Making a difference in schools. Together.

APRIL 9, 2020
Welcome to the Conversation
Presenting the new “Chapter Chat” Foundation newsletter. This newsletter is for you - current happenings, event trends, policies and other information you need to know! This is being introduced now so we can share information that is rapidly coming our way as we are all newly and completely immersed in the digital world.

We hope you are doing well and navigating through our current circumstances as well as can be expected. As we continue to adjust, The Foundation team would like to assure you that we are here and working through new situations as they arise.

Lastly, we want to hear from you! Please send us your questions, your needs, and how you are adapting, so we might share your innovative ideas with other Chapters to help us all succeed and thrive during these times.

Thank you for continuing to do all you can for the students, staff, and families of the Douglas County Schools. Stay well! Ashley Sommers, Executive Director

Pivoting to an online event
If you decide to convert a future event that has been a face-to-face event in past years to an online virtual event this year, many of the ways you plan and execute it will be different. One of these aspects involves securing sponsors and donations. Concerned?

Actually, virtual events can provide sponsors and donor businesses with even greater exposure than traditional in-person events. By wisely and creatively using social media, video streaming, and your event and organization websites (and linking to your sponsor/donor websites), your sponsors and donors can continue to deepen their relationship with you and also have a hand in how they promote their products, services and value to the community. Just make sure you have a plan with a solid value proposition and communicate it clearly to your sponsors and donors.
If you have questions about a chapter event that you are cancelling, postponing or planning for the future, please email  Diane Kilian.
Pay Vouchers for vendors and suppliers
Before you hire a vendor/supplier for an event, please make sure they are approved in the Districts system. For a list of pre-approved vendors, check out the Foundation’s Vendor Guide.

All new vendors/suppliers require a W-9 on file, in addition to an email address and phone number.

If the vendor/supplier will be on school grounds or in contact with students they must also fill out an Independent Contractor Agreement which will ensure that all workers have passed a background check and have agreed to the district code of conduct.

We are still processing Pay Vouchers for Vendors and Parent Reimbursements on our regular schedule. If you have any questions please email Kim Meigs.
Online fund processing options to consider
There are many ways to process funds from your donors. Here are a few options for you to consider:

Colorado Gives – Create your own campaign fundraising page. Find out how here: Colorado Gives Guide .

MySchoolBucks – Set up products for donors to purchase with a system they already know how to use. See eCommerce Guide for instructions on how to set up. Email Cristy Bradfield for further assistance.

Stripe – Accept online donations through your own eCommerce store.

Visit our “ Fundraising Assistance ” web page for more information, or email Amanda Ravsten with any additional questions.
This fund will provide assistance to the ongoing efforts to help our students, families, teachers and staff succeed at this time of uncertainty. 
The goal of this program is to collect, assemble and distribute new backpacks and school supplies to students in need in Douglas County.
Additional Foundation resources to stay in touch with us and other chapter officers
We are committed to providing support and resources to our Chapters. Dig-in to the Chapter pages on our website to find information that will not only assist you in successfully raising funds for your school or organization, but help you with policy and governance as well.

Did you know that the Foundation manages a Chapter Chat Facebook page? The purpose of this private group is to solicit the advice of other chapter officers and committee chairs, benefit from their experience, share best practices, and participate in ongoing conversation. Join us today by clicking on the Facebook icon below!
The Foundation for Douglas County Schools | 303-387-0505 |