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Jan 8th Covid 19 Update Edition
From the Council Office of Steve Rao
January 8, 2021
NC reached all-time record of 10,398 cases.
Per Directive, Morrisville Aquatics and Fitness Center Closes on Jan. 11- Jan 29. (Except Tennis Courts)
Morrisville Carpenter Road Widening Project to Begin on Jan 11. Target Date for Completion Summer 2022.
Sign-up for text updates through Morrisville’s Everbridge platform:
Contact Vinod Korategere, Senior Capital Projects Manager with the Town of Morrisville’s Engineering Department, with questions by calling (919) 463-6147 or emailing vkorategere@townofmorrisville.org.
Wake County Schools still return to school on Jan 15
$425 Incentive pay approved for substitute teachers.
Governor Cooper Extends Modified 10 pm Curfew Stay at Home Order until Jan 29th/Sec Cohen issues Directive (See Section in Newsletter)
Mounting pressure on Pelosi and Pence to invoke 25th amendment. Trump says he will give power to Biden.
- The Directive strongly recommends citizens stay at home other than for essential activities – i.e. necessary travel for work, education, shopping for necessities, or to seek health care or provide care to others.
- The Directive also recommends avoiding any gathering other than persons you live with.
- Although the Directive is not legally enforceable like the Executive Order is, it is strong advice and it is important for the Town to continue to align with and model the recommended behavior. The Town continues to see lower COVID rates than most other area municipalities at least in part given our adherence to public
- All three January Council meetings and the January PZB meeting will be virtual-only meetings.
- Town facilities are closing to the public through at least January 29.
- Town offices will close as of Monday; Town staff will be limited to one employee per office / work area and all staff meetings will be virtual.
- CFCC will continue offering virtual activities but no in-person activities.
- MAFC will be closed with the exception of the tennis courts. Staff is preparing to begin making recorded fitness classes available on Facebook.
- We are talking with CFCC and MAFC staff now to confirm the most practical time to close both facilities over the next three days (but no later than Monday).
- We will not be closing the Healthy Food Hub / Western Wake Farmers’ Market as they are providing an essential service.
- Communications staff will share these changes and messaging supporting the Secretary’s recommendations beginning on Friday.
AMERICAN DEMOCRACY IN CRISIS (Excerpts from Mildred Roberston Blog)
This week rioters ravaged our democracy and trampled our most sacred right to government “for the people, by the people.”This drove of insurgents breached the walls of our Capital Building, wandered the halls and trashed the Chamber, leaving America bruised and battered; and apparently subject to little or no rule of law. Trump himself instructed this mob to march to the Capital and fight to stop the certification of Joe Biden as the duly elected president of the United States.
It was with great fear and shock that we witnessed the halls of the people’s house with tear gas billowing through the Rotunda; congress members crouched under their desks and armed capital police barricading the Chamber doors. Trump and his republican cronies have muddied our image on the world stage, and has all but brought this nation to its knees. Never in my lifetime did I ever expect to see this type of rebellion and insurrection take place in our Nation.
All that being said… what next? The next 10 to 12 twelve days are perhaps the most perilous this country has faced since 911 when the twin towers fell. Our options are few, and none are simple. It would be wonderful were Mike Pence and the senior cabinet to acknowledge that our nation is in jeopardy and invoke the 25th Amendment. The Congress can impeach him again and eliminate him as a future threat to the union, but that would require the cooperation of a Republican Party and it may be tough to pull this off.
I agree with the former Secretary of State Colin Powell that the best action would be for President Trump to step down from office, and end this Presidency with a peaceful transfer of power, which can accelerate our healing process.
The American public is desperate for a solution. We are thirsty for reasoned leadership, political dignity, the rule of law and most of all the assurance that a steady hand holds the helm of our nation’s future. We are days away from the moment when we will move from a rudderless nation casting about at sea to one with a common cause directing us toward a shared destiny in keeping with the vision of the Founding Fathers.
There is, however, no assurance that we will arrive at our destination intact; or for that matter, at all.
In the storied words of Founding Father Patrick Henry, “Now is the time for all good men (and women) to come to the aid of their country.” All Americans must lay aside our petty differences and focus on maintaining our democracy, flawed though it may be. While our nation has often fallen far short of the lofty goals to which we subscribe, we nevertheless are the preeminent democracy established in the world to date.
Resilience is not only about how we bounce back but how we bounce forward!
No riot, no protest, no gunshots, can ever stop our Republic from surviving and thriving.
Since the founding of our nation, we have been resilient! We will continue to be.
Hindu Society of North Carolina (HSNC) ran three Community Programs during Covid-19 pandemic as below,
- HSNC Food Program – Which recently achieved a major milestone of preparing and supplying 32000 hot and fresh food packs to Wake County Food Distribution Program (4 different sites in Wake County), Raleigh Homeless Shelter and Durham Rescue Mission. We prepare fresh vegetarian food in our commercial kitchen with the help of Community volunteers and donations. We run this food program three times a week.
- Stitched and provided over 6000 Mask in the initial phase of Covid-19 when mask was a rare commodity by HSNC Senior club Volunteers and
- Conduced five Covid-19 testing and screening camps (two more are scheduled in Jan-21)
Join me in thanking these Hometown Heroes!
Join me in thanking these Hometown Heroes and Join me on Facebook Live today at 5:10 pm for our Live Interview. We will be airing on Radio Mirchi on Sunday at 4 pm on 99.9 FM HD4, 101.9 FM and 1490 AM!
Council is interested in learning how you would best invest tax-supported dollars on major capital improvements to make a difference in our growing community. Capital improvements are major large scale one-time investment projects requiring a form of debt financing to afford. They are not annual recurring operational expenses such as salaries, supplies, programs or professional services.
Please provide your input using the bond portal below to help in the development of ballot questions or project categories for the Morrisville 2021 Bond Referendum. Comments received through the portal will be included in the public record and provided to the Town Council. This is a input portal only. Town staff is not responding to individual comments or questions submitted using this form. If you have specific questions or need clarification related to the bond referendum, please email jhooks@townofmorrisville.org.
Jan 12 - 9am Raleigh Chamber Economic Forecast.
Jan 12 Launch 2021 Raleigh Chamber Economic Forecast.
Jan 12 - 6pm Town Council Virtual Meeting
Jan 26 - 4pm NC RioT Event
Jan 26 NC RioT Event: Competitive Edge, How Edge Computing Takes Business to the Next Level
HSNC Hometown Heroes Interview. We will be airing on Radio Mirchi on Sunday at 4 pm on 99.9 FM HD4, 101.9 FM and 1490 AM!
Join me Monday at 10 am on International Broadcast Media TV for a global for World Edition, an update on global politics.
- For latest Covid 19 information, please dial 2-1-1 or 888- 892-1162.
- Get Updates by texting COVIDNC at 898211.
- For unemployment insurance, please visit NC Dept of Employment Security at https://des.nc.gov/.
- 1,390,660 NC citizens have applied for UI Benefits, 940, 019 have been paid benefits, and $9 billion of benefits have been issued.
Apply for Wake Forward program at https://covid19.wakegov.com/wakeforward/.
For the first time ever, North Carolina is reporting more than 10,000 new COVID-19 cases in a 24-hour period.
On Thursday, the state added 10,398 new cases of the virus. However, the daily percent positive rate did drop from over 16% to 13.5%. That, of course, means the state received a significant uptick in tests completed.
The previous single-day record for cases was 9,527, which happened on New Year's Day.
Thursday's metrics also showed a steep increase in COVID-19 deaths. Another 137 people succumbed to the virus, increasing its total death toll in North Carolina to 7,213.
Hospitalizations also increased (setting yet another record) from 3,893 in yesterday's report to 3,960 in today's report.
10398 New Cases (18,800 in first two days of January)
+ N.C. = 592,476 Cases (Deaths = 7,213)
+ 13.5% Positive Rate
+ Wake County = 50,475 Cases (Deaths = 354)
+ US 21.7 = million Cases/365K deaths
+ Worldwide = 88.2 million/1.9 million deaths
+ Completed Tests: 7,261,441
+ 3,635 Hospitalized
Council Member Rao holds office hours on Friday from 12:00-1:00 PM by appointment only at 100 Town Hall Drive in Morrisville.
Council Member Steve Rao
Town of Morrisville
Dedicated to transforming Morrisville into an ideal place to work and raise a family!
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