September 2021
Message from Loretta V. Bush, CEO, Authority Health...
Create community immunity through the COVID vaccine: Everybody in

From the discovery of the smallpox and polio vaccines through the succession of flu vaccines today, immunity from many, life-threatening diseases is best provided through vaccinations. Recently, the Food and Drug Administration approved the Pfizer COVID vaccine, reassuring those who have been concerned about getting vaccinated. The FDA is also reviewing the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines, as they remain available under emergency use authorization.

           The goal in promoting vaccines is certainly to protect individuals from becoming seriously ill and possibly dying. But the greater goal is creating community immunity, which is also known as “herd” immunity.

           As we have seen from the COVID pandemic, particularly through the delta variant, germs travel quickly through interpersonal contact. That’s why we wear masks and recommend physical distancing. When enough people are vaccinated, the disease can’t travel as easily from person to person, making it less likely that the entire community will become sick. If a person doesn’t become sick, there’s less chance of an outbreak because it’s harder for the disease to spread. Eventually, infections are reduced, and often eliminated.

           We are fighting a pandemic of historic proportions. Vaccinations have been, and continue to be, our best hope for managing the disease. Many employers, governmental agencies, and health systems are requiring their employees to vaccinate.

           At Authority Health, we have followed strict public health guidelines for a safe work environment. We developed an extensive playbook for masking, personal hygiene, and distancing for our return from remote work in July. We have made COVID vaccination available to all Authority Health staff, and we are pleased with their acceptance. 

           As we approach the flu season, please consider this vaccine as well, especially for older adults and people with pre-existing chronic illnesses.  And parents, be sure that your children have their required immunizations.

           Get the shot. Be protected. And protect our community. Call (313) 824-1000 for COVID and other vaccinations. 

In health,

Loretta V. Bush, MSHA
VIDEO - Get Vaccinated!
VIDEO - The COVID-19 vaccines prevent severe illness, hospitalization, and death. Get Vaccinated! For more information on the COVID-19 vaccines, call our COVID-19 hotline at (313) 217-3800. To make an appointment for your vaccine, call (313) 824-1000, prompt #1.
Steven Henry reflects on his experience being a 2021-2022 Detroit Albert Schweitzer Fellow
“My experience has been great... I have gained so much knowledge from the residents of the 48205 area, which has given me the opportunity to connect and network with local business and church leaders. The residents have shared with me that they are happy that someone cares enough to help the residents to make change and help give them a voice about their community.”

Steven Henry is a 2021-2022 Albert Schweitzer Fellow, Detroit Chapter, and student at Seton Hall University
Questions about Medicaid, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) answered during Facebook Live
Pictured: Medicaid Finance Specialist, Rashidah Cottingham, Social and Community Service Manager, Michele Adams-Calloway, and Medicaid Finance Manager, Cheryl Porter-Hawkins
Recently, our health insurance navigation staff took to Facebook Live to discuss frequently asked questions about health insurance, specifically Medicaid and Medicare. You can check out the Facebook Live video by clicking HERE.
Authority Health staff work to promote a healthy community for youth in the Nardin Park, Russell Woods communities
Pictured, left to right: Michele Adams-Calloway, Cheryl Porter-Hawkins, Denita Johnson, Vincent Jones, and Adrienne Davis.

Recently, several Authority Health staff members distributed information about services offered at the Hope Family Health Center, our school-based practice that caters to children and adolescents in Hope Academy and neighborhoods surrounding it.
Community Health Blog: Chronic disease did not go away during the COVID pandemic
The recent death of Detroit restauranteur Greg Mudge from hypertension is a sobering reminder that the “silent killer” remains a vital health risk. While we have been preoccupied with enduring the ongoing threat of the COVID pandemic, chronic diseases like hypertension remain a population health concern, especially in Michigan. READ MORE
Authority Health Board of Directors Meeting - September
Public comments can be sent to with the subject line: BOD Public Comment.
Authority Health is a public body corporate serving the needs of the health care safety net. It sponsors the nation’s second-largest graduate medical education teaching health center and community-based wellness centers. In addition, Authority Health provides extensive enrollment and navigation services, as well as professional training opportunities.

Authority Health | 313.871.3751 | |