Outreach is asking parishioners to make casseroles for SHIP during the month of January. Any and all types of casseroles are welcome but those that contain protein are greatly needed. In addition, SHIP is requesting pop top cans of meats, particularly sardines, Vienna sausages, beef hash or any other type of canned meat you find. They receive many cans of tuna but not other meats. They must be the pop top type of cans. If you can drop your donations at the SHIP office (87 E High St. Somerville) please tell them you are from St. Martin’s. They close their office at 2:00 p.m. If you would like your donation picked up and delivered to SHIP please call Marlene at 908-704-9527.
In February St. Martin’s will be delivering Valentine cards to Complete Care at Green Knoll. Outreach is asking that parishioners, young and old, participate in this activity. If you are artistic, please feel free to make some cards. If not, inexpensive Valentine’s cards or blank note cards with a message written inside will be equally appreciated by the nursing home residents. A box will be at the church on February 7th for your donations. More information to follow.