Sundog Media | November 2019 | Bright Spots
Thanksgiving Traditions
At the time, it honestly seemed pretty corny. Every year at Thanksgiving, our family held hands for prayer around the table and Dad would ask each of us to share something we were thankful for. Then he would finish with something he was thankful for and bless the food. 

Looking back on it today, with my father no longer with us, I realize how special this tradition was. Part of what made it so special is that Mom and Dad, my aunt and uncle by blood, took me in when I was 12 years old from a very broken home. They gave me a stable home with love, and most importantly, a grounded faith. I intend to carry on Dad’s tradition at our Thanksgiving table this year. And, I thought I would start a new tradition for our Sundog family and ask each of our team members to share with you one thing they are thankful for this year.

Fresh Off the (Word)Press
Anchor Contracting
We recently had the opportunity to work on a new mobile friendly site for Anchor Contracting. Anchor Contracting is a family business, focused on providing quality customer service with integrity.

Cordova Rose Lodge
The Cordova Rose Lodge, LLC is a barge with its very own lighthouse. It sits on the breakwater surrounded by water on the shore of Orca Inlet.
Client Testimonial
“Sundog's staff of professionals helped with everything and every question. Very, very bright people, with very, very bright management coming together with one mindset “The love of what they are doing”, and helping people. "

Gary McDowell
Owner, Cordova Rose Lodge

A Psalm for You

" Praise the LORD!
Oh  give thanks  to the LORD, for he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever! "

Psalm 106:1 (ESV)
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