August 3 , 2020
FACES OF DEVOTION :  Our Domestic Church
What's your domestic church like? Do you need ideas on how to create one? Watch Greg Coogan talk about ways we can instill devotion into our lives, talk to our kids about social distancing, and help our neighbors during this pandemic.
Does the Assumption of Our Blessed Mother have any relevance in our day-to-day lives? Yes, if we take a fresh look at things.
by Fr. Al Pehrsson, CM, a resident of St. Catherine’s Infirmary, Philadelphia
Have your child or grandchild win our coloring contest. Click here to access a larger version of this comic to color. Send finished artwork to CAMM Communications, 475 E. Chelten Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19144. The top five best submissions will receive a free coloring book from The Shrine.
Share your Marian devotion and Shrine photos with us on  Instagram and Facebook.

How much do you know about St. Vincent de Paul's devotion to Mary? Watch our latest virtual event  with St. Catherine Labouré and learn more.
Ever since St. Patrick arrived on the shores of Ireland preaching the Catholic faith, the Irish have held a deep love for the Mother of God in their hearts. 

When she appeared in Knock more than 13 centuries later during the Great Hunger, she brought the people comfort and hope. She brought them strength and renewal. And she brought them her Son. 

Their devotion to her could only deepen. That love has bridged the distance between Philadelphia and Knock, uniting the faithful in both places for a unique event.

Join us virtually on Sunday, August 16, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. for a special Mass and celebration in honor of Our Lady of Knock ( learn more about the day ).

In collaboration with the Knock Shrine in County Mayo, we'll see the lovely sites of Knock, hear about the apparition and message from the rector, Fr. Richard Gibbons, enjoy the musical stylings of Co. Mayo Irish tenor Cathal Gavin and America's own Andy Cooney – and be entertained by the Rince Ri Irish Step Dancing School, and Bagpipes.

Enjoy Ireland without leaving Philly . Be part of this exceptional day by bringing your love for Mary, your prayers, and your hope — and help build a brighter future by building a shrine to Our Lady of Knock

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
The Miraculous Medal Shrine’s Gift Shop offers a variety of Miraculous Medals, Novenas, and other religious products, cards, books, and mementos.
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