Weekly Postings
Baptism Last Sunday

June 14 - June 23, 2019
In This Issue

MON. 5:30 PM

As the Canterbury Choir ends their season, we give particular thanks to the leaders of this group for sharing their voices with us and encouraging their younger peers.  It has been a joy to hear you sing and watch you grow in confidence for so many years!  We look forward to seeing you in the Saint Paul's Choir.
Our Schedule This Sunday June 16
8:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist, Rite I
No Music

9:30 - 10:30 AM 
Formation classes for adults 
(see schedule below)
The Nursery is available.

10:30 - 10:45 AM  
Coffee and Conversation (Tyler Hall)

11:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
The Nursery is available.

following 11:00 AM  
Lemonade on the Lawn 

5:30 PM 
Celtic Evening Prayer 
and Communion  with Prayers for Healing 
Rob Foster is our guest musician. 
Formation Classes This Sunday June 9

Leader: Fr. Muir and guests
Location: The Parlor
The Rector's Forum offers a time and place for engaging conversation that is not anchored to a specific curriculum or topic. Always we consider how to honestly and faithfully live out our Baptismal vows, whatever the topic of the day. 
Episcopalians-Explore The Episcopal Church and our way of being Christian
Leader: Fr. Jenkins
Location: The Chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul
SESSION #1: June 16 - Introduction

INQUIRING hearts and minds want to know more about their church- The Episcopal Church!

Whether you have been Episcopalian all your life or arrived last week, this class IS FOR YOU. Throughout the summer we will explore and deepen your understanding of what it means to be a Christian in the Episcopal church and tradition. This class ALSO serves as preparation for anyone who wishes to participate this fall in the rites and sacraments of initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, Reception, Reaffirmation-that will be administered when Bp. Benhase makes his final visitation before retirement.

Baptism: full initiation into the Christian faith.
Confirmation: a mature and public commitment for the baptized to the Christian faith with the laying of the bishop's hands.
Reception: IF you have come to The Episcopal Church from another Christian tradition (that is, you've been baptized and "confirmed" as a Baptist, Methodist, etc.) and wish to declare yourself an Episcopalian, this rite accomplishes that with the laying of the bishop's hands.
Reaffirmation: for Episcopalians who wish to publicly reaffirm their commitment to the faith with the laying of the bishop's hands.

If you have questions or would like to know more about this class or any of these sacraments and rites, contact your clergy. Your Faith, Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church  will supplement and shape our conversations.

Children and Youth Formation return in August with the beginning of school. 
Next Week  June 17 - June 23
Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner 
Wednesday, June 19, 6-7  PM
Join us for our monthly fellowship dinner, Wednesday, June 19, 6-7 PM, in the River Room. $5 per person; $15 max per family.  On the menu:  Mississippi pot roast, mashed potatoes bar, broccoli cheese casserole, Caesar salad, peach pecans bread pudding.  A reservation is not required; however, if you know you plan to attend, please RSVP on our sign-up genius.  
Film & Dialogue: Slavery By Another Name
Wednesday, June 19, 7-9 PM, The River Room 

Following the Fellowship Dinner, all are invited to stay for a screening of the PBS documentary Slavery by Another Name based on Don Blackmon's Pulitzer Prize winning nonfiction book of the same title. The film explores the largely untold history of how the reality of slavery evolved in America after its legal abolition by the 13th Amendment. Following the film, all will have an opportunity to reflect and share in small table discussion groups using structured questions. We will conclude the program at 9 PM. For any who wish to participate after the program, we will offer the evening service of Compline (see announcement below).
If you wish to learn about the ongoing work in the church toward racial healing and how to participate, please contact Fr. Jenkins. An outstanding introduction and orientation to contemporary work of racial healing can be found in this interview with Dr. Ibram Kendi about his book  Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America .
"The Lord Almighty, 
grant us a peaceful night and a perfect end."

COMPLINE - closing prayers for the day
Wednesday, June 19, 9  PM Please note the change of time
Chapel of St. Peter & St. Paul 
Bring your mid-week evening to a prayerful close in a still, candlelit sacred space with one another and God. Compline is a much beloved, simple prayer service for the end of the day. It also may be observed in private at the end of your day and is found on p.127-135 in The Book of Common Prayer. 
Longest Day Luncheon and Musical Memories
Friday, June 21

On the summer solstice, people across the world will participate in fundraising activities to fight Alzheimer's disease. Saint Paul's Outreach Committee invites you to join us that day in remembering those in our parish who have died or who are living with the disease.

11:15 AM, Tyler Hall. Sandwiches and a message on coping with the disease by Beth Williams of Alzheimer's Association.

12:00 noon, Nave. Dr. Robert Foster, Professor of Music at Augusta University, will present a program with several local musicians in memory of his father and others who have succumbed to or are living with Alzheimer's disease.

We also invite you to share with us the names of your friends or family to be remembered in our bulletin for this event. There is no charge for the luncheon or concert, but donations to fight Alzheimer's disease are appreciated. Make a donation to the Alzheimer's Association either online or at the event. Contact Marilyn Grau for more information. 
Master's Table Soup Kitchen
Saturday, June 22, 9-10:45  AM
NEW PROCEDURE: RSVP required by Master's Table & limited space.
The Master's Table Soup Kitchen located at 702 Fenwick Street will be staffed and sponsored by Saint Paul's Church volunteers. This is a great opportunity to get to know other parishioners while chopping, stirring, and preparing lunch for 150-250 guests. Contact Al and Laraine Yarbrough for more information.
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community, grades 6-12) 
Trip to Carowinds
Monday, July 15, 7:30 AM -  9 PM

Calling all EYC members for some SUMMER FUN! We are going on a trip to Carowinds on Monday, July 15th. We will leave Saint Paul's Church at 7:30 AM  and return that evening at 9 PM . The cost for this trip is $10 per person to cover the cost of the van. Carowinds is home to the Fury 325 rollercoaster and the Intimidator, as well as Carolina Harbor Water Park.  We will enjoy it all! To make a reservation, please email Todd Shafer  as soon as possible.
Saint Paul's Night at the Ballpark
Tuesday, August 13, 7:05 PM
RSVP now!

Saint Paul's Night at the Ballpark returns Tuesday, August 13, 2019 at 7:05 PM. Come out and root for the Greenjackets at SRP Park and join in fellowship as we welcome a new school year and the beginning of a new church season. Tickets are $20 and include an all-you-can-eat buffet of hot dogs, hamburgers, BBQ, and grilled chicken (tea and soft drinks included). There is an $80 maximum cost per family. To make a reservation, please email Todd Shafer . There are only 85 tickets available.
EfM: Calling the Curious
2019-2020 ENROLLMENT is OPEN!!

Are you curious about your growing in faith? Consider  Education for Ministry  (EfM), a small-group experience with a big impact. Fall enrollment is now open. The Tuesday morning EfM group has 3 spaces available, and the Sunday evening group has 6 spaces. NEW for EfM ALUMNI: alumni may participate in ANY year of study under the new curriculum for the cost of your books-no tuition. NEXT STEP:   Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau and Kathleen Chandler  or Fr. John Jenkins  to explore this opportunity.
Donate Summer Music

On the summer Sundays when the choirs are on vacation special music is provided by guest instrumentalists or singers. If you'd like to donate the music on these Sundays please email Director of Music, Keith Shafer or call him, (706) 724-2485 ext. 215 for further information and cost. Gifts can be made as thanksgivings or memorials.
Looking Ahead 
Independence Day Service 
July 7, 11 AM

Invite someone to join you at Saint Paul's for our Independence Day Service & BBQ Parish Dinner July 7, at 11:00 AM. Our scripture readings, prayers, and music will help us give thanks for the blessings of liberty with which we have been entrusted.
Parish Barbecue 
July 7, The River Room 

Following our Independence Day service, we will gather in the River Room for a BBQ Parish Dinner. Come share your BBQ pork, chicken, or beef specialty. If the smoker or grill is not your passion, bring your favorite side dish to share! 
Contact Todd Shafer  for more information.
july-fourth-sparkler.jpg Independence Day Memorials and Thanksgivings

Included in this year's Independence Day service will be patriotic music performed by a brass quintet, percussionists, and the Saint Paul's Choir and guest singers. You are invited to help make this possible by making donations in memory of a loved one, a veteran, an active duty member of the military, or in thanksgiving for someone or something about America that you would like to celebrate or recognize. Please contact Keith Shafer in the Saint Paul's Music Office, or by telephone at (706) 724-2485 x 215.
The deadline is July 1.
Open Sundays for Altar Flowers Third Quarter
July 21, September 1 & 8

Open Sundays for altar arrangements: July 21, September 1 & 8. If anyone would kindly like to sponsor a Sunday in honor or memory of someone or "many" someones, please contact the Parish Office. The normal charge is a minimum of $100. What a lovely way to remember or honor someone and contribute to the Flower Guild at the same time.
News from the Diocese

 Click here to read this week's Diocese of GA Newsletter: From the Field

From the Search Committee:
A Prayer for the Election of a Bishop

Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a bishop for this Diocese, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

                                                                 1979 Book of Common Prayer, page 818
June 2019
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.

Our "Second Sunday"  Birthday Celebration for June  will be June 9.  

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