship fund?
You can find a description of the program and links to the applications here:
Please forward any questions to Robin Wendler, NextGen Committee Chair, at
Robyn Wendler, Chair 
Next Steps For the Education Committee
Introducing Our "Ed Talks" Series!
The dynamic conversation that took place at the Impact 100 RC General Meeting in February produced an exchange of ideas and thoughtful reflection about our personal philanthropy, as well as our mission as an organization.  A glance at the local news each morning serves to provide a snapshot of the needs of our county, which cross all socio-economic strata, geography, ages and ethnicities.
One of the challenges raised in small group conversations was how to link individual passions while advancing knowledge of community needs. 
The dialogue at each table represented the diversity of intent among our members.  The Education Committee is excited to take Impact 100 RC member's learning process to the next level! 
Beginning in May, we will begin hosting our "Ed Talks" series, each highlighting one of the five funding categories: education, arts & culture, health, human services and the environment. Please join us Thursday, May 2, 2019 to hear an overview of the Environment, its impact on our overall health, the work being done in this area, as well as the needs of our local environmental community.  Karen Gaffney, Conservation Planning Program Manager, Sonoma County Ag & Open Space District, will be the featured speaker.
Join us on Thursday, May 2, 2019, 4:30 - 6 PM at Yulupa Cohousing meeting room, 1139 Yulupa Avenue, Santa Rosa.
Thea Hensel & Laurie Parish, Co-Chairs 
Contact our Newsletter Editor:
If you have questions or suggestions for The Impact 100 Redwood Circle Communique, please contact Editor, Jan Houts at