Trinity Trumpet April , 2019
In this issue: A Message from Pastor Dale, Lenten Worship Schedule, Holy Week Information, Lenten Food Drive, Adult Education, Feed My Starving Children, One Great Hour of Sharing, A Concert to support immigrant families, and Upcoming Events.

"Maundy Thursday: Why is this night different from all other nights?

On Facebook last week there was a pronouncement from Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg:

"Now that we are getting closer to Passover and Easter, a reminder that Christian Seders  are appropriationistic, problematic, and not historically accurate. Don't host them, don't participate in them." She then goes on to reference an article that she authored in the Washington Post last year "Five Myths about Passover"

I quote from the introduction to Rabbi Ruttenburg's article, "On [Passover] night, Jews around the world sat down to a Passover Seder - a ritual that involves, among other things, retelling the story of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt described in the Torah, drinking a lot of wine and eating a big meal with symbolically significant foods. It's one of the most religiously important and widely observed Jewish holidays, with 70 percent of Jews reporting in a  2014 Pew survey that they had attended a Seder in the previous year. Given the weight and complexity of Passover (which lasts eight days in the Diaspora), it's not surprising that there are plenty of misunderstandings about both its history and its practice."  
Here are two of her concerns that I want to respond to:

Myth No. 1
The Seder tells the historical story of the Israelites leaving Egypt.

I agree with this myth. The biblical account of the people of Israel is not historically accurate. And that is not our claim.   What I want to focus on, though, is this:

Myth No. 3
Jesus' Last Supper was a Passover Seder.

Here is the point. Rabbi Ruttenburg wants to claim that Jesus did not celebrate a Seder in the form that it takes today.   TRUE. But that is actually NOT the important point. The modern day Seder is probably as far from its original form of celebration as the modern form of Communion is from its origins in Jesus' hands and as practiced in the early church. She adds in her article "some  churches even hold " Christian   Seders " in an attempt to practice the religion of Jesus."

To the contrary, I would argue that an exact reenactment is NOT the point. The point is REMEMBRANCE.

Jesus definitely was going to celebrate the Passover when he came into Jerusalem for his final week. (Mark 14: 1-2, 12-25. Matt 26:17-30. Luke 22:7-23) From my perspective, it is essential that Christians understand what that holiday actually is - its meaning and significance for Jewish people (which Jesus was at the time). Christians need to know the story that is retold every Passover. We need to understand its centrality in Jewish life. And we certainly need to hold that significance closely in order to have a fuller understanding of exactly what it is that Jesus undertook when introducing a new ritual of remembrance 'after supper'.

For Jesus, it was NOT just an ordinary dinner. Nor was its significance simply the final meal that he would have with his disciples. The broader understanding can only be had if we understand that it was a Passover Meal that required special preparation, and special stories and a unique context in the history of the people of God.

I had the privilege of attending several Seders with Jewish friends when I was a student at Washington University (where 50% of my freshman class was Jewish). It was there that I developed my early appreciation of this practice and its deep connection to our own history and story.

So we will hold a Seder on Maundy Thursday. The Haggadah (essentially the liturgy) that we will use is a shortened from a Jewish Haggadah - not a Christian invention. (And I will have several on display).  
We are not to trying to "reenact" what Jesus did that night, but to reclaim a faith in the activity of God on behalf of God's people throughout history - including for us today.
God's Peace,
Pastor Dale

Worship during Lent

LENT 5  SUNDAY, APRIL 7 - Pause: To Focus On Our Tears 
10:00 AM Sanctuary
We will celebrate the Lord's Supper with Pew Communion. The choir along with Shannon Huneryager will provide our musical inspiration.

PALM/PASSION SUNDAY, APRIL 14 - Pause: To Focus On Our Fears
10:00 AM Courtyard
Our special worship will take the form of a "Readers' Theatre" in which the whole congregation plays the part of the crowd in the retelling of the celebrated entrance of Jesus to Jerusalem through the crowds' betrayal and calls to crucify him.  We will begin at 10:00 AM in the Courtyard. Children will remain in the service and participate.

MAUNDY THURSDAY, APRIL 18 - Pause: To Focus On Our Faith
6:30 PM in Woodvale Hall
We will celebrate an abbreviated Seder Meal followed by Holy Communion.  Please arrive at 6:30 - the worship liturgy and meal are combined. Children have a special part in the service.
Reservations are really helpful, and can be made on the clipboard in the Gathering Hall.  Or call (847-945-5050) or email the church office and Lisa will add you to the list.  Your friends are welcome!

GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 19 - Pause: To Focus On Our Loss
12:00 - 3:00 Sanctuary
The sanctuary will be open for Personal Prayer and Musical Meditation. The doors will be open for you to come and reflect on the significance of the day for your life and for the world. Readings will be provided for your own reflection as you listen to recorded music. It's an "open house" - come and pray as long as you wish.
EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 21 - Pause: To Celebrate the Promise
8:30 AM  Community Easter Breakfast Woodvale Hall
10:00 AM Easter Festival Worship - Sanctuary
Tim Karth will join us on the Saxophone to help us in a joyful service of worship.

11:15 AM  Easter Egg Hunt for children.


Food Pantry
Lenten Food Drive

We are collecting non-perishable food items during Lent to take to the West Deerfield Township Food Pantry for those in our community who need assistance. Please keep in mind that we cannot accept food past its expiration date. The Food Drive runs through Easter Sunday.

Thursday Adult Education

Building A Movement to Transform the World
Sojourners is a progressive monthly magazine and daily online publication of the American Christian social justice organization Sojourners, which arose out of the Sojourners Community. It was first published in 1971.   We will read and discuss articles dealing with current challenges in our world and our faith. This Adult Ed program will continue through April 11th.

Upset about our Governments' attitude towards immigrants? Then let's do something about it! Help support our Chicago-land Immigrant families! Invite your friends and please attend the El Pueblo Canta Concert on Saturday April 6th at our sister church, Wellington Ave. UCC Church, 615 W. Wellington Ave., Chicago.

Tickets for concert are $25 with all proceeds going to support the Immigrant Justice work of Centro Romero, CRLN and Wellington Ave. UCC. Food for purchase at 5:30 pm. Concert at 7:00 pm.

Please see the flyer on the bulletin board in the Gathering Hall and contact me at if you want to go!
Harriet Dart

Join us at Feed My Starving Children in Libertyville on Saturday, April 13th from, 9 - 11 AM to fill manna packs for hungry children around the world.  Please sign-up in the Gathering Hall.

One Great Hour of Sharing is the Lenten Offering of the United Church of Christ that supports disaster, refugee, and development activities.  The offering date for the One Great Hour of Sharing offering is April 14, 2019.  Bring your offering box or check to worship on Palm Sunday.

mark you calendar

1st Annual Earth Week Celebrations
  • April 28: Special Worship Service for Earth Day.
  • April 29 - May 4: Earth Week: More details to come.
  • May 5:  Special Worship to conclude Earth Week.
May 1 - June 2: Diaper Drive to benefit Mary Lou's Place and Bridges.

May 18, July 6, Sept. 7: Deerfield Farmers Market - Gleanings.

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