Qualitrac Quicknotes
 April 8, 2020
Provided by Mountain-Pacific Quality Health, Telligen and the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services
Each edition of Qualitrac Quicknotes provides bite-sized tips and tidbits to help you with using Qualitrac, our provider portal. Today we focus on...
Task Queue: What is it, and why is it important?
What is it?
This section in Qualitrac requires your action for the following types of reviews:
  • Requests for information from Mountain-Pacific or Telligen clinical staff
  • Discharge notifications 
How do I get to the Task Queue and complete necessary tasks? 
  1. Click on the Start Tasks button on the portal landing page.
  2. The task type will indicate the necessary action, i.e., Request for Information or Discharge Status.
  3. Click the ellipsis on the left side of the page to start the task.
  4. Once you have completed the necessary task, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Done button.
  5. You will be returned to the Task Queue, and the task will no longer be visible.
  6. If you need a refresher on using the Task Queue: 

Why is it important to complete request for information and discharge actions through the Task Queue?
Completing Request for Information tasks through the Task Queue alerts Mountain-Pacific and Telligen clinical review staff you have uploaded additional information. If the Task Queue is not accessed to complete this action, reviewers do not know additional information has been received. This can result in:
  • Documentation uploaded outside of the Task Queue not being evaluated
  • delayed processing
  • Denial of the case, if we do not discover requested information within the timeframe for submitting documentation

Completing discharge actions through the Task Queue is important to accurately close out the authorization period. 

Additionally, for inpatient medical (not behavioral health) admissions, the prior authorization number does not transmit for payment until the discharge information is entered.
We want to make sure these communications are of value to you. Do you have a question or topic you'd like to see included in a future Qualitrac Quicknotes edition?