Ventura County 4-H
July 31, 2020
Congratulations, Sespe 4-H Club!
You win $300!

The last signup came through at quarter to midnight! Sespe held onto first in a close race! Santa Rosa Valley came in 2nd, just 3 short to tie or 4 to win! Loma Vista made a strong showing in 3rd, and Las Posas came close to 3rd! Great job by everyone!

Overall, we have 127 signups as of this morning, so that means Ventura County will be the first in the COUNTRY to get the new 4-H debit card! How exciting!

Final numbers:
Sespe (31) - added 1
Santa Rosa Valley (28)
Loma Vista (19) - added 1
Las Posas (16) - added 4 more!
Bardsdale (6)
Conejo Valley / Simi (4)
Briggs (3)
Citrus Valley (2)
Mira Monte (2)
Chief's Peak (1) - a new club entrant, bravo!
Del Norte (1)
Somis (1)
Non-Club / Ventura County / VMO (13)

Here's an example of what can happen for Ventura County 4-H:
If we can get just 30 people to use the 4-H card for $1000 of their monthly purchases, that will give our county $300 a month income. If 3 people use the round-up feature, that will give us another $26 a month. (The round-up amounts are tax-deductible, btw!) This money can be used for things like college scholarships, special events, recognition gifts, or anything we choose.

If you filled out the interest form, you are on the Groundswell mailing list, so you will soon receive a link to apply for the card. We need to think of a special name for the first 100 card-holders - Emerald Members? Gold Star Members? Ideas, anyone? And if you haven't signed up to be on the mailing list to be the first to get the application, click the button below and fill out the form:
Enter the 4-H Virtual Youth Expo!

You've learned how to take great photographs, bake tasty lemon bars, and build a birdhouse, so now it's time to enter your creations in our first-ever virtual youth expo. Here, you will find every category you would find in the Ventura County Fair's Youth Building, and you don't have to drive down there and wait in line to enter them! Please see the Entry Guide for details and enter below.
President's Volunteer Service Award
Deadline to apply / email your hours:
July 31 (today)
Dear 4-H Families, 
I'd like to encourage all Ventura County 4-H youth and adult volunteers to apply for the President's Volunteer Service Award.
 "The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) recognizes incredible individuals who are committed to a high level of volunteer and service. These individuals work tirelessly to help solve some of the toughest challenges facing their communities, and our nation."
The  criteria to apply  for the PVSA Award: 
  • 4-H Member must have completed a minimum of 25 hours of community service. 
  • Over 50% of the community service hours must be with or through 4-H. 
  • Community service outside of 4-H must have documentation with the number of hours and a signature from the event organizer. Copies of documentation must be submitted with your  spreadsheet or those hours will not be counted towards your total hours. 
  • Some activities may not qualify.
  • Only volunteer hours that can be verified will be counted.
  • Volunteers can only apply through one organization per year for a given set of volunteer hours.
If you are interested in applying for this award please submit a spread sheet with the following information to me by Friday July 31st, 2020 via email to   Spreadsheet should include your name, AGE, and clearly indicate the following:
  • Dates you volunteered
  • The hours you volunteered each date
  • The name of the organization you volunteered 
  • Brief description of what you did when you were volunteering. 
All hours must be in a 12 month period. (i.e. May 2019 - May 2020 or July 2019- July 2020) 
Minimum amount of hours to be eligible is 25. I can only count hours that I can verify.
(You can submit your Community service Record Book page in lieu of a separate spreadsheet if it includes the following information.)
Nancy Smith  Age 12
Date - Hours - Organization - Description of Service
07/14/19 - 1.5 hours - 4-H - Ran an educational Booth at the SImi Agricultural Days 
10/02/19 - 3 hours - 4-H - Collected 50 lbs of food for TOTSOCE
Submissions received after Friday, July 31st will not be considered for this year.
+++PLAN AHEAD! Be sure to start keeping a record of your community service hours for next year; we will submit applications for July 2020 - July 2021 and the submissions will be due July 31st next year.+++
Thank you, 
Amylynn Robinson
Ventura County 4-H
Recognition Director
2020 Record Books Schedule / Timeline

August 23:  Scanned Record Books due to   or if you're submitting a traditional hard copy RB: porch drop-off @ 1230 Rambling Road, Simi Valley
August 29:  Evaluators Training (virtual) from 9-10 a.m.
August 29-September 27: RB Evaluation 
October 14:  RB Interviews

For this year, Record Books DO NOT require Expression Pages or Collections of Work. If members choose to include those in their RB, those components will not be scored in order to keep the competition equal in the scoring rubric.

7/30 - 8/7 Registration for the Junior Livestock Virtual Auction
Sat 8/1 YQCA due for Junior Livestock Virtual Auction
7/1 - 8/2 Enter items in the Ventura County 4-H Virtual Youth Expo
8/2 - 8/15 Ventura County 4-H Virtual Youth Expo : Website will launch and show submitted items for everyone to see!
Jan. 17-21, 2021 Presidential Inauguration 2021 (VC 4-H'ers are attending!)
It is the policy of the University of California (UC) and the UC Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources not to engage in discrimination against or harassment of any person in any of its programs or activities Inquiries regarding ANR’s nondiscrimination policies may be directed to UCANR, Affirmative Action Compliance & Title IX Officer, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2801 Second Street, Davis, CA 95618, (530) 750-1397. Complete nondiscrimination policy statement can be found at
Ventura County 4-H
 287 S. Briggs Rd.
Santa Paula, CA 93060