If you know someone who does not have access to the Briefs or the internet, give them a call and share any information you think they need to know.
COVID-19 Update
Here is the latest update from our District Superintendent, Jason Gattis, in connection with church gatherings and reopening plans. Broadway’s Church Reopening Task Force is making preparations for the time when more specific guidelines are offered. Task Force Members include: Jade Garcia (Chair), Jean Hubbs (Trustees), Kim Cline (Worship), Lance Morehead, Ruthie Barton and Mary Lynn Roy.
 Just a reminder that our United Methodist Churches continue to worship and gather through alternative means instead of in-person. On May 1, the governor’s office released guidance and guidelines for gathering in houses of worship saying, “To minister to vulnerable populations while also protecting those populations and continuing our state’s progress to contain COVID-19, faith communities are strongly encouraged to continue offering online services and other creative methods of worship and ministry. Faith communities should conduct as many activities as possible remotely and should follow the recommendations in this guidance when deciding to begin gathering in person once again.” Bishop Taylor has organized a re-opening task force that is looking at these and other recommendations from state government, health officials, and the CDC to determine our best plan for resuming in-person gatherings.

As always, I appreciate your work, ministry, and patience as we minister through this pandemic. Please know that I will be in touch the minute I receive more information and guidance.

I pray you continue to remain safe and well.

Grace & Peace,
Barnabas Purse
Broadway has funds available to assist with short-term needs (such as rent/mortgage, utilities, etc.) for folks in the Broadway family. Requests are kept confidential and are administered by the Pastor and Chair of the Nurture Team. Please reach out to Pastor Laura if you need assistance. We recognize this is a time when folks may be experiencing unexpected financial challenges.
New Position for Jim Gass
In addition to serving as Broadway’s Interim Youth Advisor, Jim Gass has agreed to assist with Broadway’s worship streaming as the Worship Broadcast Coordinator. Jim will be preparing the services for Facebook and YouTube broadcasts both now, as we continue with pre-recorded services, and also going forward as we prepare for being able to gather in person. One of the unexpected blessings of this time apart has been the extended outreach that has come through these services.
The next book club meeting will be tomorrow night, May 21, 2020 at 6:30. We are reading "The Beautiful Mystery" by Louise Penny. Mary Morehead will be reviewing the book. Right now plans are to have a ZOOM meeting. If you wish to participate and are not on the book club email list, please let Debbie Taylor know so she can get the ZOOM meeting information to you. Stay safe and healthy!
Are You Missing Your Small Group?
Even with the restrictions on in-person gatherings, there are still ways to connect. You can set up a ZOOM meeting or even organize a conference call by phone using https://www.freeconference.com/. If you need assistance in figuring out a way for your group to gather, Jennifer McIntyre is willing to help. You can email her at jennifer_mcintyre@hotmail.com or call her at 865 250-2051.
This week's worship services
will once again be online.

For tips on accessing these services online, click here.
Open either Children's Bulletin
for this week's online
Bible lesson game code!
Celebrating our Graduates
We are working on putting together a video to honor our Broadway high school graduates. Please check this list and make sure we are including everyone.

Noah McIntyre, Josiah Barnett, Jamie Ward, Olivia Croft, Alex Heslep, Jacob Heslep, Lenora Montoya
Also, let us know if there are other Broadway members who have graduated from programs beyond high school in the past year (so including December 2019). Here are ones we know of:

Emily McIntyre, Jaeda Buchanan, Elizabeth Bogart
Please help our neighbors
in Zimbabwe!

The Smoky Mountain District has been asked to provide 400 food buckets for the 2020 Holston Annual Conference Hands-On Mission Project in Zimbabwe. Even though the June Annual Conference (where buckets are dedicated) has been postponed, this project continues on time because the need is so great. We are starting with a smaller number of buckets this year, and will add more as we have the resources. The Outreach Team currently is shopping for the specified food items for the buckets, and for now, we simply ask for monetary donations to meet the expense of filling and shipping the buckets. Please annotate your donations “Zimbabwe Food Buckets.” Our buckets will begin their long journey to Africa on June 3. Please pray for the recipients.
What are you doing to stay connected? Send your stories and/or pictures to Jennifer by emailing her at jennifer_mcintyre@hotmail.com
"Family Sunday School lesson for your living room"
The Ascension
for the accompanying downloadable resources.
Latest Upper Room issue available for free download
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Since churches are unable to meet and gather safely in their buildings during the coronavirus pandemic, The Upper Room is offering the May/June 2020 issue, both in English and Spanish, as a free, downloadable PDF. The Upper Room also has created a web page featuring resources to help create and maintain spiritual wellness during anxious times.
Let’s Support Those
on the Front Lines
During this unprecedented pandemic, we want to support those in our church family who are providing “essential services,” sometimes at great risk to themselves: healthcare workers, sanitation workers, those in the food industry, civil servants, community leaders, fire, police, ambulance services, National Guard, etc. If you qualify or know of someone, please send the name, occupation, and contact information (including telephone, email, and mailing address) to  office@broadwayumc.net .

Also please email the office if you want to be part of the support team by making phone calls, sending cards, providing meals, running errands, etc.
COVID-19 Front Line

Dr. Kim Cline
Dr. Richard Cline
Nancy Bradley, nurse at Tennova Hospital
Lisa Teffeteller, nurse at UT Hospital
Kay Taylor, private duty nurse
Hope Bruce, NICU nurse at Childrens' Hospital
Matt Jordan, son of Steve and Stephanie Jordan, nurse at Blount Memorial    
      Hospital **
Marcos Garcia, Firefighter/Paramendic Knoxville Fire Department
or Fire Dept.)
Mike Husk, Investigator, Blount County Sheriff’s Office
Tom Kohntopp, Chaplain in Blount County Sheriff’s Office
Bobby Russell, son of Bob and Elaine Russell, Captain/EMT Knoxville Fire Dept. State 16
Tom Taylor, Maryville City Mayor
Ed Mitchell, Blount County Mayor
Becky Martin, Speech Pathology at Nursing Home
Kathy Cakmes, Greg Bradley’s sister, a nurse in Knoxville
Dr, Scott Hawkins, brother of Kim Cline in Ohio
Bryan McMaster, EMT in Ohio, nephew of the Clines in Ohio
Megan Mc Master, occupational therapist in a nursing home in Ohio, Niece of the Clines
Jamie Ribakoff, Nurse at Belleview Hospital in NYC, granddaughter of Jack & Arlene Mendelsohn.
Karen Tiller, Social worker. Bob & Judy Hayes granddaughter/Drexel & Barbara Tiller's daughter.
Skylar Wiggins, Crisis Stabilization Team Leader - Helen Ross McNabb/The Living Room, Tami Wiggins' daughter.
Kerri Banks, Children's Hospital
Anna Taylor, Children's Hospital
Alice Croft, Pharmacist at Kroger
Brannan Croft, Pharmacist at UT Medical Center
Amy Fugate, Jennie Ottinger's sister in law, Nurse at U T Medical Center
Audrey Sheridan, RN, Vanderbilt Medical Center
Bridget Woodall, RN, U T Medical Center
Prayers for patience during this time of reduction of hours and also for safety as hospitals prepare for the possibility of the surge of patients requiring admissions.
Prayers also for those who work in grocery stores and pharmacies during this trying time.
Your Broadway Family Is Ready to Help

We have a list of volunteers ready to assist with:
  • Grocery Shopping/Errands
  • Prayer Partners
  • Tech Support – to help connect with Broadway’s online worship offerings
Click here if you have needs. If you know of folks who might need assistance, reach out to them and make sure they are aware of these willing helpers.
We are a family and we are in this together.
Your Church Staff
Click Here to connect with your Broadway Staff
Stay Connected @ Broadway UMC
The Brown Food Pantry (2 nd and 4 th Saturdays from 9 – 11 a.m.)
and Salvation Army Lunch Program (every Friday from 11 to noon)
are considered "essential services." We are committed to continuing to make these services available for those in need for as long as we are able.
Your support of these programs is appreciated.
309 East Broadway Avenue
Maryville, TN 37804
(865) 982-6192