April 6, 2020
NSR Updates
Important Announcement from the NSR
In response to Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb’s “shelter in place” executive order and directive, the National Swine Registry will be operating with limited staff and providing only critical in-office services. Our priority is the safety of our staff and being responsible neighbors, while also maintaining essential business functions. This new format will be followed beginning Tuesday, March 24, 2020 until Monday, April 20, 2020. Below is a list of our recommendations during this time period:

  1. Staff will be working remotely. If you have an urgent need, please email first then try to call. Email will be the most effective way to track and record necessary work. We will be as responsive as possible during this time period.
  2. Pedigree information and work should be completed either through online registration or emailed to the appropriate breed secretary. Work orders and requests should be done online as much as possible. Please visit nationalswine.com for more information. We will do our best to have timely turnarounds, but please plan accordingly and expect delays in receiving work.
  3. If you have accounting needs, please utilize the online bill payment option or correspond via email when possible. While we do not anticipate disruptions in financial processes, please be patient as we work through this changing situation.
  4. If you have DNA testing needs, please mail them to the office as soon as possible. We do anticipate delays with business disruptions from our labs, so the more proactive members can be the better.

Additionally, NSR staff are still working and planning for our summer events including The Exposition, National Junior Summer Spectacular and Summer Type Conference. Please stay up to date on any changes or updates via our website, social media platforms, or e-blast. In the event something changes with these events, we will inform you as soon as possible and establish entry return policies.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through these unprecedented times. Our goal is to still provide the best customer service possible to our members while also protecting the health and safety of our staff and their families.
Should you have questions please do not hesitate to reach me directly either via email or by cell.
Clay Zwilling
Chief Executive Officer
National Swine Registry
Update Regarding NSR DNA Samples
The NSR is currently able to to complete the testing of DNA samples. However, due the current "shelter in place" directive, there are delays. If you will need DNA results completed for The Exposition, we encourage you to submit those samples as soon as possible.
NJSA Virtual Skillathon Contest
The NJSA is very excited to offer its members the opportunity to compete in a VIRTUAL Skillathon Contest. Read below for all contest details.
Virtual Skillathon Contest Rules:
Two Divisions:
Novice (ages 8 and under), Junior (ages 9-12)
Intermediate (ages 13-16), and Senior (ages 17-21)
Click the appropriate link below. You must enter your email and then a link will be sent to that email allowing you to complete the quiz.
Novice/Junior Skillathon Link
Intermediate/Senior Skillathon Link
You will have 60 minutes to complete the quiz. Ties will be broken on the fifth station score. If there remains a tie, it will be broken on the total amount of time it took to complete the quiz.
The Virtual Skillathon Contest will open Friday, April 3 and close Wednesday, April 8 at noon Eastern Time.
The top three winners of each division will be announced Friday, April 10.
Skillathon Study Resources
National Pork Board Junior Skillathon resources: https://lms.pork.org/Tools/View/skillathon-quiz-bowl

The Maschhoffs Pork Production Scholarship
Each year The Maschhoffs awards up to five $1,000 scholarships to college students who are focusing on a career in the commercial swine industry. The application deadline is Friday, May 1. For more information and to apply, click HERE .
Update for Indiana State Fair Exhibitors
The Indianapolis 500 has been rescheduled for August 23, 2020. The reasoning for rescheduling the event is due to the three-week preparation that is necessary to host the Indianapolis 500. This is also the weekend of the Indiana State Fair Open Swine Show. The Indiana State Fair staff recommends reserving hotels rooms as soon as possible.
NSR is Seeking Director of Junior Shows Position
The Director of Junior Shows works cross-functionally with the Director of Education and Outreach and reports to the Vice President of Operations. This role is responsible for, but not limited to, operating the shows and events of the National Junior Swine Association (NJSA). This position plays an integral role in facilitating and developing the NJSA shows and events and will support the efforts of the Events and Education Department. This full-time position is located at the NSR office in West Lafayette, Indiana. The application deadline is Wednesday, April 15. For a full job description, click HERE . For additional questions and to apply, contact NSR V.P. of Operations Ellen Knauth at ellen@nationalswine.com .
Information Regarding Ractopamine Effects
The NSR is striving to be proactive and keep membership informed on information regarding Ractopamine. Please stay tuned for new information and resources each week.

Marketing & Communications
June Seedstock EDGE Advertising Deadline
The NSR Marketing and Communications Department is working on the 2020 June Youth Issue of the Seedstock EDGE magazine. This issue is mailed to every NJSA member and will be at The 2020 Exposition. The deadline to reserve an ad is Tuesday, April 21. For ad rates and specifications, click HERE . To reserve an ad, contact NSR Creative Design Coordinator DeShea Wallace at deshea@nationalswine.com or NSR Digital Content Manager and Editor Cassie Godwin at cassie@nationalswine.com .