Dear Rockford Reformed Church Family,

This is the season for preparing and planning for leadership in the New Year and that begins with you, the members of RRC, nominating those whom you believe would serve well as elders and deacons. We are providing you with three things so that you can do this well:

  • An outline of the biblical/spiritual criteria, specific gifts, practical qualities, and responsibilities related to serving in the respective leadership roles
  • A list of church members who are eligible and those who for various reasons are ineligible
  • A nomination form (submit online or use the paper version attached)

In the context of prayer, you are encouraged to carefully read through this information as you consider whom you believe will best align with the criteria and serve well in these roles. The nomination forms are to be turned in by October 25.

After receiving your nominations, the elders and consistory will work to narrow the list in light of these same criteria, contact candidates regarding their willingness to serve, and develop a list for our December congregational meeting. We pray for God’s leading as we seek glad-to-serve officers who will wonderfully serve for the challenges and opportunities that he provides in the New Year.

Pastor Tim