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17383 W. Sunset Blvd #A230 
Pacific Palisades, CA, 90272
                                                                310) 230-2145

The Power Of Good Posture
November 2019
photo by S. Hajducki
Article by 
Edward D. Wagner DC

"The Power Of Good Posture" 

Did you know that there is a direct relationship between posture and mobility and mortality. This means that one has a better chance of living longer with fewer ailments by having good posture. In other words, the beginning of disease starts with posture breakdown. 
Did you know that posture is not about pulling your shoulders back but is a combined neurological input from the visual centers, vestibular system, somatosensory system in the feet, and the upper cervical spine alignment?

Better posture and improved balance is the key to preventing falls, moving more gracefully, improved performance in all activities, and lowering the risk of stroke, cardiovascular incidences, and respiratory mortality. The reason why is because improved posture increases oxygen up to 6 times and optimum oxygen levels help prevent all of the above. 

So you ask, what can be done about it?  The answer is to correct any structural alignment issues, check and correct all the postural neurological centers, stabilize the feet and perform a few corrective exercises which enhance balance and strengthen the core.
We want to help as many patients as possible to effectively change their posture because people with poor posture work harder to do anything, endure constant muscle tension, have poor balance, and are compromising their health on all levels. 

We are the super-specialists in this field. We look for the underlying cause of the slow progression of the postural distortions, which by the way, is almost always a post traumatic injury combined with poor foot mechanisms and poor habits. 
Let us show you how to stand taller, live longer with youthful motion.
No one does it better than Wagner Holistic Center.


Always look for the natural cure.  Spread the word and 
tell your friends who may be suffering.
No one does it better than... 

Wagner Holistic Center
17383 Sunset Blvd. Suite A230
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
310) 230-2145 

Most imbalances can be corrected through diet and supplements. See how we can guide you.
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