Pandemic, racial strife, political polarization, misinformation, and murder hornets-it's scary times right now. A lot of us are wondering what we can do to help our community in times like these. As lawyers, the members of the Lancaster Bar Association have the unique ability to provide services that can move the needle on the various challenges we're facing right now.

The LBA has put together a unique menu of community service and pro bono opportunities that we are calling the 
Summer of Service program. 

This a call to action to our members to get out there 
and be part of the solution. 

Stop watching the news! 

Stop doom scrolling social media! 

Volunteer for one of the following service 
projects we have put together:
Do you want to help first responders and other essential workers?

The LBA has been doing this for years with its Wills for Heroes project. Through this program, LBA members have the opportunity to help first responders and military members with estate planning needs. And on September 26th, we'll be hosting another such event (utilizing masks and proper social distancing, of course). But we need volunteer attorneys to assist with this project. Whether you're a seasoned trusts and estates attorney or someone who just wants to help with this incredible program, we could use your help. If you're interested, contact Evan Denlinger or Nichole Baer for more details. Evan and Nichole are also looking into whether we'll be able to help essential workers with medical and financial directives. But some additional groundwork will need to be completed before we can get that aspect of the program up and running.


Email Attorney Evan Denlinger or Attorney Nichole Baer.

Do you want to help small businesses navigate the complicated COVID-19 world?

The LBA is partnering with Recovery Lancaster to offer initial free consultations to small area businesses on legal issues relating to the pandemic and the challenges it is posing for business owners.  We aim to assemble a panel of business attorneys within our ranks who are willing to offer free initial consultations of up to one-hour to qualifying business owners with questions that fall within the attorney's area(s) of expertise. Some of the specific topics in which we need subject matter expertise include:
  • PPP Loans
  • Debtor Rights
  • Employment Law
  • COVID-19 Protocols
  • Contract Law
  • Insurance Law
  • Landlord/Tenant
  • Bankruptcy
If you have been counseling business clients in these or other areas concerning pandemic-related challenges, please let us know and volunteer! If more than an hour of service is needed, panel members may choose to proceed further on a fee basis if all parties agree.  Recovery Lancaster will direct qualifying business owners to the LBA and the LBA will forward questions to our panel members with appropriate expertise on a rotating basis. If you have expertise in the areas listed above and are willing to donate a few hours, please let us hear from you. Email Executive Director Lisa Driendl-Miller.

Are you worried that evictions will explode as a result of the pandemic's economic fallout?   

More information coming soon!


Email Attorney Terry Warco.

Think you could help folks get needed unemployment compensation benefits?

More information coming soon!


Email Attorney Terry Warco.

Are you  worried about the right to protest?

Protestors are out on the street demonstrating against racial injustice. Hobie Crystle has agreed to coordinate pro bono legal representation for protestors. We're also looking for attorneys who are willing to volunteer to assist with training protest leaders regarding their rights so that the protests remain meaningful and peaceful.


Email Attorney Hobie Crystal.

Would you like to help undocumented victims of sexual assault or domestic violence?

Then volunteer for the U Visa Mandamus Project. The U visa provides undocumented victims of crime with a path to legal status, if they cooperate with law enforcement. The problem is it's taking the U.S. Department of Homeland Security years to process these applications. In the meantime, these individuals remain subject to deportation and lack work authorization. The Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center is looking for volunteer attorneys willing to file mandamus actions in federal court to compel decisions on these application. You don't need to be an immigration attorney. Really, anyone who has been admitted to federal court practice is able to handle these cases. If you're interested, contact David Freedman. There may be some CLE credit in it for you as well! 

Do you want to really do something about systemic racism?

It is no surprise that systemic racism and inequity unfairly impact our population's most vulnerable communities. Ever wonder what you, as a sworn legal professional, can do to dismantle and restructure the systems that perpetuate inequity among the American people? The Lancaster Bar Association's Diversity Committee is back in full force and open to Members who wish to make a difference in the Lancaster legal community and beyond concerning issues that have unjustly impacted marginalized groups. If you're interested in joining this Committee, please contact Kiandra Steffy.

Also, sign up for the upcoming CLE - The New Science of Racial Disparity: What Lawyers Need to Know

Thursday, August 27, 2020, 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Speaker: David Harris, Professor of Law at the University of Pittsburgh (click here for his impressive bio)
2 Substantive Credits - Only $55 Registration Fee for LBA Members

For too long, Americans have thought of racism and bigotry in only its out-loud and racial epithet forms. Twenty-five years of work by social psychologist has changed what we know, and these new insights have important implications for the legal profession and the legal system. Professor Harris will explain implicit bias, how we know what we know, where it comes from, and what we can do about it.

Do you want to help contain the spread of coronavirus?

By now, we all know that one of the keys to getting COVID-19 under control will involve contact tracing. The LBA is working with the Pennsylvania Department of Health to set up a team of volunteer attorneys to serve as contact tracers. Volunteers will have to complete a free, three-hour online training. This is an easy way for folks to use their intellect and tenacity to serve our community's public health needs. If you're interested, contact Avery Dice.


Email Attorney Avery Dice.

None of this sounds right for you? No problem, you can help the Lancaster Law Foundation!

The Lancaster Law Foundation promotes equal access to justice for all in Lancaster County by funding public interest law projects, delivering pro bono service, and educating the public regarding civil and legal issues. We can always use fundraisers. We're looking for a few good attorneys to get on the phone and gently prod donors for small donations to fund our incredible programs. Please, step up and agree to make ten calls for us. 


Email Executive Director Lisa Driendl-Miller.

Did we miss anything?

We are looking for more ways to help our members get involved. If you have a project in mind, contact LBA President Eric Athey or Executive Director Lisa Driendl-Miller.
Our goal is to have 100% of our members volunteer in one capacity or other. 
This is our moment. Let's meet it.