This Week at St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo
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Maundy Thursday, April 18
7:30 pm - Holy Eucharist with music and stripping of the altar in the Church
All night vigil before the Altar of Repose in the Chapel

Good Friday, April 19
12 noon - Prayers in the Chapel
7:30 pm - Liturgy with music in the Church

Holy Saturday, April 20
11 am - Acolyte and Usher Rehearsal in the Church
6 pm - First Eucharist of Easter at St. John's in Arden

Easter Sunday, April 21
8 am - Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
9:55 am - Children gather for the flowering of the cross
10 am - Holy Eucharist in the Church with choir and brass
Easter Egg Hunt and Coffee Hour follows

Monday, April 22
Church office closed

Wednesday, April 24
10 am - Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
11:30 am - Chapel for Preschool for 3's and 4's
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,

During the Wednesday morning Eucharist, we read a passage from John which told the story of Jesus identifying the one who was to betray him. Judas Iscariot is perhaps the most reviled figure in Christian history. He was the trusted disciple who willingly betrayed the Son of God into the hands of those who hated him and sought his demise. We can look back on stories like these and shake our heads in dismay. The history of salvation is filled with accounts of humans failing to meet the mark in terms of their covenants with God. It seems as if the darkness always finds a way to obscure the light.

Except... There was once a young woman who was invited to participate in a new plan for our salvation. She was greeted by an angel and told, “Do not be afraid, for you have found favor with God.” This young woman, Mary, accepted God’s challenging plan for her and all humanity. Through her, a savior was born. He lived as one of us and taught a new way to love God and one another, and for that he died.

Yes, it is easy to shake our heads in dismay, but it is not the Christian way. We know that God takes the worst of what the sinful world offers up and redeems it. He redeemed it once and for all through the sacrifice of his only begotten son. This is what we commemorate and celebrate this season of Holy Week and Easter. Yes, he died, but he also was raised. It is because of his one oblation of himself once offered that we can joyously sing, “O grave, where is thy victory?” The darkness can never overcome the light. We, through him, are the lights of the world in our generations. In a world of darkness, be the light.

Father Rick
Maundy Thursday
On Maundy Thursday, April 18, at 7:30 pm, we will commemorate the Last Supper, a Passover meal which Jesus shared with his disciples and at which he became our passover, the Lamb of God. We also celebrate the institution of the holy priesthood as Jesus gave his disciples the command to break the bread and bless the cup until he comes again. After communion, the altar will be stripped and washed to represent the tomb that will receive Christ's body on Good Friday. The reserved Sacrament will then be taken in procession to the Altar of Repose in the Chapel, which represents the Garden of Gethsemene, where Jesus asked his disciples "Could you not wait with me one hour?" The Chapel will remain open all night for silent prayer and reflection before the Blessed Sacrament.
Good Friday
Good Friday is the day we observe the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. We will have two services on this April 19, the first at the traditional noon hour in the Chapel and a 7:30 pm service in the main Church.

The Good Friday Offering has been a source of support, love and hope for the people of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East. Through our support of these churches we are helping to realize God's vision of peace throughout this area. More information about this ministry can be found online here . In a tradition spanning nearly 100 years, all offerings collected on this day will go to the Diocese of Jerusalem or you can send your offering to the church office marked as Good Friday Offering.
All are truly welcome at St. Mary's, which is located within the historic gates of Tuxedo Park and serves the entire Tuxedo community. Please tell the gatehouse you're going to St. Mary's, proceed thru the gates and we're on the right (plenty of parking available).
How to contact us...
Office: 845.351.5122
PreSchool: 845.351.2389
Physical Address: 10 Fox Hill Rd, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 637, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987