Volume 9, Issue #16 - April 18, 2019
In the name of Christ, we embrace all people to be nourished and empowered by the Holy Spirit to love and serve the world.
The heart of Holy Week is upon us - the Holy Triduum: the great three days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, culminating with the Great Vigil of Easter on Saturday evening.
These are days to save and to savor, to set aside. These are days for prayer, silence, and reflection. These are days to gather with your brothers and sisters in Christ for worship.
Over the Holy Triduum, the Church comes together to pray our most beautiful prayers, hear our most meaningful Scriptures, and offer some of our finest music. These are the three days that changed the world, central to our salvation: His dying on the cross for our sins, and His victory over death and darkness in the Resurrection.
Whether you are young or old, whether you have kept a “good Lent” or have “blown it,” we invite you to attend our Triduum liturgies. Read through this schedule and the descriptions of our services. Plan to take part in our services on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. Above all, come on Saturday night for the Great Vigil and first Eucharist of Easter.
These are three days that changed the world, and continue to change the lives of Christians who commemorate them.
7:00 PM
Solemn Choral Eucharist
with washing of feet and all-night Vigil at the Altar of Repose
12:00 PM & 7:00 PM
Veneration of the Cross with Holy Communion
8:30 PM
Great Easter Vigil
beginning at sunset in the cloister garden
Spoken Mass
8:00 AM
Festive Choral Eucharist
10:30 AM
Champagne Reception after the 10:30 service
TONIGHT: Maundy Thursday, April 18:
All time slots are now covered by at least one person. You are welcome to join the vigil throughout the night (enter/exit only on the hour, please).
At 9:00 on Easter morning,
young people are invited to hunt for Easter eggs on the front lawn, weather permitting, or indoors in case of rain.
Sunday, April 28
Please join us for a reception in her honor, following the 10:30 service.
In lieu of any parting gifts, Mother Nancy requests donations be made to the Cathedral Domain. You may contribute by check to Ascension with a designation for the Cathedral Domain, or online at the following link:
Saturday, May 11
2:00 – 10:00 PM
Monday-Friday, June 17-21
Sunday, June 30
Evensong: 5:00 PM
Reception immediately following.
(More information to come.)
will meet next on April 27, 2019, (every other Saturday) in the parish library at 10:00 a.m. This group endeavors to bring men and youth to Christ through the three-fold disciplines of Prayer, Study and Service. Contact William Legg (
) for details.
group meets every Saturday morning, 10:00 - 10:30. All are invited and welcome to come and explore this ancient technique, meeting in the main church. For more information, contact Scott Kimbel,
- 4/7/19: $6,804
- 4/14/19: $5,609
As of 4/14/19: Expenses NOT included
in total shown include: $10,000 LOC loan payoff in January, $5,000 pass-thru to ECF in January, $200 pass-thru to Simon House in January, $6,000 Fair Share payments in February, $4,000 Fair Share payments in March, $1,000 pass-thru to ERD in March.
Schedules & Teams:
Updated: April 14 - June 30
as of 4/11/19
April 21, 2019
Daily Office Lectionary
Easter Week, Year One - BCP 958
- BREAKFAST begins at 8:50 a.m. - free of charge to those in need; others may pay a small amount as able.
- ADULTS gather at 9:15 a.m. in the library for "The Preacher's Forum."
- CHILDREN & YOUTH: Christian Formation/Sunday School: Godly Play classes are ongoing for age 2 through fourth grade. Please gather in the parish hall to go upstairs together as a group. Latecomers must be escorted by a parent to the upstairs classroom. Children of all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend all church services; a nursery is available for younger children starting at 9:15 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - Rite I
- Chalice Bearer: Pauline Van Horn
- Lector: Tony Charters
- Prayers of the People: Candy Charters
- Acolyte: Peggy Stoner
10:30 a.m. - Rite II
- Chalice Bearer & Lector: Shannon Lancaster
- Acolytes:
- C: Tori Word
- T: Ava Marie Allison & ___?
- Jubilee Streamers as available
- Ushers: Scott & Kathy Kimbel
- Altar Guild: T1 - Suzanne Cox
- Men's Club: T5 - Rick Kurtz & Sons
TWO needed
Leah MacSwords
Champagne Reception, hosted by the Men's Club - Thank You!
- Jan Stevens is our Hospitality Coordinator - contact her by email at jstevens5@aol.com to discuss Coffee Hour questions, needs and procedures. If you can bring treats but need a helper, or vice versa, Jan can help you team up!
Intercessions for the Church
: St. Philip’s Church, Harrodsburg – The Rev. Peter Doddema,
Recently in need of prayers:
Angela; Barbara; Crystal; Dan; Donnie; the Duncan Family; Faye & Steve; Geoff; Josh; June; Lauren; Lillian; Nicole; Philip; Polly; Rebecca; Theresa; Vic.
Continuing concern:
Anna; Betty; Bob; Carolina; Collin; Darlene; David; Dillard; Doris & Charlie; Harry; Holly; Isaiah; James; Janet; Jean; Jim & Debbie; Jim & Fonda; Jinks; John; Julia; Lee; Linda; Mac; Marilyn; Mary; Mildred; Natalie; Penny; Rose; Scott & Kathy; Sherri; and Willie. We also pray for those on active duty in the military: Daniel, Houston, Nick, Seth, and Tanner.
4/21 – John Bullock, Tiffany Fletcher; 4/22 – Maggie Campbell; 4/25 – Hannah Lee; 4/27 – Brenda Osborne.
Part of the strength of this congregation is our care and concern for each other.
Please help us to do this by letting the church office know when you are ill, hospitalized, or otherwise in need of prayer and/or visitation.
Call 502-223-0557 (messages are checked Tuesday thru Friday),
- Opening Hymn: Hymn 207 - Jesus Christ is Risen Today
- Communion Hymn: Hymn 178 - Alleluia - Alleluia No. 1
- Closing Hymn: Hymn 180 - He is Risen, He is Risen!
- Prelude: Praise the Lord with drums and cymbals
- Opening Hymn: Hymn 207 - Jesus Christ is risen today
- Gloria: S 280
- Hymn: Hymn 180 - He is Risen, He is Risen!
- Gospel Acclamation
- Offertory
- Sanctus: S 129
- Fraction Anthem: Choir
- Communion Hymn: Hymn 1092 - This joyful Eastertide - Vruechten
- Closing Hymn: Hymn 182 - Chist is alive!- Truro
- Postlude: Fanfare - Jacques-Nicolas Lemmons
Clergy and Staff
- The Rev. William Jessee Neat, Rector
- The Rev. Dr. William G. Brown, Assisting Priest (Retired)
- The Rev. Nancy S. Farley, Assisting Priest (Retired)
- The Rev. Deacon Rebecca A. Saager, Curate
- The Rev. Deacon Susan E. Kurtz, Deacon
- Mr. John B. Martin, Director of Music & Organist
- Ms. Mona Landrum Proctor, Parish & Financial Administrator
- Mr. David Gierlach, Sexton
Copyright © 2019 Church of the Ascension. All Rights Reserved.