IC CAE Research Fellowship Opportunities
Spring 2021 Research Fellowship with National Intelligence University

The Rutgers Center for Critical Intelligence Studies, a federally designated Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence (IC CAE), has partnered with National Intelligence University to create virtual research fellowships for students from Rutgers University, Borough of Manhattan Community College, City College of New York, and New Jersey City University.

Students will provide approximately 10-15 hours of research assistance per week on a research project under the mentorship of professors at the National Intelligence University. Research will take place remotely for the duration of the fellowship: January 2021-May 2021. Selected students may receive a stipend from the Rutgers IC CAE Program but are encouraged to seek academic credit for participation in the research fellowship. Due to the funding source, selected students must be United States citizens. Students from all academic disciplines are invited to apply.

Miller Center for Community Protection & Resilience – Pandemic Task Force

The Rutgers Center for Critical Intelligence Studies, a federally designated Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence (IC CAE), has partnered with the Miller Center for Community Protection & Resilience to create virtual research fellowships for students from Rutgers University, Borough of Manhattan Community College, City College of New York, and New Jersey City University.
Selected students will serve on a research project team that will work to execute in real time an ongoing strategic assessment of the US response to the COVID-19 pandemic at the federal and state level to identify evidence-based policy decisions that would, if implemented, reverse the current course of the virus.

Students will provide approximately 10-15 hours of research assistance per week on a research project under the mentorship of professors at Rutgers University. Research will take place remotely for the duration of the fellowship: January 2021-May 2021. Selected students may receive a stipend from the Rutgers IC CAE Program but are encouraged to seek academic credit for participation in the research fellowship. Due to the funding source, selected students must be United States citizens. Students from all academic disciplines are invited to apply.

Applications are due on December 23, 2020. Students will be notified of selection
in early January.

Please contact avamaj@rutgers.edu with questions.
CCIS | 106 Somerset Street, 7th Floor, New Brunswick, NJ 08901