Rey Connection
This Week
at the Rey Cultural Center

Curious George Cottage

**The Rey Center will not hold programming in the Cottage until further notice to support the effort to decrease spreading of COVID-19.**
Remote Programs
Install the free ZOOM program:
As we are still encouraged to keep to ourselves, this is a time to try something new. A shout out to all of our supporters and members for adjusting and growing Arts, Nature and Literacy programming.

This is a work in progress, so we appreciate your willingness to work with us through the learning-curve.

Check Remote Programs on our website for additional activities added weekly.
Nature, art and science based activities to do with your kids at home

20 Days of Curiosity! ** New calendar coming next week
SPRING-O **Think BING-O for Sprin g

9:00am Friday April 10th Kids Story Group-Zoom Meeting ** Suggested grades 4th-6th, or ages 8-12
Come prepared to share your own thoughts, questions, feelings, and connections with us.

This week we will explore and discuss 'The Nightingale" by Hans Christian Anderson. In this short story we meet an emperor who lives in an ornate palace that draws that attention from visitors near and far. The emperor hears a beautiful bird song, and sends his most trusted advisors and servants to find the bird and bring it to the palace so that he can always hear it singing. The emperor is surprised to find that the bird is quite plain, and longs for a bird that is as beautiful to look at as it is to listen to.

Read along with us to discover the fate of the relationship between the emperor and the nightingale.

11:00am Saturday April 12th Kids Saturday Morning Story Time-On our website & FaceBook Page
Listen to stories of your favorite monkey and more, go to our homepage Saturday at 11:00, then snuggle up for stories from the Curious George Cottage!
Each Story Time will be archived for watching again (or later) on the "StoryTime "  page under our Kids Programs.
12:00pm Wednesday April 8th Sustainable Gardening with Kelly Cannon

* Join Kelly for a video introduction and print your checklist, available Wednesday @12pm from our "Gardener's Corner"

Kelly is Environmental & Gardening Educator and Herbalist and she will help you start off right with tips for your garden this month!

Weekly episodes in April posted each Wednesday @12pm to our Gardener's Corner.
Week 2-Seed Starting

Watch for detailed schedule to be posted next week
4:30 Saturday April 11th Literary Discussion Group- Zoom meeting until further notice.
Discuss short stories each week, this group has been meeting for over 20 years. Now, no matter where you are, you can be a part of this group! Download Zoom here, then read the story and join the zoom meeting Saturday at 4:30

Meeting ID: 586 222 726
Password: 019462

If you need assistance with Zoom or accessing stories, please contact
A Rey community member recently suggest we add a virtual bird cam, who are you seeing when you're at home or out and about?
Take a pic and send to me and I'll share with our group.
If you want to see into more birds from around the world, click here for bird cams.
Birding-Counting is Caring

There is no better time to get involved because we are facing a bird emergency. In a study published by the journal  Science  last fall, scientists revealed a decline of more than one in four birds in the United States and Canada since 1970—3 billion birds gone. In addition to these steep declines, Audubon scientists projected a grim future for birds in  Survival By Degrees , a report showing nearly two-thirds of North America’s bird species could disappear due to climate change. Birds from around the world are facing similar challenges and declines. Counting birds for science is one simple action that individuals can take to protect birds and the places where they live.
"In order to understand where birds are and how their numbers are changing, we need everybody's help," says the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Marshall Iliff, a leader of the  eBird program  which collects the GBBC data. "Without this information, scientists will not have enough data to show where birds are declining."

Here's a great app for identifying :
Save the Date
Rey Cultural Center Annual Meeting
May 15th, 5-6pm **
at the Curious George Cottage
All are welcome
**Date may be changed TBD
| The Rey Cultural Center | 603-236-3308 | |